happy thursday!!! heheheh

each day is a HAPPY DAY =D
so keep those beautiful smiles on your face to SHINE! This week has been strenuous...we got our take-home exam assignment! At the beginning, I kept avoiding it...because I had heard it hard, difficult, confusing, frustrating, can't keep within word limits...and also by tuesday, i heard some people have finished, and i hadn't even wrote a word. I was getting quite worried, until the Holy Spirit prompted me to remember what we learnt at yaf. " Your world is framed by your WORDS".

So instead of groaning and moaning ' this is sooo hard", i declared "THIS IS EASY. I CAN DO IT. GOd's STRENGTH IS IN ME. HE CAN EVEN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE, WHAT IS THIS MERE ASSIGNMENT?" INSTANTLY, i felt the Holy Spirit change my mood, change my way of thinking and i was ENERGIZED.

Praise God!! God is truly awesome and He is merciful, and knows what we need, and shows us how we can achieve it through HIS way.
Afterwards, i went back to my computer, (even though it was 12.30am) i managed to read the question thoroughly and type a few paragraphs! I wasn't worried though, because i know that the Holy Spirit, my counsellor, will guide my through, and that worrying (exactly what GRACE mentioned) is just creating more troubles!

ACTION is what we need. That is also another point..lately time has been sooo tight..every minute something needs to be done. Jmom mentioned the other day, Only after a time of purging, will there be a time for glory!

My life needs some purging..getting rid of things that God does not want there, and for us to say "no" to them. I will update on what those are later!
During Chinese lesson on wednesday, i started worrying about how i was going to finish all my work on time. But Holy Spirit prompted me to think about my time, and how efficiently do I actually use it. What i do instead of being productive.
TIME sucking things: ie, msn, facebook, eating, internet surfing.....those things are okay when it is used in measures. But i have realised now that i should separate the things i do.
I.e: when i study, i should ONLY study. Not, study whilst on msn whilst watching t.v whilst eating whilst listening to music. hehehe that's what i usually do, but i want to change!
These habits have affected my devotion with God. When i only do ONE thing at a time, i feel like i'm wasting time, and i should be doing two things...but in actual fact, it just takes MUCHHHHHH longer!
Sometimes during devotion, i eat breakfast, or brush my teeth or change...but then that is not fully devoting my time to God. so now, i'm purging out my bad habits.

Which leads onto my testimony from spiritual encounter!
Before S.E, we fasted, prayed, and prepared our hearts to seek God. What i wanted from S. E was a fresh word from God, because my life was getting really dry, tiring, repetitive and i wanted to be refreshed. On the last night of the spiritual encounter, we were still in worship time, but the Holy Spirit's presence was already present. As we knelt before the Lord, i received a vision.
The vision was me standing at the entrance of two tunnels.
One tunnel was dark and it went on inside curving and twisting and you couldn't see what was inside. The other tunnel was light, and as I walked through the lit tunnel, at the end was a Tree, with birds in it, and light everywhere. My revelation from this vision was that you need to choose the RIGHT path, the path of light that will lead to LIFE.

Don't be distracted by the ways of the world, don't be interested and curious about whats in the other tunnel, as that will lead to a maze of never-ending darkness.
After kneeling down, people were called up to the front for ministry (still during worship time). When anne prayed for me, all i could hear was MORE..MORE.. i wanted more vision, more revelations, and most of all, i wanted my word. When the presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong, i fell back and was immersed in another vision! It was really powerful, as I didn't know what was going to happen.
The vision was in the sky, and i realised that I was flying around- as an eagle. Then i'd look down, and see the ground and patches of darkness. Then I'd swoop down, and *ATTACK* the darkness.
That was my word. *ATTACK* because if we don't attack our darkness and shine light into it, it will grow bigger, and bigger, and that just creates more landing pads for sin to land into- more doors for the devil to come into.
After the S.E, i kept praying about the visions, and what God wanted me to do.
Of the days I do proper devotion, and actually seek God, the Holy Spirit would guide me to read passages in the bible about 'preparing for war' 'being a soldier'...and that lines up exactly with my visions.

What i need to do NOW is to prepare for war, prepare to battle all my bad habits that keep me from growing closer to God. Attack them all, so that I can become a strong warrior of God, ready to fight the good fight of faith!!

sorry about the long post! heheheh!
At least i typed it all out in one go =D


MAGGIE- CLAIM THE VICTORY IN JESUS NAME! YOU CAN DO IT =D hehe mine's due tomorrow too! =D

and again, HAPPY THURSDAY!!!!! and for tomorrow, HAPPY FRIDAY!
can't wait till LIFE GROUP...it's gonna be an awesome time of sharing, and learning, and bonding with our *new* groups!
May the Holy Spirit pour out his annointing on our two beautiful warrior leaders SOUPS n JMOM!
may they have wisdom, patience, and love to build up the life groups!
and may ALL OF US, HELP THEM. We can't just have the leaders doing everything for our army of God =D heheh...let's help out as much as we can, and PRAY for them, encourage them, and of course, LOVEEEEEE THEM =D
like this~ hehehehe how cute is this ^.^ ahhahaha they are so cute whahahaaha
One monkey is holding on to the branch and holding onto the other monkey! The other monkey is holding onto the other monkey! Let's join together, holding onto each other, and onto the TREE OF LIFE!!!

love you all heaps heaps!!

see you all 2moro night!


    ^^ hey princess, love those monkeys..so cute!!! anyway, it is great to hear that you are constantly getting rid of your old habits and grow into the warrior that God has shaped you!!! The future which God has planned for us is full of excitement! I am so looking forward to undergo all the challenges and trials that He has prepared ahead!!!

    Alright, back to studies for me now, so see you tmr at YAF! =)


    hey janey! AMEN!!! and as i am typing this (now that I've just finished my torts take home exam) i know that God will FILL you with wisdom and knowledge so you can do well in that exam!!! He did it for me, so i'm sure He will do it for you!! it's funny how he helped the two of us with that exam...

    yea those monkeys are so cute.. my brother had a t shirt which that pic on it xD



    heyhey jane! i liked the tunnel vision :)
    By the RIGHT path, did u mean right/left right? or right/wrong right? hahaha, i found that funny :P

    Keep up the visions!! XD


    hey WARRIOR! lovee your testimony.. and the interpretation of those adorable baby monkeys!! keep FIGHTING, keep ATTACKING!! keep putting Him first!!!