Hi girls~

Just got back from YAF a while ago and I can't help but to say it again...

I'm so glad that you chose Jesus as your Lord!! Keep seeking for more of Him and He will reveal Himself to you! Draw near to God and He will draw near to you! (James 4:8)

I'm sure you would have been welcomed by Su's group but just reiterating! xD

Worship was REALLY REALLY GOOD tonight!!!!! God's presence was soo strong I didn't even know time went so quickly! When Sam was wrapping up worship, I just wanted to stay there.. Hehe.. But I know that God's presence doesn't leave us (even when I've gone home from YAF)!!!

The key of tonight's message, LET GO COMPLETELY!

Leave your baggage at the Cross!! -- I hope everyone has done that tonight! Walking out of the chapel with your baggage surrendered to Jesus!!

That really spoke to me tonight... As I was doing devotion this morning (Friday) God lead me to read Galatians 5:7 that says "You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?" Got scared when I read that.. Because I didn't know whether there was something that was hindering me that I don't know about.. I didn't know whether that was referring to something that is current or whether its a warning.. Either way, I left my baggage at the Cross!! I'm FREE~~~

Let this week be a RECEIVING week~ Hehe~

Thats all from me now, have a blessed weekend~

Mandy xoxo

I found a beatiful house with the bless of God

I decided to move out and found one near the church in Monday evening. I searched all the database and found some information which were not so satisfactory. So I began to pray. Let Lord bless me to find a good house near the church. In Tuesday morning, I began to make some phone calls. And nealy all of the house didn't suits me. Then someone in the accommodation service gave me a newspaper, let me try the house in the newspaper. Because I used to looking in a newspaper, the house in it usually is unfurnitured. And suddenly I saw one in Norwood, so I made a phone call and went to see the house. It is a really lovely house near Parade and Portrush, about 4 min drive to church. The rental is only 125 including all expense. One of my friend is also looking for a room. She has already spent about 2 weeks but find nothing. It just took me a morning to find such a good house. I know it is the power of God. Praise God.

I was very excited in Wed and planned to post the experience on the blog. But it was just in Wed afternoon I received my assignment in commercial law. I did a bad job. Only get 9 points out of 20. So I began to be worried and upset. And also I got presentation in Thursday. 2 big assignment due next week. I feel it is mess. I don't even have time to read Bible. But I realized it is devil wanna pull you back. So I began to read Bible today, put God first, let all the assignment wait. I read the story of sow in Matthew 13, 20-22,Jesus said 'The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. The one who received the seed that feel among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, make it unfruitful'. I clearly realized that after I became christian, I always told myself God is real, I felt the power so it is not a thing with shor time. But I fell it is like a lot of people are the seeds in the thorns. Sometimes the worries of life and deceitfulness of wealth make us too busy to talk to God, which we don't even realize it. Like I am always worry about my exam and assignment in the end of semester. And some friends of mine always tell me that they can not come to church because they are too busy. Like they are the seeds but fell among the thorns which make them unfruiful.
this is another aurora pic...i just love these pictures..can't wait to see it in real life! (one day! ^.^ )


How is everyone's week going?? If you don't have time to BLOG....SHOUT OUT (over there <<<<<) just to make your presence known!! =D hehehe Well, back to about purging, amanda and i have finally purgeeedd out the badminton competitions. God is priority, and it was causing us to miss out on too much. I feel much more at peace knowing that I'm putting God first, and not having to rush rush rush on wednesday.

Obeying God doesn't mean going to church...praying..doing devotion, but it means to obey WILLINGLY WHOLE-HEARTEDLY. Nothing you do for the Lord should be done "half-heartedly".

If God has put into YOUR heart to serve on the cooking ministry, ushering ministry, children's church ministry, transport ministry~ DO IT WHOLE-HEARTEDLY FOR GOD!

He will bless you MANY times in fold for what YOU HAVE SOWED! If you have a prompting from the Holy Spirit to serve into a ministry, take ACTION and go for it!!! God wants to bless you for it!

Whatever you SOW, you will REAP. Galatians 6:7 This applies to ALL things, anything you sow, you will reap. All sorts of seeds grow, not only good plants but bad plants too. Flowers grow, but also weeds.beautiful blue orchids....hehehe if u happened to sow blue orchid seeds..weeds...that the flowers amongst the weeds are suffocated. If we sow a good seed, sometimes we can't see it grow because of the weeds that we had sowed. We MUST pick out and get rid of all the weeds, so that we can see the flowers grow.

Yup, watch what you say, do, as the power of life and death lie in the TONGUE.

also! During devotion two days ago, the song "Amazing Love" just came into my head, and the chorus has been stuck in my head.
"..Amazing love, how can it be
that you my king would die for me
Amazing love, I know it’s true
It’s my joy to honor you"

And only until today, I dwelled upon the lyrics, and God revealed that a King so LOVING, so truly devoted to His people, would actually die for them.
The Holy Spirit led me to envision a King leading his army out ....and showed me
only a King that truly loves his people is willing to sacrifice his LIFE for his people
-block the arrows of pain from hitting you
-shelter your heart from the devils attacks
-uses his body to take your bullet..

IMAGINE YOUR FATHER or MOTHER. Someones about to shoot you because you did something wrong, and you deserve to die because you broke the law.
Then as the bullet flies out, your father/mother jumps out in front of you and takes the bullet.
That is how amazing His love is.

only a King so loving, so kind, so merciful....so filed with compassion would die for us. His love is SO AMAZING. SO amazing that He would send his ONLY son...to die for us humans...and how AMAZING JESUS's love for us...to go through all that pain for US..even though many times we rejected him.

So, if anytime you are feeling sad, pressured, lonely, rejected, stressed, bitter, angry.....think about Jesus and our LORD Heavenly Father, and what AMAZING LOVE they have for YOU. yes YOU.
AND Jesus died so you don't have to feel that way anymore!!
You can live VICTORIOUSLY, as he stood in the gap between life and death, so that we can have LIFE.

Let's share this love! Can't keep all good things to yourself! =P
There's so many people out there that don't know this love, and you don't want them to miss out!!!

Well that's what's been on my heart. hehehe

please correct me if I have said something not quite right! =D i'm still learning!

LOVE YOU ALL xoxoxoxo



This is my first post... and I am prompted by the Holy Spirit to write about my testimony

...especially about my visions I shared on Sunday… it’s been on my heart and mind, and it is constantly convicting me. I am certain that God is not only talking to me… but to you urge you
also. TIME is of Essence! We need to run the race FAST!!!

In the midst of praying on that Wednesday night– I suddenly saw darkness… absolute PTICH BLACK (I even had to open my eyes) then once I closed them - it was pitch black again. At this time... I saw my friend ( who has been on my heart for some time now) I saw her faintly as she was far away in the darkness… then I saw her hand reaching out to mine – I reached out… but our hands slipped .. And she went deeper into the darkness…. At this point, I was screaming out to God “NO NO NO!!!... One more chance... ONE more opportunity!!”... Then I heard a voice “I have …. But you missed it” … at that point there was nothing for me to do… I broke down into tears…I looked at my hands and the feeling of her hand slipping away from me was still there…I felt sick to my stomach…

Further into the prayer time… Anne had a vision for me….she said I was standing at the bottom of an Hourglass… and sand particles where falling…. And I was frantically running around the place… cos each sand particle that fell …was a soul. I was trying to collect the sand particles and to push them back up… but I couldn’t. It was at this point I started hearing screams of family and friends unsaved… calling out my name

...these visions showed to me that TIME IS OF ESSENCEwe are running out of time… SAVING SOULS is what we need to do… we are all called to do this…. And it made me realize this URGENCY... that if we miss the opportunity… or more like letting the opportunity slip by... There is no turning back…. Do not waste a day… I do not want to hear my family and friends screaming at me, and I am sure you do not want that either. I just want to say ….there are souls that only YOU can save... only YOU can REACH OUT to… and it is up to YOU to TAKE UP the opportunity… to SEIZE every opportunity... And use it.

So to end… a few basic questions and answers
Who? YOU
When? NOW!!!!!!!!
HOW? By PRAYER (Pray for a heart of
compassion DAILY, so you can be MOVED), FAITH, ACTION (yes just DO IT- speak, send an email/sms, call them do whatever you need to contact them) Don’t worry! Fear stops us from doing things

6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

So have faith, be bold… even if it may be hard sometimes… GOD is with us – nothing can be against us ^_^

Mathew 28:19-20
19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Love you all... and hope you feel this urgency ... lets Run FAST together ^_^

Hiding Place by New Life Worship

Verse 1:
D A G2
I have found myself a hiding place
Em Asus A
I have found myself a secret space
D A Bm
In the shelter of Almighty’s love
In the safety of the Savior’s arms

A Bm G2
I will run to the hiding place
A Bm G2
I will run to the hiding place
A Bm G D
Draw me ever closer to look upon Your face
Em A D
I will run to the hiding place

Verse 2:
D A G2
I have found myself a hiding place
Em Asus A
I have found myself a secret space
D A Bm
In the refuge of the Father’s care
In the cleansing blood of Jesus there

Bm G2
Though my fears may overwhelm me
And troubles may surround
Bm G2
Though the wind rise to take me
Em D/F# A
My hiding place is already found

Verse 1:
D A G2
I have found myself a hiding place
Em Asus A
I have found myself a secret space
D A Bm
In the shelter of Almighty’s love
In the safety of the Savior’s arms


Oh to look upon Your face
Em A D
I will run to the hiding place

A Bm G2
I will run to the hiding place
A Bm G2
I will run to the hiding place
A Bm G D
Draw me ever closer to look upon Your face
Em A D
I will run to the hiding place

Repeat Chorus 2X

A Bm G D
Draw me ever closer to look upon Your face
Em A D
I will run to the hiding place

Find your hiding place where there is no one else but you and God...
Recently, I have been challenged multiple times whether I am truly willing to forsake all for God. Do I love my family more than I love Jesus? Would I rather spend time with my friends rather than God? Would I be willing to forgo the people in my life if it was necessary? Do I put my desires before His?

Truly, the road to follow Jesus is narrow and difficult. You can not walk on it with excess baggage in your hands. You can not walk on it dependent on friends and family.

The love of Christ is of an everlasting, ennobling character, and raises us above all worldly considerations, and places us at the feet of Jesus, with all we have or possess at the disposal of our gracious Lord.

Self is denied, the cross is borne.

In forsaking the world for Jesus, we make a holy exchange. In truth there is more heavenly felicity, more spiritual comfort, more substantial joy, more ecstatic bliss, in the enjoyment of the presence of the blessed Lord in the obedience of faith, than in all the world a thousand times told.

Choose Him... Choose life...
Though none go with me, still I will follow...

He LOVES you!

Hi princesses....

I was greatly touched when I saw the videos of little children of Pakistan coming to know Jesus....there're just sooo many of them with smiles upon their faces......IMAGINE....if God did NOT send Jesus...if Jesus did NOT send His Holy Spirit....if there's NO one willing to share the gospel....if there's NO preacher.....where will these children be?......Wat will they be going through alone?......NO mummy....NO daddy.....NO food.....NO love.....NO smile....

I am very grateful tat Jesus came.....He chose to obey the Father.....Lets be reminded that Jesus has paid it all.....HE LOVES US .....every single one of us...CHOOSE His choice and not go through unnecessary sufferings....For God knows the BEST for us....also choose to share the love with the ppl around us....y keep the precious gifts to urself when u can oways refill ur container with even GREATER gifts from heaven?

Light of the World

Hi girls!!

What a wonderful night??!! Truly God's presence filled the sanctuary!! When you are troubled, come to Jesus. When you are upset, come to Jesus. When you are weak, come to Jesus. When you are lonely, come to Jesus. Surrender all to Him and He will lift you to a place where He wants you to be.
I have something to share. Was going to share at YAF but since we weren't divided into groups, I decided to type it up! xD So, as I was praying last night (before bed) God gave me a vision. I saw one of the staircase at Adelaide Uni which is outside the Barr Smith Library that leads up to Hughes Plaza. I then saw the back of a man walking up the stairs... He was in a white robe and was GLOWING with glory! It was JESUS! At Uni! After I saw the vision, God gave me a Bible reference: John 12. I was about to sleep so the lights and stuff were already turned off... So in case I forget the reference, I set a reminder on my phone that was going to ring during devotion time the next morning.

In the morning, before my reminder alert went, I already turned to John 12 because I was excited to see what God had to say to me. Because I got the reference right after the vision, I was certain that the passage would give me an explanation.. Well, either to tell me that my interpretation was wrong, or to confirm it. When I got to the end of the chapter, I got my answer.

v. 35-36 "A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. While YOU have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light." [Replace 'sons' with 'daughters' to personalize the Word~]

v. 46 "I have come as a light into the world that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness"

Whoa! That was an explanation of the vision! I believe that God is trying to tell us that because Jesus is the LIGHT of the world and He lives inside of us, so wherever we go, we bring His LIGHT with us. When we go to Uni, Jesus goes. Let us be the LIGHT that shines for Jesus at Uni! Take every opportunity to talk and bring life to the people around us! This is a year of ACTION right??

Have a good nights rest and dream Godly dreams xD

Mandy xoxo
expect the unexpected






Though it tarry, wait for it;
Because it will surely come
It will not tarry.
Habakkuk 2:3

Many of us desire to pluck our fruit in June rather than wait until October,
and so, of course, it is sour and immature; But God's purposes ripen slowly and fully, and faith waits while He tarries, Knowing He will surely come and will not tarry too long

"Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him
And He shall bring it to pass...
Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him
Do not fret...it only causes harm"


happy thursday!!! heheheh

each day is a HAPPY DAY =D
so keep those beautiful smiles on your face to SHINE! This week has been strenuous...we got our take-home exam assignment! At the beginning, I kept avoiding it...because I had heard it hard, difficult, confusing, frustrating, can't keep within word limits...and also by tuesday, i heard some people have finished, and i hadn't even wrote a word. I was getting quite worried, until the Holy Spirit prompted me to remember what we learnt at yaf. " Your world is framed by your WORDS".

So instead of groaning and moaning ' this is sooo hard", i declared "THIS IS EASY. I CAN DO IT. GOd's STRENGTH IS IN ME. HE CAN EVEN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE, WHAT IS THIS MERE ASSIGNMENT?" INSTANTLY, i felt the Holy Spirit change my mood, change my way of thinking and i was ENERGIZED.

Praise God!! God is truly awesome and He is merciful, and knows what we need, and shows us how we can achieve it through HIS way.
Afterwards, i went back to my computer, (even though it was 12.30am) i managed to read the question thoroughly and type a few paragraphs! I wasn't worried though, because i know that the Holy Spirit, my counsellor, will guide my through, and that worrying (exactly what GRACE mentioned) is just creating more troubles!

ACTION is what we need. That is also another point..lately time has been sooo tight..every minute something needs to be done. Jmom mentioned the other day, Only after a time of purging, will there be a time for glory!

My life needs some purging..getting rid of things that God does not want there, and for us to say "no" to them. I will update on what those are later!
During Chinese lesson on wednesday, i started worrying about how i was going to finish all my work on time. But Holy Spirit prompted me to think about my time, and how efficiently do I actually use it. What i do instead of being productive.
TIME sucking things: ie, msn, facebook, eating, internet surfing.....those things are okay when it is used in measures. But i have realised now that i should separate the things i do.
I.e: when i study, i should ONLY study. Not, study whilst on msn whilst watching t.v whilst eating whilst listening to music. hehehe that's what i usually do, but i want to change!
These habits have affected my devotion with God. When i only do ONE thing at a time, i feel like i'm wasting time, and i should be doing two things...but in actual fact, it just takes MUCHHHHHH longer!
Sometimes during devotion, i eat breakfast, or brush my teeth or change...but then that is not fully devoting my time to God. so now, i'm purging out my bad habits.

Which leads onto my testimony from spiritual encounter!
Before S.E, we fasted, prayed, and prepared our hearts to seek God. What i wanted from S. E was a fresh word from God, because my life was getting really dry, tiring, repetitive and i wanted to be refreshed. On the last night of the spiritual encounter, we were still in worship time, but the Holy Spirit's presence was already present. As we knelt before the Lord, i received a vision.
The vision was me standing at the entrance of two tunnels.
One tunnel was dark and it went on inside curving and twisting and you couldn't see what was inside. The other tunnel was light, and as I walked through the lit tunnel, at the end was a Tree, with birds in it, and light everywhere. My revelation from this vision was that you need to choose the RIGHT path, the path of light that will lead to LIFE.

Don't be distracted by the ways of the world, don't be interested and curious about whats in the other tunnel, as that will lead to a maze of never-ending darkness.
After kneeling down, people were called up to the front for ministry (still during worship time). When anne prayed for me, all i could hear was MORE..MORE.. i wanted more vision, more revelations, and most of all, i wanted my word. When the presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong, i fell back and was immersed in another vision! It was really powerful, as I didn't know what was going to happen.
The vision was in the sky, and i realised that I was flying around- as an eagle. Then i'd look down, and see the ground and patches of darkness. Then I'd swoop down, and *ATTACK* the darkness.
That was my word. *ATTACK* because if we don't attack our darkness and shine light into it, it will grow bigger, and bigger, and that just creates more landing pads for sin to land into- more doors for the devil to come into.
After the S.E, i kept praying about the visions, and what God wanted me to do.
Of the days I do proper devotion, and actually seek God, the Holy Spirit would guide me to read passages in the bible about 'preparing for war' 'being a soldier'...and that lines up exactly with my visions.

What i need to do NOW is to prepare for war, prepare to battle all my bad habits that keep me from growing closer to God. Attack them all, so that I can become a strong warrior of God, ready to fight the good fight of faith!!

sorry about the long post! heheheh!
At least i typed it all out in one go =D


MAGGIE- CLAIM THE VICTORY IN JESUS NAME! YOU CAN DO IT =D hehe mine's due tomorrow too! =D

and again, HAPPY THURSDAY!!!!! and for tomorrow, HAPPY FRIDAY!
can't wait till LIFE GROUP...it's gonna be an awesome time of sharing, and learning, and bonding with our *new* groups!
May the Holy Spirit pour out his annointing on our two beautiful warrior leaders SOUPS n JMOM!
may they have wisdom, patience, and love to build up the life groups!
and may ALL OF US, HELP THEM. We can't just have the leaders doing everything for our army of God =D heheh...let's help out as much as we can, and PRAY for them, encourage them, and of course, LOVEEEEEE THEM =D
like this~ hehehehe how cute is this ^.^ ahhahaha they are so cute whahahaaha
One monkey is holding on to the branch and holding onto the other monkey! The other monkey is holding onto the other monkey! Let's join together, holding onto each other, and onto the TREE OF LIFE!!!

love you all heaps heaps!!

see you all 2moro night!

God give me the answer

I was very boring and at a loss in monday. Because there were so many assignment and presentations will due soon. I don't know why but at that time I began to worry about tommorrow. What will happen tmw? What will my presentation be? And a lot of things which I should not worry about. I would not calm down and focus on my business, because my heart was totally in a mess. And then I remebered that Anne told me put God first, and he will give you the answer. So I began to read Bible. It was very powerful because soon I found my answer in the Bible. Jesus said ' Therefore do not worry about tommorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' Wooooooooooo, that is the exact answer I need. Suddenly I found I was silly, why I wanna looking for more troubles myself? Thanks God give me the answer.
Let us all continue praying for Maggie for her assignment tmw.

Grace Gong

Lead Me to The Cross

Lead me to your cross, o Lord
Let me be so convicted of your love
That I may take up my cross
And die to myself
More and more
Each and every day

encounter and life after....

encounter weekend sure was amazing... im sure everyone that went would testify of it... thanks be to our God alone!!! like it has been said, every session spoke and touched my heart in a unique way but ill just share what was most significant to me in a personal way

on the last morning, i woke up early and had a time of worship with three of my fellow brothers that was going to be on the worship team with me for that morning (henry, aaron and yuk yuk). it was such a sweet, sincere and tangible time of dwelling in God's presence. He spoke to all of us in personal ways and together, we declared our adoration to Him. when it came to the last session, there was a stirring in my heart right from the start. i could sense His spirit moving. right at the end, even before anne came to pray for me, i felt a weight and a warmth upon me. as soon as she laid her hands on me, immediately, i felt like i was on fire. i felt like i had been injected boiling blood and i remember thinking that it was just too much.... i felt like i was just abt to burst into pieces because i couldnt contain it. He was consuming me with His fire... i even remember looking at my breath and instead of seeing nothing coming out of my mouth, i only saw smoke.... suddenly everything stopped and i was surrounded by a bright bright bright light. it was as if i was looking at the sun directly... then i heard a loud clear voice saying to me, "Su, my dear child, be still and know that I am God. I am the One that you worship, you love, you cry out to, you pray to. I am the One that knew you even before you were born and have been with you throughout your life.... Be still and know that I am God"... After that I couldnt move or talk nor did I want to. I literally felt paralysed... It forced me to do as He said, be still and know that He is God...

From that day onwards, i made a promise that in everything I do, i always take time to include God in it. everyday I am going to pursue Him till i hear His voice, drink of Him and get a touch from Him....

As we all know, we had two prayer meetings following the encounter... on the second one, I was mightily touched by God's presence in such a powerful way. Right at the end when Pastor Chris was giving his departing prayer of God's blessings, i had a vision of heaven. all the angels were bowing down towards a throne, worshiping Him and at the front where the throne was, I saw God seated high. slowly i tried to walk up towards the throne but all I could do was bow before Him.. after I saw it, I thanked God and thought that was it but He was not done with me (yup, He has His own timing!).when i left the chapel to go to the toilet, with every step i took, i felt the weight of God's glory so powerfully upon me... by the time i got to the toilet, i couldnt even go because i was just weeping under His presence... i went to the kitchen to try and get some tissues to wipe my tears and then to the chapel but yet again, with every step i took, i couldnt help but weep under His divine presence... i finally got into my car but as i was driving, i could barely see out of my eyes and i could not stop my hands from shaking nor my legs from feeling numb. by God's protection, i got home safely but when i parked my car, i couldnt get out... i just sat there weeping in God's presence. it was uncontrollable. the weight of God's glory and His splendor was so overwhelming.... it took me more than an hr after prayer meeting before i regained physical strength to stand and talk.

I cant put to words how amazing is our God... all I can do is stand in awe of Him.. Just like the angels, all I can do is bow done before Him and worship Him... when all has been said and done, i just want my life to a sacrifice of love and complete surrender unto Him.

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.

Whiter than snow

Hello princesses and warriors of God,

Our heavenly father is awesome and my everyday is sweeter than the day before! Right now, I just want to share with you the things that I have learnt and experienced with the guidance I received from heaven above.

To make this easier for everyone to read, I will try to crystallise the important parts.
As you all know, we are called to be servants of God and in the past I thought I did well by talking to people in church, and messaging people during the week. However, I failed to realise that I have only been serving God when I was free.

As I was reading this following paragraph from my daily devotional book, it spoke directly to me. ‘If you only serve when it is convenient for you, you are not a real servant. Real servants do what’s needed, even when it’s inconvenient.’
Here, I just want to cry out THANK YOU to our father in heaven who is full of unfailing love for us and continue to convict us with the truth!

As we all know how amazing our God is, He even used Victor to remind me that instead of hiding myself ‘appearing offline mode on msn’, I should be AVAILABLE for people who need to talk to me or share their life experiences with me. On that very same night, a friend of mine from Melbourne messaged me and cried out to me that she was sad because of the far distance she was away from God. She was at the edge of not going to church anymore and was deciding to go according to her own way. As I prayed to the Holy Spirit to use me as the vessel of God and enabled the words of God to be spoken through my lips, her heart became to soften. I spent almost 2 hours sharing with her my spiritual walk and the gospel, also allowing her to be convicted with her own sins, so that she could repent and start afresh! She was saved and thank you Lord for using me to pull her out of the dark pit, allowing her to walk towards the same direction that I am walking now – the way of light! Amen! More importantly, as I was sharing with her that the words of God is like the sword of the spirit, and the bread of life, God also revealed Himself to us at the same time, by directing us to flick to the same page of the Bible, and as my friend read Psalm 18, she felt the personal touch of God once again. There were many other wonderful things that we have shared and experienced together, but the greatest joy for me is to see those poor souls to be saved, because we will be rejoicing together in heaven one day! ^^

Alright, after the previous part of sharing, I still have more…so bear with me!

On Friday night YAF, Anne was teaching about one of the Bible verses: ‘I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.’ Ezekiel 36:25-26

To me, this verse has once again revealed all the wonderful natures of God because He is a forgiving and loving father who cares for us more than anyone else would in this world. So after that, I have been praying to God that I want to be showered by His clean water and that there will be less of me, but more of God. Then this morning as I did my devotion, this Bible verse once again spoke to me: ‘Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.’ Psalm 51:7. Then in today’s sermon, Pastor Christ was bringing out the message that God of light reveals the darkness and shadows in our life, and that we are set free in Jesus’ name! More importantly, as I got home and read my daily subscribed devotional articles on the internet, the same message was brought across to me again. ‘but when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.’ Hebrews 10:12,14

May I just say that I am so very thankful that God sees us with no flaw or imperfection as we honour His word and also because of the finished work of Jesus.
It is essential for us to know that God sees us covered in the beautiful white robes of His own righteousness. He treats us like a righteous man because we are made in the image of Him.

So get out of the shadow of darkness and expect great miracles in life because blessings are on the head of the righteous!

Love you all xoxo,

princess christy

God's Garden

Whoa whoa! It was so encouraging to read all your posts that were written after YAF last night! xD Thanks girls for the summaries of what Jellymom talked about and also for Jojo's awesome sharing!! Not only does testimonies build up yourself but it encourages others as well!!

I've got something to share... Was going to share last night when Jellymom asked people to, but I didn't know how to put it into words... Was still overwhelmed by it at the time... Didn't want to relay the chance to share so gona do it now!

Firstly, worship last night was just AMAZING!!! It was soo POWERFUL!! Thx Soupy and the whole worship team!! When we were singing the song Its For You My King, God's presence was so strong... I suddenly felt like I was in a garden. I tried to google a pic that looks like what I saw but couldn't find one... Here are two, when combined, kinda shows what I saw... The pic on the left shows the layout of the garden... So it was kinda like square-ish and I was *dancing* around in the garden while worshiping God. The pic on the right shows the amount of flowers and colours that was in the garden. The garden was soooo beautiful I was just standing in awe when I first saw that I was in the garden. The garden kinda symbolized God... How beautiful God is and how His presence is soo strong that I'm just fully wrapped around! (I don't remember seeing an exit to the garden, more like I didn't want to find it because I just wanted to stay there!) While being in that wonderful garden, I just can't help but keep singing praises to the Lord! I don't think I was physically dancing, but I was in the garden! xP

Um... I hope that made sense...

Hehe... Have a warm and blessed weekend~~ See you all on Sunday! Can't wait! Only if there are no exams, then we can always have fellowship with one another! Haha!


P.S. It's soo great to see that girls are serving God in all ways possible! Thanks Christy and Maggie for taking on the role of compiling the girls' exam times~ God sees that when you are willing to serve Him in small things, He will entrust you with the BIG things! =)

Let's shine for Jesus

Hey princesses of God,

Did you all have a good time tonight???? I did!!!It was sooooooooooooooo BIG group tonight..Praise God!!!Sooooooooooooooo good to see so many new girls come to our jelly family.I was so touched by seeing all the girls open their hearts to our awesome God.God is using Anne and Supei speak to our lives.I know God is moving in us,he will do even bigger,even mighty things in us and in our NLCC.... Can't wait to see the miracles happen!!!God is a great God.He touched ppl in different ways.When you start a life journey with God,you are actually living the life of miracles...Don't miss out girls,be willing and be able to change your hearts and change your lives..

I know for all the girls who are doing uni are just heaps crazy ...all the assignments and all the tests are just coming up within a month!!!! But you know what? This time will be different,no one will be stress out,no one will be worried!!! As God said "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,and all these things will be given to you as well."(Matthew 6:33)
God is a God of Victory,God is a God who are guiding us to success!!!!We wouldn't be shaken as we live on the rock,we wouldn't be worried as he is our strength,we wouldn't be weak as his wisdom is ours!!!

So Chirsty the beautiful servant of God and me are going to make a prayer calendar of exam.Last year Amanda did a great job.this year is our turn!!!Girls please send to me or Christy (via emails)your exam timetables (which subject..when..what time) and we can write down on the list and send out to all of you.Therefore we can pray specificlly for one another during exam period.As chrisy said:After exams,we will hear mountains of testimonies for our achievements!!!!We are here for loving,we are here for sharing,we are here for encouraging and building up one another!!! We consider others' success as ourselves success!!! We declare our victories in Jesus holy name,the answers of prayer are on the way!!! Prayer is a Key!!! Prayer is powerful!!! "Again,I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for,it will be done for you by my father in heaven.For where two or three come together in my name,there am I with them."(Matthew 18:19-20)

Stay warm,stay sweet..Keeping on fire for God!!!!!!

Love you all abundantly

Maggie xoxo

Hey Jelly Princesses!!

So glad to see such a massive group yesterday nite!!! I love the Monkey catching analogy too^^! Very practical!...Let's not be laughed by the devil as STUPID MONKEYs....so what should we be? Intelligent monkeys? Smart Monkeys? Monkeys with wisdom? NOOOOOOO!!!! We're NOT MONKEYs!!! Who are we? A troop of GREAT WARRIORS created in God's image!!^^

Here's a record of my testimony last nite.....if you wana know what happened during the 1st test...pls read my previous blog^^......Here's the part 2...ehehe....I had a oral+written test on 9th May...we're supposed to have a conversation with the patients (actors in fact) to record down the medications that they are taking...we're given only 3 mins for the conversation part to extract as much info as possible in order to fill in the given form...This test is of the same subject that I didnt pass during the 1st test....This time, I surrender it to God and let God take control...Me and my frens were finding it hard to get sufficient info within the 3 mins limit during our practice sessions.....surprise surprise....the course coordinator suddenly told us that there will only 4 drugs that the patient will be taking instead of the initial 7 drugs! Woa!! that was a great deduction! yay!! so we practised again...we found out that it largely depends on the patient's response during the 3 mins time...if the patient drag on like....umm...uh huh....aa....then goes ur time, there's no way to get all the information down!

I got the girls in our group and Jelly mom too..to pray for me..since there're a lot of pharmacy students, we were divided into 3 sessions...and I'm in the 3rd sessions.....my frens who had their test earlier told me that apparently the patient at station 4 is really cooperative....gues wat?!! Josephine --> Station 4!! ahhaa...I knew instantly that God's favour is upon me...my confidence BOOSTED almost immediately!!.....the patient was really really cooperative! when I asked her questions....she was bombarding me with ans!! Wohoo!! when the results came out.....it was 19/20!!Thank you, Jesus!! I knew that if it wasnt God, there's no way that a situation can be changed in such a 180 degree way! From a fail for the 1st test to a HHD (if there's such a grade...aaahaa) for the 2nd test....it just seem so ridiculous!! BUT...it's ridiculously TRUE!!

Lee Ping and I went over to Jelly mom's place for prayer on Wednesday nite...it was such awesome time we spent....The presence of the Holy Spirit was really STRONG!! We got to a point where we feel like we're lifted above the ground....it just feel so GOOD to be in His presence....God gave us SOO MANY visions....and we're greatly encouraged! I'm sure the other gals will post theirs soon and here's mine...

God spoke through Supei and she told me:
"You were in a forest and you were walking around looking for a stream. The longer you look, the thirstier you got. Finally, you found a stream after much seeking. As you drank of it, you got thirstier so you kept drinking."

and she goes on:

"The WORD of God for you is that you have sought for something more, something to satisfy you; you have sought for Me. I'm right infront of you, drink of Me. As you drink, you will become more like Me. You will grow. And as you drink of me, all the blemishes and imperfections in you will go."

That clearly spoke to me...and it was very accurate that I was seeking more from God...seeking something more that I havent found before and feel thirstier as I read of His word....I feel like knowing some parts of Him is just initiating the curiosity in me to know Him even more!! Amen! Such a Wonderful God we have!

Wah....such a long blog.....thanks so much for your time for reading up till this point...

Remember to Wait LONG ENOUGH to receive your good after you place ur order!!

Love u all!!

Helloooooooooooooooooo all Princess Warriors!

how awesome was LIFE GROUP ^.^ 29 people! woooh multiplication will be an EXCITING TIME!
exciting like this northen lights! like GOD's LIGHT IS SHINING UPON OUR GROUP!!! May we soak in the light and use it!!
even elva was like, ur group must be so exciting! hehehe
and it is!! when we multiply, theres MORE ROOM (spiritually and PHYSICALLY) for MORE AND MORE!!!!
hehehe more room for more girls to sit, and more bonding time for us to get to know each other more, and to go deeper and share our lives with each other!!

mmm how fun will our dinners be ....we'll have like enough food to feed an ARMY........oh yes...an ARMY OF PRINCESS WARRIORS!! i decided to look up warrior princess on google...

"In fictional works, the character type warrior princesses refers to a strong female personality of royal background, determined in pursuit of her goals and eager to take on typical "man's work" like fighting wars or performing manual labour to accomplish those goals. The physical and combat prowess of warrior princesses typically exceeds what would be plausible in real life. The warrior princess character stands in contrast to the stereotype of a "damsel in distress". "

heheheh!!! ROYAL BACKGROUND= Kingdom of GOD!
we PURSUIT our goals and eager to take on MAN'S WORK ....well....God has called all MAN... (inclusive of woMAN ^^)
...fight wars! against sin and the devil! Fight the GOOD fight of faith !
and performing manual labour to accomplish these goals.......we must do ACTION on our faith, and not just be satisfied sitting there, waiting .....we must goooooooo!

we're not "damsel in distress"...waiting on someone to save US....Jesus has already saved us, and so now we must GO and save others.

Tonight, i took a lot of notes ^.^
but i really like the monkey story! TO reiterate for those who randomly read this blog or who didnt go yesterday or who just wants to read it again!

How to Catch a Monkey (the nigerian way)

A hole is dug out in the ground, and a vase thing (small tiny opening at the top that can just fit the monkey's hand, with a large bottom) is put into it. Then some peanuts are put inside. The monkey comes along and smells the peanuts, put its hand in and GRABS on- making a fist.
Then they try to withdraw their arm, but now its a FIST, it cannot fit through.
They are stuck, and the hunter comes along and kills it.

This is an analogy jmom used for us not to HOLD on to our past, otherwise we will just get stuck..and eventually die still holding onto our past.

We must LET GO of our past hurts, failures, so our hands are OPEN for God to save us, to pull us out of danger, and to give us LIFE.
If we hold on, it gives opportunity for devil to come and attack, because we have fallen into his trap.

SO im gonna let go ! are YOU? =D i don't want those peanuts ! hehehehe i want GOD's bread of life!

WOWIES. its late.. i'm supposed to be sleeping early! but i wanted to post before i forget!
oh oh what else spoke to me was, WHAT YOU SPEAK IS WHAT YOU GET.


Speak differently for LIFE to be different - DO something different for your life to be different.

ooh jmom, i will post my testimony soon! xD


love jane
here's a song for yous.....
Drink up girls!!!!

There's a new wine
That' we're drinking
Filled with Holy Ghost power
We're filling up
To the top and overflowing
So step into the river
And drink from the well
Springing up from the fountain
Of the Holy Ghost

Just taste and see
That the Lord is good
Fill me Oh Lord
With your oil of joy
Like a river
Flow through me
Like a fire, burn so free
As I drink like You, I will be
I enjoyed reading this devotion today & thought I'll share it with you lovely girls...

As an eagle stirreth up her nest
Deuteronomy 32:11

The eaglet says, 'Teach me to fly!" The saints often sit idly wishing that they were like their Lord.
Neither is likely to recognize that the prayer is heard when th nest is toppled over!
... The Father breaks up the nest; not to get rid of home, but to teach us to fly.

How great is that!
Amen. Let us seize the moment to fly when God topples our nest,
rather than crying out for the very thing that is stifling our growth.


Much love for the AWESOME birthday wishes! It is so SWEET to have so many sisters looking out for and encouraging me- I really feel blessed that we are sharing this walk together in Christ.

As darling Jojo has mentioned, we have started a fast so that we can experience God even more intimately without any distractions! And doing it together so that we can support and keep each other accountable.

On my part, I have begun my devotions using my ‘life Application’ study Bible to keep me organized and motivated. It’s NLT so this makes for even easier reading! I will keep you girls posted on how this goes. Today I did:

2 Chronicles 15: 12-15

“Then they entered into a convenant to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, with all their heart and soul… All in Judah were happy about this convenant, for they had entered into it with all their HEART. They earnestly SOUGHT after God, and they FOUND him. And the Lord gave them REST from their enemies on every side.”

Indeed, God’s word harbours streams of living water that cleanses and refreshes; it leaves me thirsting for more. And hungering for any form of encounter with God- His word, His blessings, His very presence. I thank God that he is MY SHELTER and MY ROCK- He protects and comforts. I love His REST that He promises, because it’s real and not temporal. It rejuvenates me from the inside out, and because of this I can face the new day with A NEW ME. A new LP who is revived and recharged, and thus ready to take on the world!

A spirit of REVOLUTION is in the air- it’s taking the church by storm. God is calling us no matter what stage we are at in our walks with Him. He is calling us to deny ourselves, to take up our cross daily and to follow Him. His call is urgent; it is insistent and unwavering. It cannot be denied. For only when we give God all we have, and pursue Him with all we have- will we find Him.

Seek God as He has sought you; pursue God as He has pursued you.

So I look to you
So I look to you
No one else will do
No one else will do

~Look to You, Hillsong