We trust in a Faithful God~!

Hi Princesses!!

Thanks for all ur prayers.......I love the prayer that Maggie and Christy sent to us =P

I was nervous this morning when I got up...but as I do my devotion and pray....I feel the amazing calmness and peace in me....I know that God was with me...Thanks to God =P

Yay..I didnt have to stay up to study until very late last nite....and God gave me good concentration and strength...I was able to fully concentrate during the exam too =P Praise Him!!

Let's continue to TRUST in Him and see Him guiding and caring us through this time of exams! Pray! =P

Here are some verses to share with u all =P

Deuteronomy 28:

If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will SET YOU HIGH ABOVE all the nations on earth.

7 The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be DEFEATED before you. They will come at you from one direction but FLEE FROM YOU IN SEVEN.

Remember that God is our source of STRENGTH ya!!Hugs....



    Praise God for Peace =D
    Peace that surpasses all understanding..hehehe i was tlking to maggie & christy, and they also have peace!
    it is like we should be stressed and like worrying...but we arent?? ahahha woo hoo! Cos we Know Jesus is with us & our strength comes from ABOVE!!
    may all enemies flee and us VICTORIOUS!! =D

    love xox