We know you all had a fantastical awesome time because how can you not being in the saturated presence of God??!?

=D can't wait to hear all about it!!!

May you all have divine rest to power up to pass on FIRE TO NLCC and to get stuck in to preparations for the upcoming events ^_____^

May God bless you with strength like ...lions! yes powerful!

To all the other girls,
HOW ARE YOU ALL??????? Give a shout in the box >>>>> !
hehe it'll be nice to see how we all going :P

As for me, I am bUUUUUUUUUUUUUSY! heheh I was about to start my tutorial reading + questions for tomorow, but thought I'd blog because constant updates on this page keeps it active and alive! so please blog often girls ;) even super short ones just saying whats up! hahah cos then we know what you are up to and prayer points if you have any!

Prayer point for me (And Princess aManda) is that when we do our law readings (super long with sentences that go on and on and repeats half the same thing...-.-) that we have concentration and UNDERSTANDING and not be DISTRACTED! ANd that we won't get sick of reading, so we are not turned off from reading God's word! YOSH. thanks girls *^______^*e

shout out if this also applies to you ! ahahha i'm sure if would cos so much reading.
But yes, when we all agree and declare- we CAN read and understand against alllllll confusion, because He who is in us, is larger,stronger,more powerful, than he who is in the world.

We have divine strength! THANKS TO OUR AWESOME FATHER!!!

YAY love to you all !!!!!! Thanks Princess Jellyfish for your recap for yaf =D I like how you wrote. "
We have been set free and held up by our Lord! Hallelujah!!"
We are certainly are held up! HAVE A GREAAAAAT WEEK SISTERS <3



    Welcome home~~~ =)

    Amen! Thanks Janey for posting our prayer request... I'm only here to reply, back to readings now~ Dun forget if you get tired of reading or u dun understand, start worshipping! Then divine understanding would come! Haha! That's from personal experience~
