To all my beautiful sisters,

I am sure that we all had a wonderful worship and fellowship time at YAF tonight! It is really exciting to hear that 19 people are getting baptized this coming Sunday, including myself…and I am absolutely grateful to see that God is not only just moving in our midst, but He is at work transforming the each and one of us individually, and yet together as one (hehe…I hope that make sense)

Right now, I just want to share something with you all…I should really have shared it when Anne was asking if we had anything to share. Since now I know that the Holy Spirit is urging me to (my heart was beating really really fast the entire time...really unusual...and i was shaking so much without control during the closing prayer and I just felt the peace coming in as i pray to the Holy Spirit that i would share as i come home), so now I have this burning desire that I will type up this entry even though it’s like 01:18am right now!

It all began since last Friday, when Anne asked us to let go of something that is holding us back, and I knew in my heart that I was struggling with time and rest. (busy with studies, talking to people, housework…. ^^) So after hearing princess Mandy’s testimony about her 2500words essay, I learnt the importance of praising and worshipping God at ALL times! I went home that night, without doing anything at all, I kneeled down on the floor, and just kept praising the Lord in tongues, in prayer and in songs! I could start to feel His presence and that my heart was becoming more and more like a COMPLETE HEART OF WORSHIP! So, I have been praising the Lord, spending lots of time in prayers, praying in tongues when I was on my way to uni, in the kitchen cooking, doing laundry etc. Everyday was so sweet and I could feel that I was so protected in everything I do because I am hidden in Christ! I felt that I was walking into blessings in everything I do, e.g. understood the entire chemistry lecture that I used to fall asleep in sometimes…and cooked yummy food for the people in my house (hehe….my housemate joel actually said..’Christy..your cooking rocks!!’…I had the thought in my mind: ‘That’s because Jesus rocks my world!!’)

Then last night, I just spent some time listening to some sermons on the net and kept feeding God’s words into my heart, and shared a lot with my mom and she is so thankful for the total transformation that God has done on me. And then,

As you see the title: ‘Invest in God, the time is now’, it seems pretty straightforward and easy to understand, but it is not until you have made this decision, then you will be able to receive the rewards that are going to be many-folds in heaven, and on earth!
This was something that God spoke to me last night when I was brushing my teeth, and it just touched my heart so much that I just had to write it in my journal immediately! So, what I think He was trying to tell me was that, in today’s world, people are so attached to earthly matters, both Christians and non-Christians, on things such as investing time, money, affections etc. on certain things/people. However, there are risk managements involve in those issues, and there are never guarantees in receiving what you have hoped or estimated for. But, our God is an awesome, generous and kind, there is a GUARANTEE in investing in God and His kingdom! Be bold in investing to our heavenly father, let go of things that are precious to you, but is yet holding you back, for there is a 100% guarantee that He will be pleased with you and that all goodness shall follow you!

Anyway, I found that was really cool, because it all connects to what Anne has been sharing with us these two weeks, and God knows that I can be a slow learner sometimes…so He is just giving me extra tutorials…hehe =) I am so excited about everyday, knowing that He has so many things to share and to teach me through His words of wisdom!!!

Good nights to all, and make sure don’t let opportunities to pass you by, but INVEST IN GOD, NOW!

I love you all,
Princess Christy


    Hey Christy!! I'm so encouraged hear that you're feeling God's presence in nearly every single moment of ur life!! Eventhough u're brushing ur teeth!! That's heaps cool!! hehe!!

    God has more plans ahead for u!! This is just the beginning!!! More is to come! Desire for more! God truely knows our hearts and as we desire for more....God's just smiling and ready to give us the desire of our hearts....remember...He knows what we want even before we place the order!! Love u Christy...Let's continue to grow in Christ!!

    We share the same surname now...I like ur new name ->> Christy Christ!!!!! Wahahhaa!!!