Great MIRACLES begins to unfold in INDONESIA!

Hey beautiful sisters,

I just received a sms from Jmom at 12:48am (adelaide time) = 10:18pm (Indonesia Time). It is so exciting to hear the great news, and so i can't wait to share with you all, despite my last upload of post wasn't successful~ but i will not give up until this post can be shown to you all!

The message from Anne and team is as follow:

'great miracles from morning to night. Woman with TB healed! Man with blurred vision in right fwd instantly healed. word of knowledge hearing problem left ear instantly healed. Muslim man came from hospital ICU meant to go for operation completely healed, unable to move,now have no more pain. Man with stroke left eye bad vision, healed. So many other miracles! the team is having so much fun! 1 man cam from streets as he heard the preaching, came with pain in back, completely healed. God is great! please share report! much love, anne& team'

'Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.' Psalm 37:3

So praise the Lord for His faithfulness in answering our many prayers and has such wonderful plans for NLCC to go out to the nations, truly making disciples of all nations! For those of you who will be fasting& praying in the next few days~ Jellybaby has recommended me to read Psalm 58 on true fasting, which gave me new insights to see as God sees! So may you continue to uphold the team in your prayers so that we as One, a body of Christ will unite together to celebrate our victory in Christ Jesus!

Princess Christy


    Thanks Christy for sharing the update to us as soon as you received Anne's sms! Good to hear that they're indeed moving in the Spirit and moving in POWER! xD Let us continue to keep them in our prayers...


    P.S. Do you mean Isaiah 58 (rather than Psalm 58) that talks about true fasting?? =D Just making sure...


    oops yes...i do mean Isaiah 58~ i think that i was too tired then after midnight & too excited too after hearing the great news!