The Power of Prayer and Worship

God has been soo good to me this week!!

A formula that I would recommend:


There are two parts to my testimony... Girls in Anne's group would have heard the first, but I'll type it anyways for everyone else~

On the Tuesday that was just past, I had a 2500 word politics essay which contributes 40% to my final grade for that subject. Originally I thought the word count was 2500, which means I can write 2500 with a 10% leeway top and bottom without getting marks deducted. I wasn't confident in writing 2500 so I thought I'd get away with writing 2250. But on Monday afternoon, I randomly looked in the course outline and found out that the word limit was actually 2500 - 3000!! Which means I have to least have 2500 words! >__<" About 8.30pm I got desperate and panicky so I sms-ed some of the girls and msn-ed a few more to ask for urgent prayer! Anne replied suggesting that I should stop for a while to worship the Lord and ideas will flow afterwards. So I took that advice... Worship went longer than I expected but as soon as I got back to doing my essay, I just kept writing! xD I managed to finish at 11pm! So not even mid-night yet!! Praise God! Worship is GOOOOOOOD~~~

This is the new part... The continuation of what God has blessed me with!

I checked MyUni yesterday (Saturday) night... Adelaide Uni students would know what MyUni is; basically its a web where we get resources from our lecturers and sometimes we get our marks eletronically there... My friend had told me that he got his result for that essay 2 days after it was due. Was surprised that the lecturer was so quick with marking! He uploads the mark online when he's marked a few paper I think... So I didn't get the mark til yesterday... When I clicked on the link that had my subject name on it, I was stunned for a second... I got 85% which is a High Distinction!!! xD PRAISE GOD!!!! Not only did He bless me with ideas to top up my word count, but He also gave me QUALITY ideas!!! I've never got a mark as high as that for an essay!! And this essay was quite heavily weighted too!! If it wasn't for God, I would not have gotten that mark!! God is sooo good to us!!! He only gives us the BEST!! xD Just want to say a BIG THANKS to all the brothers and sisters who prayed for me!! Wouldn't have made it without you peeps!! =)

So what did I learn from that experience? Stop and take time to worship the Lord. God dwells in the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3) so after I worshiped, divine ideas came because God was with me!!

God said, as recorded in John 14:13 "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father." (NIV) When we pray, God ANSWERS! Sometimes God doesn't answer us immediately because His timing is diff from ours. His timing is the best tho~

The Bible also says in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." (NIV) The prayer was power when I prayed in Jesus' Name but it was even more POWERFUL when I asked my brothers/sisters to join in prayer for me~~

So when that are things that you need prayers for, we're always there for you!! We have been told to "carry each other's burdens" so
don't hesitate to ask and share your burdens with us!! [I guess this is more for the new-ies and a reminder for the rest of us...]

So, you want SUCCESS?? Do it the Godly way!! xD



    sweet sister, thanks for sharing another wonderful testimony. It was great to hear the first part of your testimony on friday night, but God had so much more in stored for you. Praise God that the second part is such a great example of the abundance of God's blessings on the anointed ones! ^^ keep pressing in with the heart of worship and we shall receive in the season of harvest! Love you so much and I shall worship our almighty father before I begin my studies!!!


    WOO..praise the Lord!!

    You walked into the blessing!!
