feel the urgency. be the few.

"ENTER through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." ~ Matthew 7.13
dear sparkling jelly princesses. I believe WE are the chosen generation, the generation called to touch heaven and change earth more than ever before. It is URGENT to reach out and change lives. Jesus came to earth for a reason - it re-establish His Father's Kingdom.
Let us not forget that when Jesus died on the cross, taking ALL our sickness, shame, hurts and disappointments, as well as our sins away from us had a PURPOSE for us to RISE UP and continue His and our Father's will of His Kingdom to reign over all of heaven and earth.
The way to life is narrow, it is not a smooth and easy to ride through for there will be many trials and temptations. Keep in mind that these TRIALS AND TEMPTATIONS are to teach us and train us up. Just like school and university - we learn and learn and learn, then you need to sit tests, do assignments and prepare yourself for the BIG exam which will reveal whether or not you are equipped for the 'go pass' to enter into your career as a professional. So very similar, the Word of God - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE) will teach you and equip you, then when trials head your way you are able to overcome them with the knowledge of God's Word and conquer HDs.
Look at trials and temptation as training sessions, these sessions will chip off bad habits and polish up the Jesus in YOU.
Guard your heart at all times, be alert and be quick to respond to the opportunities that God opens up for YOU to speak life into your family peoples, your friends, random strangers (random bus stop peoples) and don't forget to encourage not only the new christians but the older christians.
We're family in Christ.
"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" ~ Matthew 7.14
Don't be the common or the many that lust after the things of the world, but be the few, the few that walks with Jesus, the few that look towards God for peace, unconditional love, the few that draws strength and wisdom from Him and the few that our Heavenly Father looks upon with favour and takes delight in.
if you think about all the christians in the world, the true ones that have deep intimate relationship with Christ, then think about ALL the ones still living the ways of a fallen world that have yet to know Him the way you do - your Abba, your Provider, your first Love.
i pray that the Holy Spirit will stir in your hearts daily to enable you and move you to do great and mighty works our Father has called you to do. Lets be great citizens, citizens of the Kingdom of God that are super quick to obey, naturally quick to love and forgive, willing to share and slow, very slow to anger, worry and complain.
Stay sweet, use your time wisely - be organise, live everyday effectively advancing God's kingdom and above ALL, appreciate God - be thankful and grateful, and remember to count your blessings.
Keep running. Look far, Go deep, Dream big. Love each and every one of you girls.
Agape, jelly baby x x x


    Thanks Sarah for your sharing =]

    I just really love how you wrote
    "your Abba, your Provider, your first Love"
    ...it leaves such a warm fuzzy feeling =]

    God bless girl!