easter camp-harvest time!

before i leave to g12,  i just wanted to encourage all of you to register for this year's easter camp.

now i know some of you might have gone to many camps before and think that there is nothing for you to gain but i beg to differ. we serve a God that is fresh and new even every morning, let alone every year. He will not disappoint. to those who are thinking of going to their first camp yet you are abit hesitant because you dont know what to expect, take the leap of faith and come. something special has been ordained for you from our great God. 
i was praying for easter camp the other day and i got a vision from God. at the beginning, there were many many many farmers (male and female; young and old)who were busy preparing themselves to go out to their field; ie getting their basket ready, sharpening their scissors and blades in order to cut down the fruits and putting appropriate entire to head out. then suddenly, all the farmers started heading out in one accord singing joyfully with a bounce in their steps and what i saw next blew me away. there were masses and masses and masses of ripen fruits everywhere; of all sizes, shapes and colours. there was not a branch that was dead but all were alive with beautiful fruits ready to be harvested.
in the same way, i believe many fruits will come as a result of this easter camp... that this will be a time for multiplication and increase over us. God is saying that this is NLCC's time for harvest and fruitfulness. that all the things that we have been praying for will be coming to past. 

i dont know abt you but im so pumped. i dont want to even think abt missing out. let us prepare ourselves. register and encourage all those around you to do the same! keep each other accountable. we are each others' keeper!

anyways, we will be thinking of you guys when we are in singapore in the g12 conference.
take good care of one another, esp all the new babies of both anne's jellies and my popcorns. ^___^
seek to be a blessing!!!


    woooh thats a pretty picture!!! so colourful!!

    I'm pumped for camp as well! hehehe!
    Its gonna truly be a harvest of blessings and love and fire for NLCC!!

    anyway, have an AWESOMMMMMMMMMMEST time in SINGAPORE- very envious, i so wanna go- and BRING BACK BUCKETS of fire for nlcc ;) ;)

    thanks for helping us heaps with the easter presenation ^__^



    hey soupie. miss you heaps while you're away again (G12 this time). amen to your blog. hmm tasty ripen fruits of all kinds. sure is going to be major harvest time for NLCC this year. hehe i remember a year or two ago you mentioned 'popcorns'. well your beautiful popcorns did very well last sunday during cleanup. i'm so proud of the babies you've nurtured. keep it up. love you xxx