Are We Living In Victory?

Joshua 1:3
Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given you,as I said unto Moses.

Let's reflect on Moses' story: We know that God chose him to get the children of Israel out the the land of Egypt and then they went through the Wilderness. And we know that Moses was given the law and he disobeyed God so he could not go the land of victory. Moses dies and now we start a new conquest with a man by the name of Joshua, who leads the children of Israel into the promise land. Here, we can learn an important lesson: God gave them 300,000 square feet of land yet they only possessed about 30,000 square feet. How sad, that God had given them the land yet they did not believe God enough to take all God had given them. The enemies in these other parts have been a thorn in the side of Israel even to this day.

Now, let us take a look at our life today...

God has given us victory through Son Jesus Christ, yet many Christians only get about a tenth of the Spirtual Blessings God has for them. God has given us victory over sin, and all we have to do is believe by faith and allow the Holy Spirit to take those area's that we struggle in out of our lives by faith. The devil has done a good job of keeping God's people in bondage thinking that they have no victory over sin in every area of their life. We wonder why there is not power of God in our lives and that is because we do not live our under the blood of Jesus. We have victory over flesh and self. God's people live most of their lives directed by the old man. We give into the old man that should be dead. We must kill the old self everyday. For without the death of the old man, we will continue to not have the filling of the Holy Spirit that we must have to live a life of Victory. The Victory is there, we just have to submit and take what God has already given us.

So, I have one question to ask you as I ask myself...

Are we resting in the Victory that God has already given us or are we still trying to live this life on our own?


    I smell a senior pastor in the air! I totally agree that we just have to live by faith and God will definately make our paths straight! You preach it sister!


    Tim... SENIOR pastor... HAHA! Is Su going to take over dad?!? Haha that's cute! ... there's only one senior pastor in any given church - but there can be many associates.

    But let us remember always:

    T R U E F A I T H R E S T S

    If you're not at rest - you're yoked to the wrong thing.
    Mt. 11:28,29 [Emphasis: *REST, EASY, LIGHT*]


    Woooo Anne's telling Su to rest too!!
    haha now that's 2 people!

    Rest well jie :)Come back all fired and charged up!!

    Lets trust in God, and live by His strength, and his strength alone!!