Miracle updates!

To my dear sisters,

Thanks *again* for being so supportive on Friday night! Not only did we have fun preparing/leading, we learned a lot in the process! And from you girls too as you asked questions and participated in the discussion! I just received a sms from our precious Jellymom so decided to blog it straight away!

"Just finished service. Amazing miracles. Man in wheelchair, didn't go church 5yrs since stroke. Couldn't open fist, move hand, walk. Now can do all. Left wheelchair walkin in front of all! His wife w. walkin cane, dr's gave up on her. Cancer. Worse cond.than husband, severe pain gone. Walk without cane, telling all i'm healed! Man totally blind. Eyes just white, told Patty she's pale skin, smiling, he copied her movements, healed! Boy's leg grew out 1.5 inches! Dramatic miracle in sight of parents. Ankle twisted made straight. Mute & deaf, healed! Yest. man w acute pain in chest, back, etc for 25yr, can't walk without pain, healed! Way more things, 2little sms! God bless! Anne & team :) SPREAD UPDATES PLS!"

Whoa! Amen! Praise God! Hallelujah! God is ALIVE and is MOVING through the NLCC team! Continue to uphold them in your prayers!! Our God is AWESOME! How can we ever stop praising and worshipping Him!? Our God is such an exciting God!! So if you're having a boring dull day, you do not know Him. See what the team is doing in Indonesia?? It's not just for "super Christians" but for every single one of YOU who has been born again into God's family! That means YOU and ME! We can ALL do these because the miracle working God lives inside of us!

I've been meaning to blog for a few days now... But haven't got around to that until today! In addition to the updates of the Indonesia mission trip, I was inspired when I read Joshua 1.

God said: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you. (v.1) We claim this not only for the mission trip but also for our own lives! As we step into uni, God has ALREADY given it to us! (Notice the tenses used.) Every day as we go to uni, know that you have dominion (as Jesus has dominion and He lives inside of us) so we can have the confidence to reach out to our friends!

God the Father also said:
No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life... I will be with you. (v.5) He is ALWAYS with us ( also see Mat 28:20); we can overcome ALL things! No harm shall come our way!

In this chapter, 3 times God commands us to
be strong and of good courage (v.6)
only be strong and and very courageous
be strong and of good courage

There must be a reason why He had to say that 3 times! This shows the importance and need of us standing strong and being courageous! (Note: the 'only' in v.7 doesn't mean be strong/courageous and nothing else... the 'only' is for emphasis...) It's not only something that God told us is good to be but its a command! Essentially He asked in v.9,
have I not commanded you to be strong and of good courage? So we don't have an option! It's a MUST! Stemming from what we learnt on Friday, no matter what we face, because we have the HOPE of glory and God is with us ---> so we CAN be strong and courageous!

In this same passage, I have been reminded to KEEP FOCUS! Only be strong and courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law... do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. (v.7) Do not be distracted from being obedient to God and drawing close to Him! Janey sorta mentioned that in her recent post too. Studies, work, other commitments, material things etc should NOT cause us to remove our eyes from Jesus! If it does, you need to question your priorities and really come before God! Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the subtle things that the devil place in your life that might be hindering God working in your life! When you DO fix your eyes on Jesus and walk in His righteousness no matter where you go you'll prosper! You'll be successful in studies, in business, have good health, have good relationships! Everything falls into place when your relationship with God is right and intimate!! So in your business, KEEP GOD AS YOUR NUMBER ONE!!!! Kepe looking ahead to what God has promised you (for being obedient and being a daughter of God) and that shall be our motivation to keep focused and not be side tracked!

That's all from me now...
See you all at Christy's for fun games, good fellowship and delicious foooood (
Something that can never be missed when we have yaf grp events!)~~ Haha!



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    Hey mandy,

    Thank you so so much for sharing not only the message from anne, but also your encouragement~ and your reminder for us to continue to fix our eyes on Jesus~

    I received the sms as well after the easter play practice~ Praise the Lord for all that He has done~ He is so awesome~ so faithful~ & mighty to save!!!!

    P.S. your sharing of your devotion has just spoken into my heart as well~ with some issues that i am facing at the moment =) so i pray that may God continue to use you as the channel of blessings to our sisters and to all those who are around you ^^

    see you tmr~ thanks for offering lifts for grace, moon & fish


    Hey Mandy!!

    hahah I checked the blog to see if anyone posted up the message from anne, aw you beat me to it!... now i got to find another mean of spreading the news! hahah

    But yeah thanks for posting it up and your sharing was nice- it was very up lifting and encouraging!

    Amen sister!


    wow u girls were fast w/ comments! i blogged it before bdmtn, came home afta bdmtn to see all your lovely comments! =)

    let us continue to love and build up one another! in agreement to jane, i also encourage you girls to blog. you never know, it might speak into someone else's life! and we want to know whats going on in your life~ xD