Word of Encouragement # 2

"But SEEK first the kingdom and His righteousness, and ALL these things will be given to YOU as well"
~ Matthew 6: 33

addressing ALL SHIMMERING princesses

while you are all busy heads down studying for your mid-year exams, remember to also take the time to open your ear to hear the pitter-patter droplets of r e v i v a l , its at YOUR door step. its getting louder and louder and you don't want to miss out on this.

NOW, is the time to step out, prepare your hearts more than ever before, reach out to heaven and call upon the Holy Spirit to move us, lead us and guide us!

when you pray be specific. PRAYER WORKS to move God's hand. through the Spirit, who intercedes for us, we are able to bring the needs of our family & friends who live half a world away from us to the Father, the inventor of heaven & earth. (Hence, He is like super smart!!) YOUR prayer time IS a blessing to the world.

invite Jesus in to your hearts EVERY morning. in Him we have the STRENGTH to do the impossible. ask Him to open your eyes to see & seize the opportunity to reach out to your family & friends.

remember jelly baby is praying for you all and your exams. keep in mind when you walk into the examination room, Jesus walks with you, He sits next to you and He is YOUR invisible textbook. He will never ever let you down.

stay strong, be bold, run fast & keep warm!

with L O V E ,
jelly baby x x x

unbroken communion

u n b r o k e n c o m m u n i o n

is the KEY to walking in the authority of God




Read: "Women..."

- You girls know what to do!

Fainting is neither glorious nor enjoyable.

Let us obey the Word & walk in LIFE.

I am praying for you all daily!

Exam update!!

The Princesses of God:

Praise God! I did well in my exam today.( I know Grace, Jane and Mandy all did well with God) We're more than conquerors through Jesus who loves us! I was so touched this morning before I go to exam, my phone was keeping ringing for messages from our lovely sisters!!! They are so encourage and powerful. My heart was full of peace and love, I felt all your prayer and blessing was surround me. We are truely are here for one another, love and build up each other!!!
Now I posted 24th June's exam prayer list

Biochemistry IIA (9:20) Christy

Taxation Law I (9:00) Susan

Corporate Accounting III (9:20)

It's the time to bring the glory to our heavenly father's name!! Let us shine for Jesus!!!
"Have faith in God," Jesus answered" (Mark 11:22 ) --memory verse
Have faith in God !! As we pray the answer is on the way,As we declare the victory, we will do great!!

Love xoxo

Exam Prayers Update

Hi girls~~

First things first,


How was Perth?? We missed you!!!

Glad to have you back!! =)

Soo good to hear that you did well in exams Jojo [yes! we know that you did

before the results come out! xD]~~

I'm not updating about exam prayers because I don't trust you girls to use the

lovely powerpoint that sister Christy and Maggie put together, but because

Grace's is not on the powerpoint.

Tomorrow - Monday 23rd June


Grace - Fix Income Security


Maggie - Chinese

Jane & Mandy - Law of Contract

It was soo good to be in the house of God today!! I wasn't stressing out!! Haha!!

I know I don't need to worry because Jesus will get me through exams!! That

doesn't mean that we don't need to study tho! When we put God first and do

our best, God will do the rest!!

Thanks for prayers girls!!~ Have a wonderful week~


We trust in a Faithful God~!

Hi Princesses!!

Thanks for all ur prayers.......I love the prayer that Maggie and Christy sent to us =P

I was nervous this morning when I got up...but as I do my devotion and pray....I feel the amazing calmness and peace in me....I know that God was with me...Thanks to God =P

Yay..I didnt have to stay up to study until very late last nite....and God gave me good concentration and strength...I was able to fully concentrate during the exam too =P Praise Him!!

Let's continue to TRUST in Him and see Him guiding and caring us through this time of exams! Pray! =P

Here are some verses to share with u all =P

Deuteronomy 28:

If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will SET YOU HIGH ABOVE all the nations on earth.

7 The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be DEFEATED before you. They will come at you from one direction but FLEE FROM YOU IN SEVEN.

Remember that God is our source of STRENGTH ya!!Hugs....


Don't waste the power of prayer! =D

hello warrior princesses!!

Battling through studies ??

hehe well..let's have a look at Maggie & Christy's compilation !

JUNE 2008


Enabling occupational Skills Demo

FRIDAY 20th:

Enabling occupational Skills Demo


(9am) JoJo

Human Resourse Management 9:20 Pepi

let's remember these girls in our prayers this week!!! And everyone else for WISDOM,


PRAYER is POWERFUL!!! So whenever you get stressed or tired or sick of study (i was xD)

...take some time to worship and pray!!

It REALLLLLLLLLLLLY helps as Maggie & Christy put on the powerpoint:

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things
will be given to you as

well.“ (Matthew 6:33)

and the prayer:

A prayer for exam

Lord, grant me a quiet heart

While notes and lectures I prepare

May I not lose my zeal for prayer

And may I not forget to look

For daily guidance in Thy Book

In quietness, confidence and peace

May I have sure and swift release

From needless fears and apprehensions

From outward strain and inward tension

And may I ever grateful be

To all who often pray for me

While for myself I intercede

For other students plead

So may examination fins

Each on alert in heart and mind

Thus inward joy and peace possessing

Exams will provide a source of blessing.

In Jesus Name I Pray Amen!

God sent His son for us, and now we have the privilege of prayer!

woo hoo! THANK YOU GOD!!

love you all & GOD BLESS xox

God Disciplines his Children


how is it going ? I know a lot of you is studying hard, and going through all sorts of up's and downs! yea? I go through them too ^.^
Just last week, my heart just lost its warmth, and I had gone cold >.<>

Then the powerpuffs had a much needed prayer session, where we came before God. Raw, and just let ourselves be immersed in the Holy Spirit. It took a long time before our hearts were softened to hear from God. Through worship and praising the Lord, perserverance, faith..everything..then we heard from God.

Alison gave me a message from God, saying that it's time for me to stand up. Stop looking around for things that aren't there, if you purged your heart, then STAND UP, RISE UP. Use what you are given.

At the prayer meeting the night before, I was convicted of being lazy. Terribly lazy. In a vision of warning, A pair of hands wearing black gloves reached out to me, and I handed over a nice pretty purse. Then the hands opened it up, but it was empty. So it handed it back to me and turned away.

I was reminded of the parable in MATTHEW 25:14-30.
This really brought the fear of the Lord into my life. God gives you something, and what you do with that something determines how much more he will give you.

In this parable, a master gives one servant 5 bags of gold, one two bags of gold, and one one bag of gold. He then left.
The first man put the money to work and gained 5 more.
The second also gained two more.
But the man with the one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid the master's money.

When the master returned, the first man produced 10 bags, and the master said" Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been fruitful with a FEW things, I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"
He said the same with the second servant.

However, the third servant was afraid to lose that one bag, and only produced what he was given.
The master replied, "You wicked, lazy servant! ...You should have at least put it into deposit, at least I would get the interest. Take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags.

For those who have will be given more, and they will have an abundance. As for those who do not have, even what they have will be taken from them. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

phew..the Lord is Holy, majestic and will not tolerate laziness. Please pray that I will continue to overcome laziness with the strength of Jesus. thank you ^^

That friday in life group, Jmom was praying for us...and she mentioned if your heart has become hard...^.^ just want to say thanks for confirming it..that my heart had indeed become hard, icy cold..but now, God has shattered it, and is stirrings fires within my heart to serve Him, and to RISE UP! Praise God!

I am sooo glad he showed me that, otherwise I may end up showing God an empty purse, which I really do not want to show.

Ah So sorry that this is becoming a long post..hehehe...was supposed to be short, but God wants me to type until I have shared all that I need to.

There's another thing God showed me today during devotion.



yup! Galatians 3: 26-27 " So in CHRIST JESUS you are all children of GOD through faith, for all of you who were baptised into CHRIST have clothed yourselves with Christ."

yay ^^ However, you may be wondering, If we are children of God, why doesn't God protect us from all the evil in the world? why do bad things happen to us? why do we have to suffer, even after believing in God?

This question bugged me for a long time..but this morning, I finally understood -in Hebrews 12:
I'll type some of it out just in case if you don't have a bible near you ^.^

"It says:
My son( and daughter), do not make light of the Lord's discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
because the LORD disciplines those he LOVES,
and he chastens everyone he accepts as his child.
Endure HARDSHIPS as discipline; GOD is treating YOU as his CHILDREN.
For what children are not disciplined by their father?
If you are not disciplined - and everyone is disciplined- then you are not legitimate children at all.
Moreover, we have all had parents who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!
.....God disciplines us for our GOOD, that we may share in his holiness.
NO discipline seems pleasant at the time but PAINFUL.
LATER ON, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
THEREFORE, STRENGTHEN YOUR feeble arms and weak knees. "

Thank you Lord for you discipline us because you love us!!
He wants the best for us, and he won't take shortcuts.

I pray that we all can endure all sorts of hardships and DON'T TURN away from our Father, as you'll need to find out what He wants YOU to learn from that hardship!

Otherwise, you'll be suffering for NOTHING..and falling into the traps and deceptions of the devil.

Instead, FOCUS (as Lee ping sms'ed me the other day- thank you ^^) to follow God and have courage. Seek Him, and He will meet you.

love to you all..and goodnight ^^ time for Bed =D

We Are His Dwelling Place

Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

The temple is now us. God's spirit is no longer contained in a building. Instead it lives in us - HIS BODY. The construction of this new temple began with Jesus. He is the very first piece of material that was inserted. From there, God is building His temple, His home out of each of us.

God is the MASTER MASON.

He has a knack for finding just the right stones to set next to each other so that their differences compliment each other. The pattern appears to us as random and chaotic. But, not to God. He chooses each stone for a specific reason and purpose. And, as you stand back and examine all of the stones ... it is beautiful ... it has strength ... it is a testament to the craftsmanship of the MASTER MASON.

We are God's dwelling place.

Our persons, our bodies, our spirits are home to God’s song. We may be ravaged by merciless trespass of disease, forsaken by friends, abandoned by family. But even then, the Lord is with us and we are His dwelling place. We may be hardened by failed relationships, shrunk down and shriveled up by wrong choices, made ugly by pain we inflict on ourselves, and on others. But even then, the Lord is with us and we are His dwelling place.


Jesus got baptized. So did we. Jesus walked in power. So do we.
Jesus looked like God. So do we.
Follow Him all the way. Jesus performed miracles. So must we.

With all the new souls coming into our church -
we MUST be busy about our Father's business.
After all, Jesus said,
"Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?"

... and so must we.








To all my beautiful sisters,

I am sure that we all had a wonderful worship and fellowship time at YAF tonight! It is really exciting to hear that 19 people are getting baptized this coming Sunday, including myself…and I am absolutely grateful to see that God is not only just moving in our midst, but He is at work transforming the each and one of us individually, and yet together as one (hehe…I hope that make sense)

Right now, I just want to share something with you all…I should really have shared it when Anne was asking if we had anything to share. Since now I know that the Holy Spirit is urging me to (my heart was beating really really fast the entire time...really unusual...and i was shaking so much without control during the closing prayer and I just felt the peace coming in as i pray to the Holy Spirit that i would share as i come home), so now I have this burning desire that I will type up this entry even though it’s like 01:18am right now!

It all began since last Friday, when Anne asked us to let go of something that is holding us back, and I knew in my heart that I was struggling with time and rest. (busy with studies, talking to people, housework…. ^^) So after hearing princess Mandy’s testimony about her 2500words essay, I learnt the importance of praising and worshipping God at ALL times! I went home that night, without doing anything at all, I kneeled down on the floor, and just kept praising the Lord in tongues, in prayer and in songs! I could start to feel His presence and that my heart was becoming more and more like a COMPLETE HEART OF WORSHIP! So, I have been praising the Lord, spending lots of time in prayers, praying in tongues when I was on my way to uni, in the kitchen cooking, doing laundry etc. Everyday was so sweet and I could feel that I was so protected in everything I do because I am hidden in Christ! I felt that I was walking into blessings in everything I do, e.g. understood the entire chemistry lecture that I used to fall asleep in sometimes…and cooked yummy food for the people in my house (hehe….my housemate joel actually said..’Christy..your cooking rocks!!’…I had the thought in my mind: ‘That’s because Jesus rocks my world!!’)

Then last night, I just spent some time listening to some sermons on the net and kept feeding God’s words into my heart, and shared a lot with my mom and she is so thankful for the total transformation that God has done on me. And then,

As you see the title: ‘Invest in God, the time is now’, it seems pretty straightforward and easy to understand, but it is not until you have made this decision, then you will be able to receive the rewards that are going to be many-folds in heaven, and on earth!
This was something that God spoke to me last night when I was brushing my teeth, and it just touched my heart so much that I just had to write it in my journal immediately! So, what I think He was trying to tell me was that, in today’s world, people are so attached to earthly matters, both Christians and non-Christians, on things such as investing time, money, affections etc. on certain things/people. However, there are risk managements involve in those issues, and there are never guarantees in receiving what you have hoped or estimated for. But, our God is an awesome, generous and kind, there is a GUARANTEE in investing in God and His kingdom! Be bold in investing to our heavenly father, let go of things that are precious to you, but is yet holding you back, for there is a 100% guarantee that He will be pleased with you and that all goodness shall follow you!

Anyway, I found that was really cool, because it all connects to what Anne has been sharing with us these two weeks, and God knows that I can be a slow learner sometimes…so He is just giving me extra tutorials…hehe =) I am so excited about everyday, knowing that He has so many things to share and to teach me through His words of wisdom!!!

Good nights to all, and make sure don’t let opportunities to pass you by, but INVEST IN GOD, NOW!

I love you all,
Princess Christy

Are We Living In Victory?

Joshua 1:3
Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given you,as I said unto Moses.

Let's reflect on Moses' story: We know that God chose him to get the children of Israel out the the land of Egypt and then they went through the Wilderness. And we know that Moses was given the law and he disobeyed God so he could not go the land of victory. Moses dies and now we start a new conquest with a man by the name of Joshua, who leads the children of Israel into the promise land. Here, we can learn an important lesson: God gave them 300,000 square feet of land yet they only possessed about 30,000 square feet. How sad, that God had given them the land yet they did not believe God enough to take all God had given them. The enemies in these other parts have been a thorn in the side of Israel even to this day.

Now, let us take a look at our life today...

God has given us victory through Son Jesus Christ, yet many Christians only get about a tenth of the Spirtual Blessings God has for them. God has given us victory over sin, and all we have to do is believe by faith and allow the Holy Spirit to take those area's that we struggle in out of our lives by faith. The devil has done a good job of keeping God's people in bondage thinking that they have no victory over sin in every area of their life. We wonder why there is not power of God in our lives and that is because we do not live our under the blood of Jesus. We have victory over flesh and self. God's people live most of their lives directed by the old man. We give into the old man that should be dead. We must kill the old self everyday. For without the death of the old man, we will continue to not have the filling of the Holy Spirit that we must have to live a life of Victory. The Victory is there, we just have to submit and take what God has already given us.

So, I have one question to ask you as I ask myself...

Are we resting in the Victory that God has already given us or are we still trying to live this life on our own?

Don't take SHORTCUTS

你门好!! =D (hello in chinese ^.^)
OK, if you saw my earlier very short message..I deleted what I wrote before, because it didn't really make sense xD

So here we go again! =D
Today, God revealed to me that I shouldn't take shortcuts. So I just want everyone to know, DON'T TAKE SHORTCUTS!!
FOLLOW GOD's PATH. Do not detour off, or try to find a different path, because only one path leads to God.

What I mean by taking "shortcuts" for me was trying to draw close to God without sacrificing any of my time, and doing it half-heartedly.

For example, last week on Thursday I woke up late, so had about 20 minutes to get to the bus stop. So I asked God, if I read one verse, is that okay? You'll bless me right!So I opened my bible, read a verse, praised God, and said thank you!

Then proceeded to pack my bag...spent ages trying to find my jacket..then find some food...and by the time I was out the door, I couldn't even remember what I had just read >.< Consequently, my day was extremely exhausting...I fell asleep during lecture, couldn't understand the concepts from the lecture, and then going home, didn't manage to study at all! Had HEAPS of distractions ie: setting up a new computer...doing chores.. THEN.. on friday, I did exactly the same thing???!!

I didn't realise that NOT putting God first would have such a big impact.Even though I prayed later on, I still felt far away from God. By night time..I hadn't done any homework....same with saturday- our phone line and internet became broken.....then sunday......i barely just finished and finalised my chinese oral.

It wasn't until MONdAY morning...I kept waking up, and praying quick short prayers and then drifting off to sleep...and decided to sleep longer, so would not have to rush so much. Then going in and out of sleep, at 10am, I sat up. like *DING*. I know whats wrong. My heart isn't right for God. My hearts been clouded by stress...unknowingly, I was thinking I had to handle all the problems by MYSELF, by my own strength. But that's just putting things back into my control.

SO NO, I will leave all my baggage at the CROSS~!!! I took time, and just forgot about my oral that day- lifted it up to God..and just spent time with God. After that, I was energized! My mum woke up too..and she made me eat a bao- which made me full ^^ so now full spiritually and physically!!

Then went to uni...and then got a msg from amanda to go for lunch with her n a few brothers. One had a friend, and he helped me with my oral!!! I didn't even have to go looking for someone, God just provides ^.^ Praise God =D

THEN, when I got to class, I had an immense peace...like, I was constantly talking to God whilst listening to other people's orals. I kept thanking Him for giving me peace, whilst some other people were getting really worried..but I just knew that my confidence was in God, and having FAITH IS being VICTORIOUS!

Whatever happens, my future is secured =D There is really nothing to fear in this world. A moment is only a moment, and it is temporary, so LIVE FOR THE ETERNAL- where eternity we cannot even grasp in our understanding ^^

When I was coming home, was SOOOO HAPPY..even though I haven't found out my marks, I don't dwell upon it! It's in God's hands now. I've done my best =D

Back to what I mean about short cut....when I got home, my mum told me to throw away this box for museli bars, which had other bits of paper like receipts and wrappers.

I was at the doorway, took a step out, and saw the recycling box about 5 metres away. I thought I'd save time, and thought my skills could throw this box into that box...seemed so easy! SO I threw it...and then it missed, and the papers inside fell out everywhere. I had to then put on shoes, and go out and pick up everything.

As I was picking up the bits and pieces, God just revealed to me- Don't Take Shortcuts. If you take shortcuts to draw close to God and try to get blessings...you might just miss out on what you need. You would not receive in full.

I just remembered that a word from God WILL be in the bible! So, I googled just in case it wasn't...because sometimes I confuse myself with my own voice and God's voice. But this was really quite convicting, so I looked it up to give you all references!

Provers 21:5 "Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty SHORTCUTS lead to poverty" (NLT) - I had poverty in the blessings of the Lord >.<

Romans 12:11 "Work hard and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart FULL of DEVOTION" (Good news)

WOO..!! its there! SO WORD HARD YOU ALL!!!! Don't be lazy thinking that I don't need to study hard because God will take care...God will only take care of you when you SERVE the Lord with a heart FULL OF DEVOTION.

I was led to read 1 Timothy 1:18....."Use those words as weapons in order to fight well.."
The WORD is powerful and WILL defeat the devil.


The Power of Prayer and Worship

God has been soo good to me this week!!

A formula that I would recommend:


There are two parts to my testimony... Girls in Anne's group would have heard the first, but I'll type it anyways for everyone else~

On the Tuesday that was just past, I had a 2500 word politics essay which contributes 40% to my final grade for that subject. Originally I thought the word count was 2500, which means I can write 2500 with a 10% leeway top and bottom without getting marks deducted. I wasn't confident in writing 2500 so I thought I'd get away with writing 2250. But on Monday afternoon, I randomly looked in the course outline and found out that the word limit was actually 2500 - 3000!! Which means I have to least have 2500 words! >__<" About 8.30pm I got desperate and panicky so I sms-ed some of the girls and msn-ed a few more to ask for urgent prayer! Anne replied suggesting that I should stop for a while to worship the Lord and ideas will flow afterwards. So I took that advice... Worship went longer than I expected but as soon as I got back to doing my essay, I just kept writing! xD I managed to finish at 11pm! So not even mid-night yet!! Praise God! Worship is GOOOOOOOD~~~

This is the new part... The continuation of what God has blessed me with!

I checked MyUni yesterday (Saturday) night... Adelaide Uni students would know what MyUni is; basically its a web where we get resources from our lecturers and sometimes we get our marks eletronically there... My friend had told me that he got his result for that essay 2 days after it was due. Was surprised that the lecturer was so quick with marking! He uploads the mark online when he's marked a few paper I think... So I didn't get the mark til yesterday... When I clicked on the link that had my subject name on it, I was stunned for a second... I got 85% which is a High Distinction!!! xD PRAISE GOD!!!! Not only did He bless me with ideas to top up my word count, but He also gave me QUALITY ideas!!! I've never got a mark as high as that for an essay!! And this essay was quite heavily weighted too!! If it wasn't for God, I would not have gotten that mark!! God is sooo good to us!!! He only gives us the BEST!! xD Just want to say a BIG THANKS to all the brothers and sisters who prayed for me!! Wouldn't have made it without you peeps!! =)

So what did I learn from that experience? Stop and take time to worship the Lord. God dwells in the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3) so after I worshiped, divine ideas came because God was with me!!

God said, as recorded in John 14:13 "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father." (NIV) When we pray, God ANSWERS! Sometimes God doesn't answer us immediately because His timing is diff from ours. His timing is the best tho~

The Bible also says in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." (NIV) The prayer was power when I prayed in Jesus' Name but it was even more POWERFUL when I asked my brothers/sisters to join in prayer for me~~

So when that are things that you need prayers for, we're always there for you!! We have been told to "carry each other's burdens" so
don't hesitate to ask and share your burdens with us!! [I guess this is more for the new-ies and a reminder for the rest of us...]

So, you want SUCCESS?? Do it the Godly way!! xD




Hi girls! Women of God! Or as Jane might put it... WARRIOR’s of God’s army – I salute you (ok perhaps that part I added in myself) either way... HI!

You might be surprised with my title... read on so you can understand why I say --> Be distracted!

Friday night at Yaf... I’m sure many people were touched by what Anne said... About LETTING GO... God wants to us to LET GO of ALL our baggage – only when we let go, and surrender ALL of ourselves --> God can take care of ALL of us... and the truth is God knows best... He can take care of us... way better and knows how to, then we ourselves can even comprehend.

I think most of us can say the last 20 mins of Yaf was most memorable... well for me it was...

In the last 20 mins or so we did a sharing time. Anne posed a question What do you need to let go of?” and this is where many people open their hearts and tears were rolling off cheeks.

Its then I realised that all of us have our own ‘test’ to run through and conquer... Everyone’s situation is different and every hurt and pain that people go through is different and unique

Pain- some pains and hurts we go through are so... very... painful (der!- can’t think of another word) ...though some pains maybe more excruciating then others... but nonetheless – it is still pain. I remember one time sharing this to a friend... who was hurting a lot from a broken relationship... I couldn't fully comprehend the pain she was going through but in some way or another I could relate...

Pain comes from all sorts of places, physically - like having a paper cut, falling down a flight of stairs, walking into a pole) I’m sure you can think of more physical pains ( yes the ones I listed I have experienced before.. and if someone knows the pain of walking into a pole can understand how painful that is >.<)
But I'm sure most of you will agree - the EMOTIONAL pain outweighs all... so the pain that sister was going through- was excruciating. The feeling of pain from the heart... CAINS! At least a paper cut you can put a band-aid on... but the heart... No band-aid could cover that wound cos it’s inside and bleeds from so many angles.

How to remove this pain? One may ask. The funny thing is I’m learning about Pain in uni... there are many theories about “pain” and one is the Gate-control theory (by Melzack and Wall 1965) This theory explains why sometimes you have pain but you don’t feel it. Ever had that?... you have this blasting headache... but then when you’re doing something the pain’s not there – or is it? This theory explains that when your mind is set to do something, the pain is ‘distracted’ and your focus is shifted off the pain and onto that something else. Many war victims have been shot or inflicted a wound that is critical and much pain should be felt... but at that time they didn't feel it- till they reach the hospital!

I’m sure most of you can relate... cos even in the world today... to heal pain is to be distracted- to not think about it is like to make it non existence... to not think about it- is forgetting about it... and once you forget about it... it’s not there – therefore no pain... Many people find 'distractions' like going out with friends, work insane hours, play games, watch TV, drugs, alcohol or even study... but they are only temporary, your mind may be off when doing those activities, but after you finished- the pain, hurts, thoughts and memories come crawling back up...

However I must say- being distracted is a good form of overcoming pain- I agree... but is there one that is long lasting? Never stops? ...And the answer is YES... why be distracted by temporary things (the things of the world)... GOD IS EVERLASTING... be distracted by HIS LOVE, HIS GRACE, HIS MERCY, HIS POWER, HIS PRESENCE, HIS JOY, HIS PEACE... the list goes on and on~ so when hurt comes just shift your focus to God.. magnify him and your problems will be small... if you magnify the problem... its HUGE lol... the solution/antidote/(however you want to phrase it) is here... it’s always here and it’s called JESUS when I said there is no band-aid big enough to cover the wounds of the heart – I was wrong- actually there is one... just one... ONE BANDAID CAN! And it is FREE, BIG, STRONG, and WORKS on ALL wounds! Yes that’s right girls the bandaid is called JESUS.

Only Jesus is your antidote to a broken heart. Only the cracks of the heart can be reached and filled by His love. Like I said Distractions can be found nearly everywhere really- but all are temporary... being distracted is a good form of healing pain... so how much more is it better to be distracted by God =] so BE DISTRACTED BY GOD- EVERLASTING!

FOCUS on him - the road to life, and the things of this world will fall into place.

SEEK him and experience the feeling of a healed heart. You’ll receive a peace... not just any peace but a peace that surpasses understanding- you’ll be like ‘hey I use to be like sad... when I think of or do (*fill the blank*)... but now I’m not- I feel happy/content/peaceful/satisfied”

COMMIT to Him. To be distracted is to commit... to hand over.. and not to deal with it by yourself... (Hence getting your mind off it=Distraction) ...to commit is giving it all to Him.

Psalm 37:5 [KJV] Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass

Proverbs 16:3 [KJV] Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

~~~Be distracted!-B-E – Distracted! ...By God =]