Don't take SHORTCUTS

你门好!! =D (hello in chinese ^.^)
OK, if you saw my earlier very short message..I deleted what I wrote before, because it didn't really make sense xD

So here we go again! =D
Today, God revealed to me that I shouldn't take shortcuts. So I just want everyone to know, DON'T TAKE SHORTCUTS!!
FOLLOW GOD's PATH. Do not detour off, or try to find a different path, because only one path leads to God.

What I mean by taking "shortcuts" for me was trying to draw close to God without sacrificing any of my time, and doing it half-heartedly.

For example, last week on Thursday I woke up late, so had about 20 minutes to get to the bus stop. So I asked God, if I read one verse, is that okay? You'll bless me right!So I opened my bible, read a verse, praised God, and said thank you!

Then proceeded to pack my bag...spent ages trying to find my jacket..then find some food...and by the time I was out the door, I couldn't even remember what I had just read >.< Consequently, my day was extremely exhausting...I fell asleep during lecture, couldn't understand the concepts from the lecture, and then going home, didn't manage to study at all! Had HEAPS of distractions ie: setting up a new computer...doing chores.. THEN.. on friday, I did exactly the same thing???!!

I didn't realise that NOT putting God first would have such a big impact.Even though I prayed later on, I still felt far away from God. By night time..I hadn't done any homework....same with saturday- our phone line and internet became broken.....then sunday......i barely just finished and finalised my chinese oral.

It wasn't until MONdAY morning...I kept waking up, and praying quick short prayers and then drifting off to sleep...and decided to sleep longer, so would not have to rush so much. Then going in and out of sleep, at 10am, I sat up. like *DING*. I know whats wrong. My heart isn't right for God. My hearts been clouded by stress...unknowingly, I was thinking I had to handle all the problems by MYSELF, by my own strength. But that's just putting things back into my control.

SO NO, I will leave all my baggage at the CROSS~!!! I took time, and just forgot about my oral that day- lifted it up to God..and just spent time with God. After that, I was energized! My mum woke up too..and she made me eat a bao- which made me full ^^ so now full spiritually and physically!!

Then went to uni...and then got a msg from amanda to go for lunch with her n a few brothers. One had a friend, and he helped me with my oral!!! I didn't even have to go looking for someone, God just provides ^.^ Praise God =D

THEN, when I got to class, I had an immense, I was constantly talking to God whilst listening to other people's orals. I kept thanking Him for giving me peace, whilst some other people were getting really worried..but I just knew that my confidence was in God, and having FAITH IS being VICTORIOUS!

Whatever happens, my future is secured =D There is really nothing to fear in this world. A moment is only a moment, and it is temporary, so LIVE FOR THE ETERNAL- where eternity we cannot even grasp in our understanding ^^

When I was coming home, was SOOOO HAPPY..even though I haven't found out my marks, I don't dwell upon it! It's in God's hands now. I've done my best =D

Back to what I mean about short cut....when I got home, my mum told me to throw away this box for museli bars, which had other bits of paper like receipts and wrappers.

I was at the doorway, took a step out, and saw the recycling box about 5 metres away. I thought I'd save time, and thought my skills could throw this box into that box...seemed so easy! SO I threw it...and then it missed, and the papers inside fell out everywhere. I had to then put on shoes, and go out and pick up everything.

As I was picking up the bits and pieces, God just revealed to me- Don't Take Shortcuts. If you take shortcuts to draw close to God and try to get might just miss out on what you need. You would not receive in full.

I just remembered that a word from God WILL be in the bible! So, I googled just in case it wasn't...because sometimes I confuse myself with my own voice and God's voice. But this was really quite convicting, so I looked it up to give you all references!

Provers 21:5 "Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty SHORTCUTS lead to poverty" (NLT) - I had poverty in the blessings of the Lord >.<

Romans 12:11 "Work hard and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart FULL of DEVOTION" (Good news)

WOO..!! its there! SO WORD HARD YOU ALL!!!! Don't be lazy thinking that I don't need to study hard because God will take care...God will only take care of you when you SERVE the Lord with a heart FULL OF DEVOTION.

I was led to read 1 Timothy 1:18....."Use those words as weapons in order to fight well.."
The WORD is powerful and WILL defeat the devil.



    thank u i have 2 been taking short cuts reading this has given me alot of colourfull burning fire!!!
    now instead of taking short cuts i sll go all the way intaking all of the holly sprit and now i can rejoys
    one again


    thank you for leaving a message in the jellyprincesses blog. It is always great to hear praises for jesus. just wondering 'faithfulfox' are you from our cell group? But anyway, God bless you and keep reading our entries because that's how we keep each other accountable in our spitirual growth!!


    Great post Yanyii! =] The Lord will multiply the works of your hands as long as you place Him first in your life! It's hard doing 8am devotions but once you get started, its so hard to stop! The Lord will draw you in and once you connect with Him, time is immaterial, we won't want to take a shortcut! =D Hehe you can do 7am devotions with Sam and I if u want ^^ (altho my brain really only wakes up at 8...but shhhh). Oh and me thinks faithfullfox is Rowan ;)


    Ohh yeah!!! Rowan's family name is Fox... Didn't think of that when I was wondering with Christy who it was~

    I totally agree with Tim! Once you know how WONDERFUL it is to do devotions early [that means meeting with God earlier, not being late to meet Him, can spend longer time with Him etc etc], its not hard. Janey you can join me too.. as well as Tim and Sam with 7am devotions!
