All or Nothing

Recently, I have been challenged multiple times whether I am truly willing to forsake all for God. Do I love my family more than I love Jesus? Would I rather spend time with my friends rather than God? Would I be willing to forgo the people in my life if it was necessary? Do I put my desires before His?

Truly, the road to follow Jesus is narrow and difficult. You can not walk on it with excess baggage in your hands. You can not walk on it dependent on friends and family.

The love of Christ is of an everlasting, ennobling character, and raises us above all worldly considerations, and places us at the feet of Jesus, with all we have or possess at the disposal of our gracious Lord.

Self is denied, the cross is borne.

In forsaking the world for Jesus, we make a holy exchange. In truth there is more heavenly felicity, more spiritual comfort, more substantial joy, more ecstatic bliss, in the enjoyment of the presence of the blessed Lord in the obedience of faith, than in all the world a thousand times told.

Choose Him... Choose life...
Though none go with me, still I will follow...