
wowers! this blog is really kicking on strong! its been nearly a year since i started this blog... nice to know that God has used it as instrument to bless one another... but i shall talk abt in a later post...

for this post, i just want to share our the time i had in singapore with some brothers and sisters from our great family. like some would have heard by now, the conference wasn't as good as expected but there were a few sessions which were amazing that i will mention here.
FRIDAY MORNING was top class. worship was anointed! there was such a tangible presence of God. I could literally taste and see that the LORD is amazing and great! I didn't want it to end. anyways, Pastor Lawrence did the first message for the day which was titled PARADIGM SHIFT to G12 CELL CHURCH. He spoke about the difference between a church with cells and a cell church then the different cells in the g12 vision and ending on the nature of the cell church with community, corporation and cause. the second session that morning was done by Ps Caesar and this was titled "IF YOU CHANGE, EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE" with his passage coming from 1 Chronicles 4: 9 and 10 (otherwise known as the Jabez Prayer). This was really powerful and really changed my perspective on everything.
the other awesome session was on Saturday night when we had Delirious lead us in a time of worship. i have to say, they have somehow managed the fusion of having a rock concert and time of community worship really really well. even though the music and tunes were loud and different, the joy of being in the presence of the Lord was so great. time just flew by heyyyy..

spiritual encounter was another thing all together! after being slightly disappointed with the conference, i didn't know what to expect for the second half of our time with FCBC.... but i had no reason to doubt because God moved in such a powerful way. even from the beginning, during worship of the first night, God's presence was soooo strong. we barely sung any songs.... people were all weeping and singing unto the Lord new songs from their heart. it was soo beautiful! no one had any agendas and we lost all concept of time. all we wanted was to be in communion with Him. that could be said for the rest of the encounter, esp during worship and certain altar calls. even though some speakers were admittedly better than others, on the whole, i left well-fed. God really dealt with my heart and made me confront certain things that i pretended were closed. He healed me and gave me total liberty. at the beginning of the whole thing, the first lady gave us all a butterfly and she said that at the end of it, we will leave as different women. even though i look the same outside, my heart has changed and like a butterfly, the transformation is complete and i feel like im flying with new life and freedom.
lastly, the experience in singapore cannot be described without giving a specific shout out to the people i shared it with.
stiggy, it was a shame that you weren't feeling well for much of our time in singapore but whatever time we did have as a group, it was fun.... patricia and anne, it was great seeing you after sending you off to indo; it was mindblowing hearing your testimonies and all the things that God did in your lives esp over breakfast and hot soya bean milk.... wen and rachel, thanks for sharing our beautiful little room with me; it was awesome talking to you girls till early hrs in the morning and keeping each other company throughout the days even though we had a really wet bathroom every night (hahahahaha.. *wink wink*).... henry and eddie, thanks for taking care of us girls in geyland, esp at night when it was dodgy; it was such a blessing to deepen my friendship with the two of you and getting to know your hearts. lastly, ac and di, what a difference you two brought to my time in singapore from the durian eating to trying on glasses to major D'n'Ms on bus rides with ac to scaring the beef out of me at the singapore flyer to loooong flights with law to playing with the cute doggies at aunty po's house; you two are little but big angels from God. ^____^ all of you, i loooooveeee you!!! i know that this is the beginning of many trips we shall have together as one BIIIIG FAMILY!

to everyone, while we were away, i had time to reflect on where we are at. even though we went to really anointed churches with huge teams to work with and had extensive resources, im so glad that im part of NLCC coz i know that we have even bigger and better things installed for us. not saying anything bad abt those churches but He really does have unique and specific dreams for us. i remember when i flying into one of the cities and i looked out of the window, i heard the voice of God speaking to me saying, "You can have this city and many more nations.. they are yours.... I have anointed NLCC to reach multitudes... If you would only claim and walk in the ways I have set out for you. There is no stopping MY MIGHTY ARMY"... Im so glad im going out to war with each one of you by my side. I know i can trust each one of you and we can cover each other's back. 

stay on the right side... choose the winning team!

ps more photos to come out on fb.