power of FAITH

Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.
Hebrews 11:1

Think about this for a moment: "To believe in the things that you can see and touch is no belief at all, but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing."(-Abraham Lincoln).

In a life that faith ABOUNDS, doubt is never present. We are in partnership with God; the potential is UNLIMITED. What is true of the great achievers in our history is true for us. Have faith that you too have infinite possibilities to create extraordinary things and change the world.

Whatsoever we CONCEIVE and BELIEVE according to God's word, we can ACHIEVE


Ask yourself: is there anything too hard for the LORD?

Act knowing it is IMPOSSIBLE to fail with God
It shall be done according to YOUR faith


    Thanks for sharing sister! And amen to that for we act as if it is IMPOSSIBLE to fail because it shall be done according to OUR FAITHS!

    'If you do not stand firm in faith, you will not stand at all.' (Isaiah 7:9)

    May we have nothing to hold us back at all and give God all we have.

    Jesus said 'Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?' (John 11:40)

    I read in my devotion today that Jesus heard about the death of Lazarus, and was deeply moved in spirit and troubled as he saw the others weeping. He asked Lazarus to come out and the dead man came out, with his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen and cloth aorund his face.

    And yes, Jesus is compassionate to those He loves. So, may we keep crying out to Him , be diligent in our prayers and keep running the race, knowing that the season of revival is upon us.

    Have a brilliant day and keep singing praises to the Lord! =)