Exam update!!

The Princesses of God:

Praise God! I did well in my exam today.( I know Grace, Jane and Mandy all did well with God) We're more than conquerors through Jesus who loves us! I was so touched this morning before I go to exam, my phone was keeping ringing for messages from our lovely sisters!!! They are so encourage and powerful. My heart was full of peace and love, I felt all your prayer and blessing was surround me. We are truely are here for one another, love and build up each other!!!
Now I posted 24th June's exam prayer list

Biochemistry IIA (9:20) Christy

Taxation Law I (9:00) Susan

Corporate Accounting III (9:20)

It's the time to bring the glory to our heavenly father's name!! Let us shine for Jesus!!!
"Have faith in God," Jesus answered" (Mark 11:22 ) --memory verse
Have faith in God !! As we pray the answer is on the way,As we declare the victory, we will do great!!

Love xoxo


    ^^ amen to that we claim victory in jesus' name!

    Oops...just realise i put the wrong time for both of my exams- they are actually the afternoon ones, but I am sure that God has heard all our prayers and God bless to you all who have been so caring for each other. It is so wonderful to have Jesus, and all of you beautiful sisters to walk together through this period of trial. Everything seems so much easier than before! So keep on clinging onto Him and keep drawing strength from the One who is all powerful and almighty!