Don't waste the power of prayer! =D

hello warrior princesses!!

Battling through studies ??

hehe well..let's have a look at Maggie & Christy's compilation !

JUNE 2008


Enabling occupational Skills Demo

FRIDAY 20th:

Enabling occupational Skills Demo


(9am) JoJo

Human Resourse Management 9:20 Pepi

let's remember these girls in our prayers this week!!! And everyone else for WISDOM,


PRAYER is POWERFUL!!! So whenever you get stressed or tired or sick of study (i was xD)

...take some time to worship and pray!!

It REALLLLLLLLLLLLY helps as Maggie & Christy put on the powerpoint:

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things
will be given to you as

well.“ (Matthew 6:33)

and the prayer:

A prayer for exam

Lord, grant me a quiet heart

While notes and lectures I prepare

May I not lose my zeal for prayer

And may I not forget to look

For daily guidance in Thy Book

In quietness, confidence and peace

May I have sure and swift release

From needless fears and apprehensions

From outward strain and inward tension

And may I ever grateful be

To all who often pray for me

While for myself I intercede

For other students plead

So may examination fins

Each on alert in heart and mind

Thus inward joy and peace possessing

Exams will provide a source of blessing.

In Jesus Name I Pray Amen!

God sent His son for us, and now we have the privilege of prayer!

woo hoo! THANK YOU GOD!!

love you all & GOD BLESS xox


    Thanks Jane for posting up the girls exam timetable here.Reminding us for prayer!!!

    I also put pepi into our list as well.
    21st June Saturday
    Human Resourse Management 9:20

    Girls,Keeping pray for one another,pray until the miracle happen,pray until the blessing fall upon us!!! We're going to bring the glory to our heavenly father!!!