Word of Encouragement # 2

"But SEEK first the kingdom and His righteousness, and ALL these things will be given to YOU as well"
~ Matthew 6: 33

addressing ALL SHIMMERING princesses

while you are all busy heads down studying for your mid-year exams, remember to also take the time to open your ear to hear the pitter-patter droplets of r e v i v a l , its at YOUR door step. its getting louder and louder and you don't want to miss out on this.

NOW, is the time to step out, prepare your hearts more than ever before, reach out to heaven and call upon the Holy Spirit to move us, lead us and guide us!

when you pray be specific. PRAYER WORKS to move God's hand. through the Spirit, who intercedes for us, we are able to bring the needs of our family & friends who live half a world away from us to the Father, the inventor of heaven & earth. (Hence, He is like super smart!!) YOUR prayer time IS a blessing to the world.

invite Jesus in to your hearts EVERY morning. in Him we have the STRENGTH to do the impossible. ask Him to open your eyes to see & seize the opportunity to reach out to your family & friends.

remember jelly baby is praying for you all and your exams. keep in mind when you walk into the examination room, Jesus walks with you, He sits next to you and He is YOUR invisible textbook. He will never ever let you down.

stay strong, be bold, run fast & keep warm!

with L O V E ,
jelly baby x x x


    salute wongmaster!!
    awesome post <3
    lovely to hear from u ;)
    YESSS! Power of PRAYER!
    woo hooo..send the REVIVAL!
    Let it start with US!!

    Have an awesome God blessed week & see ya friday!


    sry for the late comment jelly baby!! xD but i promised i'll get back to it!

    thanks for the prayers sister!! and thanks for the reminder! Jesus indeed is our invisible textbook~~ xD

    when you have exams, we'll be praying for you as equally fervently!! don't worry! you won't miss out on blessing! =P

    amen! let us seize every opportunity to reach out! exam times can be a good starting point since everyone else who doesn't God's peace/joy/confidence is stressed! We can reach out to those~~ Let us not abandon the Father's business during exam times!



    W O W !!!

    What a BRILLIANT post! I was so encouraged! There's a preacher in you jelly baby! Your post was SO powerful and the words you used really boomed with the truth of God!

    It is definitely a WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT!

    Love you so much!