Hi girls! Women of God! Or as Jane might put it... WARRIOR’s of God’s army – I salute you (ok perhaps that part I added in myself) either way... HI!

You might be surprised with my title... read on so you can understand why I say --> Be distracted!

Friday night at Yaf... I’m sure many people were touched by what Anne said... About LETTING GO... God wants to us to LET GO of ALL our baggage – only when we let go, and surrender ALL of ourselves --> God can take care of ALL of us... and the truth is God knows best... He can take care of us... way better and knows how to, then we ourselves can even comprehend.

I think most of us can say the last 20 mins of Yaf was most memorable... well for me it was...

In the last 20 mins or so we did a sharing time. Anne posed a question What do you need to let go of?” and this is where many people open their hearts and tears were rolling off cheeks.

Its then I realised that all of us have our own ‘test’ to run through and conquer... Everyone’s situation is different and every hurt and pain that people go through is different and unique

Pain- some pains and hurts we go through are so... very... painful (der!- can’t think of another word) ...though some pains maybe more excruciating then others... but nonetheless – it is still pain. I remember one time sharing this to a friend... who was hurting a lot from a broken relationship... I couldn't fully comprehend the pain she was going through but in some way or another I could relate...

Pain comes from all sorts of places, physically - like having a paper cut, falling down a flight of stairs, walking into a pole) I’m sure you can think of more physical pains ( yes the ones I listed I have experienced before.. and if someone knows the pain of walking into a pole can understand how painful that is >.<)
But I'm sure most of you will agree - the EMOTIONAL pain outweighs all... so the pain that sister was going through- was excruciating. The feeling of pain from the heart... CAINS! At least a paper cut you can put a band-aid on... but the heart... No band-aid could cover that wound cos it’s inside and bleeds from so many angles.

How to remove this pain? One may ask. The funny thing is I’m learning about Pain in uni... there are many theories about “pain” and one is the Gate-control theory (by Melzack and Wall 1965) This theory explains why sometimes you have pain but you don’t feel it. Ever had that?... you have this blasting headache... but then when you’re doing something the pain’s not there – or is it? This theory explains that when your mind is set to do something, the pain is ‘distracted’ and your focus is shifted off the pain and onto that something else. Many war victims have been shot or inflicted a wound that is critical and much pain should be felt... but at that time they didn't feel it- till they reach the hospital!

I’m sure most of you can relate... cos even in the world today... to heal pain is to be distracted- to not think about it is like to make it non existence... to not think about it- is forgetting about it... and once you forget about it... it’s not there – therefore no pain... Many people find 'distractions' like going out with friends, work insane hours, play games, watch TV, drugs, alcohol or even study... but they are only temporary, your mind may be off when doing those activities, but after you finished- the pain, hurts, thoughts and memories come crawling back up...

However I must say- being distracted is a good form of overcoming pain- I agree... but is there one that is long lasting? Never stops? ...And the answer is YES... why be distracted by temporary things (the things of the world)... GOD IS EVERLASTING... be distracted by HIS LOVE, HIS GRACE, HIS MERCY, HIS POWER, HIS PRESENCE, HIS JOY, HIS PEACE... the list goes on and on~ so when hurt comes just shift your focus to God.. magnify him and your problems will be small... if you magnify the problem... its HUGE lol... the solution/antidote/(however you want to phrase it) is here... it’s always here and it’s called JESUS when I said there is no band-aid big enough to cover the wounds of the heart – I was wrong- actually there is one... just one... ONE BANDAID CAN! And it is FREE, BIG, STRONG, and WORKS on ALL wounds! Yes that’s right girls the bandaid is called JESUS.

Only Jesus is your antidote to a broken heart. Only the cracks of the heart can be reached and filled by His love. Like I said Distractions can be found nearly everywhere really- but all are temporary... being distracted is a good form of healing pain... so how much more is it better to be distracted by God =] so BE DISTRACTED BY GOD- EVERLASTING!

FOCUS on him - the road to life, and the things of this world will fall into place.

SEEK him and experience the feeling of a healed heart. You’ll receive a peace... not just any peace but a peace that surpasses understanding- you’ll be like ‘hey I use to be like sad... when I think of or do (*fill the blank*)... but now I’m not- I feel happy/content/peaceful/satisfied”

COMMIT to Him. To be distracted is to commit... to hand over.. and not to deal with it by yourself... (Hence getting your mind off it=Distraction) commit is giving it all to Him.

Psalm 37:5 [KJV] Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass

Proverbs 16:3 [KJV] Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

~~~Be distracted!-B-E – Distracted! ...By God =]


    Wow Ali!~ Good post! AMEN! Let us be OLNY distracted by His LOVE, His GRACE, His MERCY, His POWER, His PRESENCE, His JOY and His PEACE!!

    I can so relate to it... It was only last week where I was trying to distract myself not to think of the mountain of assignments I had due. But whenever my mind stopped thinking or I've stopped doing something, the stress would come back. I would again be reminded of the stacks of assignments waiting for me to do it. Thats when I started to worship the Lord. I worshiped the stress away!! And truly, like you said, only God is the 'long lasting distraction' xD


    Hey Ali!!! It's a really motivating post!! I had never thought that way before!! I sense the mini-preacher inside of you...hehe...keep it up!!!

    Let's get Distracted by God and things related to God's kingdom!






    As the mom...

    Let me just add to that inspiring and heartfelt post...


    Substitute pain for healing.
    Substitution implies an exchange.
    So the pain is actually TAKEN OUT and TAKEN AWAY ...

    The process starts with 'distraction' or 'mental/emotional removal/separation of the issue that inflicts pain' ... this implies evasion and is human instinct...

    BUT it takes a heart TRANSPLANT & is made complete with substitution.
    True healing takes place not evading the pain - but in eradicating it.

    So we're not just made over ..
    but made NEW.

    Good girl, ali.

    *SELAH* !!!