Understanding our Heavenly Father

Dear sisters,

Thank you for another great night of YAF led by Jellybaby & powerpuffs~ you girls have enabled us to open up to share & to ask questions (lol especially for our HD student ...haha) so that we can all learn from one another!

Okay, from what we learnt yesterday night, i decided to put one of the verses into action.

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

WILLING TO SHARE. These few words spoke into my heart somehow when the verse was read and the Holy Spirit reminded me of something that He revealed to me during one of my 3x3 prayers. So i just want to share this with you all:

The word: 'UNDERSTANDING' came into my mind during my weekly 3x3 prayer.

So i spent time thinking, what does this 'UNDERSTANDING' mean and how does it relate to what God wants me to do. This then relates to one of the verses that Jellymom has written in one of the blog entries about The Year of Increase, which says 'Increase in wisdom and understanding that helps you in all things'

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

From this word, I came to understand that in order for us to please God, we must obey His command because it is out of our LOVE for Him that we want to follow His wills. So, in order for us to an understanding of God, of who He really is; not soemthing that we try to think or judge He is, but who He really is through His words, through His amazing power manifested. It can only be done, when we surrender of all we have, then we can know who God is.

In every relationship, understnaidng is crucial in order for the two people to be in harmony, in love or at peace with one another. This is the same when it comes to our relationship with God. As we understand God by forgetting about ourselves, but 'be in His shoe', we will be more in love with Him, wanting to do what He wants, rather than following our own ways. We will be so in love with Him that we just want our lives to satisfy and to please Him!

So, i pray that we will be active in sharing our faith, so that we will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Love you all sisters, you girls are great joy and encouragement to me =)

Let's continue to spread the Love of God through our speech, our actions, our prayers etc~ so that we make the name of Jesus famous and known in all corners of the earth!!!

God bless you all

xoxo Christy


    Amen sister! ^^ its so true that if we really do love God and want to please Him, we WILL do his will.

    God himself even said this in John 14:15 ^_^

    May we INCREASE in wisdom and understanding this year- and every year!


    Thanks Christy for sharing! May we continue to draw near to God --> understand Him more --> love Him more --> greater tendency to do His will because we take pleasure in doing so (not as a chore)!!


    P.S. Whoa Alison is the first to comment!! Hehe... (Behind Jane's msg in the Shout Out box) =P


    hey sweetie. i'm so proud of you. thankyou so much for being such a sweet and warm sister. i believe you'll set the trend in our life group to open up and share life together, bringing everyone to the next level of intimacy with one another. you go sister :) keep up the awesome posts. amen to your prayers. love you lots, i'm always here for you, only a phone call away. keep up the great encouraging words. xx