Helloooo Princesses!

My internet is back and fast! woo hoo ^_^

How is everyone?? First week of uni is over, and look what God gave us already- a public holiday for us to recharge!!!!!!!! YAY ^___^ God is so awesome!
AND just hearing all those miracles the Indonesia Mission Team have told us about, realllly starts off 2009 with a BANG!
And straight after, G12...the delegates that are going are gonna bring back some BURNING REVIVIAL FIRE!!! AMEN? =D YES!

because after that, will be an AWESOME EASTER PRESENTATION- followed by our AWESOME EASTER CAMP!!!!!

My oh my, this year is gonna be busy busy busy! =D BUSY about our FATHER'S BUSINESS!

Just wanna say thank you to all you girls for supporting us last night!!!

Your contribution is precious to us, because we learn from you girls and want to hear what your say !! so that we may all get to know each other more ^___^ It was a fun night! hehe!

Just wanna share what i heard from God a weeks ago, but i haven't blogged~!

It was when we were singing "You are in my all in all" at YAF ! The Holy Spirit was soooo strong then and really convicted me during one line, which was:

"Seeking you as a precious jewel,
Lord to give up, I'd be a fool"

Holy Spirit really showed me that the way to seek GOD, to seek JESUS, is to seek them with a heart of love- like how people love precious jewels because they are worth so much and it becomes the object of their desire!
I think Ps Anne has said this once before... but its to pursue and pursue ..because the end prize is something that is most definetly worth it- it is GOD. And that we should never ever give up..

because to give up, I'd be a fool.
I'd give up the HOPE that can lead me through all sorts of sufferings, and chances of growing. To give up, I'd let all my family n friends down...especially those that I haven't reached out to.

The urgency to reach out THIS YEAR is pulling at my heart, because if I let other things come before God, I'd be a fool...those things (ie studies..work..materialism) aren't gonna help me in eternity, because those things are all temperorary but the ONE who will last, is the one that we should seek!!

If we seek things that are temporary, the desire we have for them are temporary too, so when we get them, we desire them no longer.
But if we seek God, who is eternal, we will never lose that desire, and will constantly hunger for more of him even if we had a taste- we will want more!!

That's why I'm looking forward to seeking God on a new level in 2009! I want to learn more, hunger more, and know more of His word!!

How exciting that NLCC is really rising up and
our jelly princess life group is becoming really close =D But its not a type of closeness that when other people come in, they don't fit it. It's like a close-ness where we ALLLLL share the same love and DESIRE and VISION!!!

Like when new friends come in, we ALL want to show love to them and make them all feel welcome without being told XDDDD ! I love it!

I love how we have our destinies lined up together and that we get to GROW TOGETHER!!!!!!!

It's SOOO EXCITING that we are REALLY LIKE SISTERS~!!!! hehehe ^___^ im feeling JOYOUS atm!

THis morning i woke up really dizzy and feeling like i was going to be sick.. that i had to leave early with my sister from a drawing class >_< but ive rebuked it..and since JESUS is my healer- I feel 100% annnnd i got some time to BLOG~!!!

And I had forgotten how fun it is to blog! Because as we hare- Holy Spirit starts to take over and put words in you heart to write :)

I encourage you all to blog more (and i will myself too - so long as my internet is working fast enough to load this page ^_^). AND if you don't know what to blog, just blog about your day :P hehe! it's also a good way to know what each other has been up to, what you need prayers for, or what made you smile today ^__^

ok i have work now!! I love you all heaps and can't wait til steamboat!!!!!!!!!!!



    princess jane,

    thanks for your encouragement.
    what a word from God!
    may we not be found fools that lose sight of our goal but may we be daughters who will choose the path that ultimately leads us to victory and eternal life.
    let's rise up. the time is now!

    have fun at your steamboat as my cell group have our dumpling day!



    warrior jane,

    you are a great warrior of God & thanks heaps for the words of encouragement! the things that you wrote have definitely spoken into my heart~ so praise God for that!

    keep it up sister & let's run fast together in this narrow path~ knowing that our Heavenly Father has always been waiting for us at the gate! Let us continue to conform to be more and more like Christ ^^



    thx for the comments awesome sisters!

    and amen! time to continue rising and be more like Christ :D

    yay tomorow will be a fun day since we are spread around sharing the loveeeeeeeeeeee!!!
