welcome to MOON!

We'd like to welcome our NEWEST SISTER IN CHRIST
into our gorgeous family!

She's now an 8 days old spiritual babe
and we're so blessed to be her new family.

Praise God for Grace who introduced her to us all and
praise God for all the girls who have in their own way
introduced JESUS to her!


This is OUR YEAR of increase and so let's focus on what matters for eternity as we continue to connect with God and with one another to live like heaven on earth everyday!

Love to you all and much prayers...
see you at the Prayer Meeting this Wednesday @ 8pm!


wowers! this blog is really kicking on strong! its been nearly a year since i started this blog... nice to know that God has used it as instrument to bless one another... but i shall talk abt in a later post...

for this post, i just want to share our the time i had in singapore with some brothers and sisters from our great family. like some would have heard by now, the conference wasn't as good as expected but there were a few sessions which were amazing that i will mention here.
FRIDAY MORNING was top class. worship was anointed! there was such a tangible presence of God. I could literally taste and see that the LORD is amazing and great! I didn't want it to end. anyways, Pastor Lawrence did the first message for the day which was titled PARADIGM SHIFT to G12 CELL CHURCH. He spoke about the difference between a church with cells and a cell church then the different cells in the g12 vision and ending on the nature of the cell church with community, corporation and cause. the second session that morning was done by Ps Caesar and this was titled "IF YOU CHANGE, EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE" with his passage coming from 1 Chronicles 4: 9 and 10 (otherwise known as the Jabez Prayer). This was really powerful and really changed my perspective on everything.
the other awesome session was on Saturday night when we had Delirious lead us in a time of worship. i have to say, they have somehow managed the fusion of having a rock concert and time of community worship really really well. even though the music and tunes were loud and different, the joy of being in the presence of the Lord was so great. time just flew by heyyyy..

spiritual encounter was another thing all together! after being slightly disappointed with the conference, i didn't know what to expect for the second half of our time with FCBC.... but i had no reason to doubt because God moved in such a powerful way. even from the beginning, during worship of the first night, God's presence was soooo strong. we barely sung any songs.... people were all weeping and singing unto the Lord new songs from their heart. it was soo beautiful! no one had any agendas and we lost all concept of time. all we wanted was to be in communion with Him. that could be said for the rest of the encounter, esp during worship and certain altar calls. even though some speakers were admittedly better than others, on the whole, i left well-fed. God really dealt with my heart and made me confront certain things that i pretended were closed. He healed me and gave me total liberty. at the beginning of the whole thing, the first lady gave us all a butterfly and she said that at the end of it, we will leave as different women. even though i look the same outside, my heart has changed and like a butterfly, the transformation is complete and i feel like im flying with new life and freedom.
lastly, the experience in singapore cannot be described without giving a specific shout out to the people i shared it with.
stiggy, it was a shame that you weren't feeling well for much of our time in singapore but whatever time we did have as a group, it was fun.... patricia and anne, it was great seeing you after sending you off to indo; it was mindblowing hearing your testimonies and all the things that God did in your lives esp over breakfast and hot soya bean milk.... wen and rachel, thanks for sharing our beautiful little room with me; it was awesome talking to you girls till early hrs in the morning and keeping each other company throughout the days even though we had a really wet bathroom every night (hahahahaha.. *wink wink*).... henry and eddie, thanks for taking care of us girls in geyland, esp at night when it was dodgy; it was such a blessing to deepen my friendship with the two of you and getting to know your hearts. lastly, ac and di, what a difference you two brought to my time in singapore from the durian eating to trying on glasses to major D'n'Ms on bus rides with ac to scaring the beef out of me at the singapore flyer to loooong flights with law to playing with the cute doggies at aunty po's house; you two are little but big angels from God. ^____^ all of you, i loooooveeee you!!! i know that this is the beginning of many trips we shall have together as one BIIIIG FAMILY!

to everyone, while we were away, i had time to reflect on where we are at. even though we went to really anointed churches with huge teams to work with and had extensive resources, im so glad that im part of NLCC coz i know that we have even bigger and better things installed for us. not saying anything bad abt those churches but He really does have unique and specific dreams for us. i remember when i flying into one of the cities and i looked out of the window, i heard the voice of God speaking to me saying, "You can have this city and many more nations.. they are yours.... I have anointed NLCC to reach multitudes... If you would only claim and walk in the ways I have set out for you. There is no stopping MY MIGHTY ARMY"... Im so glad im going out to war with each one of you by my side. I know i can trust each one of you and we can cover each other's back. 

stay on the right side... choose the winning team!

ps more photos to come out on fb. 



We know you all had a fantastical awesome time because how can you not being in the saturated presence of God??!?

=D can't wait to hear all about it!!!

May you all have divine rest to power up to pass on FIRE TO NLCC and to get stuck in to preparations for the upcoming events ^_____^

May God bless you with strength like ...lions! yes powerful!

To all the other girls,
HOW ARE YOU ALL??????? Give a shout in the box >>>>> !
hehe it'll be nice to see how we all going :P

As for me, I am bUUUUUUUUUUUUUSY! heheh I was about to start my tutorial reading + questions for tomorow, but thought I'd blog because constant updates on this page keeps it active and alive! so please blog often girls ;) even super short ones just saying whats up! hahah cos then we know what you are up to and prayer points if you have any!

Prayer point for me (And Princess aManda) is that when we do our law readings (super long with sentences that go on and on and repeats half the same thing...-.-) that we have concentration and UNDERSTANDING and not be DISTRACTED! ANd that we won't get sick of reading, so we are not turned off from reading God's word! YOSH. thanks girls *^______^*e

shout out if this also applies to you ! ahahha i'm sure if would cos so much reading.
But yes, when we all agree and declare- we CAN read and understand against alllllll confusion, because He who is in us, is larger,stronger,more powerful, than he who is in the world.

We have divine strength! THANKS TO OUR AWESOME FATHER!!!

YAY love to you all !!!!!! Thanks Princess Jellyfish for your recap for yaf =D I like how you wrote. "
We have been set free and held up by our Lord! Hallelujah!!"
We are certainly are held up! HAVE A GREAAAAAT WEEK SISTERS <3


feel the urgency. be the few.

"ENTER through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." ~ Matthew 7.13
dear sparkling jelly princesses. I believe WE are the chosen generation, the generation called to touch heaven and change earth more than ever before. It is URGENT to reach out and change lives. Jesus came to earth for a reason - it re-establish His Father's Kingdom.
Let us not forget that when Jesus died on the cross, taking ALL our sickness, shame, hurts and disappointments, as well as our sins away from us had a PURPOSE for us to RISE UP and continue His and our Father's will of His Kingdom to reign over all of heaven and earth.
The way to life is narrow, it is not a smooth and easy to ride through for there will be many trials and temptations. Keep in mind that these TRIALS AND TEMPTATIONS are to teach us and train us up. Just like school and university - we learn and learn and learn, then you need to sit tests, do assignments and prepare yourself for the BIG exam which will reveal whether or not you are equipped for the 'go pass' to enter into your career as a professional. So very similar, the Word of God - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE) will teach you and equip you, then when trials head your way you are able to overcome them with the knowledge of God's Word and conquer HDs.
Look at trials and temptation as training sessions, these sessions will chip off bad habits and polish up the Jesus in YOU.
Guard your heart at all times, be alert and be quick to respond to the opportunities that God opens up for YOU to speak life into your family peoples, your friends, random strangers (random bus stop peoples) and don't forget to encourage not only the new christians but the older christians.
We're family in Christ.
"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" ~ Matthew 7.14
Don't be the common or the many that lust after the things of the world, but be the few, the few that walks with Jesus, the few that look towards God for peace, unconditional love, the few that draws strength and wisdom from Him and the few that our Heavenly Father looks upon with favour and takes delight in.
if you think about all the christians in the world, the true ones that have deep intimate relationship with Christ, then think about ALL the ones still living the ways of a fallen world that have yet to know Him the way you do - your Abba, your Provider, your first Love.
i pray that the Holy Spirit will stir in your hearts daily to enable you and move you to do great and mighty works our Father has called you to do. Lets be great citizens, citizens of the Kingdom of God that are super quick to obey, naturally quick to love and forgive, willing to share and slow, very slow to anger, worry and complain.
Stay sweet, use your time wisely - be organise, live everyday effectively advancing God's kingdom and above ALL, appreciate God - be thankful and grateful, and remember to count your blessings.
Keep running. Look far, Go deep, Dream big. Love each and every one of you girls.
Agape, jelly baby x x x

Understanding our Heavenly Father

Dear sisters,

Thank you for another great night of YAF led by Jellybaby & powerpuffs~ you girls have enabled us to open up to share & to ask questions (lol especially for our HD student ...haha) so that we can all learn from one another!

Okay, from what we learnt yesterday night, i decided to put one of the verses into action.

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

WILLING TO SHARE. These few words spoke into my heart somehow when the verse was read and the Holy Spirit reminded me of something that He revealed to me during one of my 3x3 prayers. So i just want to share this with you all:

The word: 'UNDERSTANDING' came into my mind during my weekly 3x3 prayer.

So i spent time thinking, what does this 'UNDERSTANDING' mean and how does it relate to what God wants me to do. This then relates to one of the verses that Jellymom has written in one of the blog entries about The Year of Increase, which says 'Increase in wisdom and understanding that helps you in all things'

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

From this word, I came to understand that in order for us to please God, we must obey His command because it is out of our LOVE for Him that we want to follow His wills. So, in order for us to an understanding of God, of who He really is; not soemthing that we try to think or judge He is, but who He really is through His words, through His amazing power manifested. It can only be done, when we surrender of all we have, then we can know who God is.

In every relationship, understnaidng is crucial in order for the two people to be in harmony, in love or at peace with one another. This is the same when it comes to our relationship with God. As we understand God by forgetting about ourselves, but 'be in His shoe', we will be more in love with Him, wanting to do what He wants, rather than following our own ways. We will be so in love with Him that we just want our lives to satisfy and to please Him!

So, i pray that we will be active in sharing our faith, so that we will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Love you all sisters, you girls are great joy and encouragement to me =)

Let's continue to spread the Love of God through our speech, our actions, our prayers etc~ so that we make the name of Jesus famous and known in all corners of the earth!!!

God bless you all

xoxo Christy

Miracle updates!

To my dear sisters,

Thanks *again* for being so supportive on Friday night! Not only did we have fun preparing/leading, we learned a lot in the process! And from you girls too as you asked questions and participated in the discussion! I just received a sms from our precious Jellymom so decided to blog it straight away!

"Just finished service. Amazing miracles. Man in wheelchair, didn't go church 5yrs since stroke. Couldn't open fist, move hand, walk. Now can do all. Left wheelchair walkin in front of all! His wife w. walkin cane, dr's gave up on her. Cancer. Worse cond.than husband, severe pain gone. Walk without cane, telling all i'm healed! Man totally blind. Eyes just white, told Patty she's pale skin, smiling, he copied her movements, healed! Boy's leg grew out 1.5 inches! Dramatic miracle in sight of parents. Ankle twisted made straight. Mute & deaf, healed! Yest. man w acute pain in chest, back, etc for 25yr, can't walk without pain, healed! Way more things, 2little sms! God bless! Anne & team :) SPREAD UPDATES PLS!"

Whoa! Amen! Praise God! Hallelujah! God is ALIVE and is MOVING through the NLCC team! Continue to uphold them in your prayers!! Our God is AWESOME! How can we ever stop praising and worshipping Him!? Our God is such an exciting God!! So if you're having a boring dull day, you do not know Him. See what the team is doing in Indonesia?? It's not just for "super Christians" but for every single one of YOU who has been born again into God's family! That means YOU and ME! We can ALL do these because the miracle working God lives inside of us!

I've been meaning to blog for a few days now... But haven't got around to that until today! In addition to the updates of the Indonesia mission trip, I was inspired when I read Joshua 1.

God said: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you. (v.1) We claim this not only for the mission trip but also for our own lives! As we step into uni, God has ALREADY given it to us! (Notice the tenses used.) Every day as we go to uni, know that you have dominion (as Jesus has dominion and He lives inside of us) so we can have the confidence to reach out to our friends!

God the Father also said:
No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life... I will be with you. (v.5) He is ALWAYS with us ( also see Mat 28:20); we can overcome ALL things! No harm shall come our way!

In this chapter, 3 times God commands us to
be strong and of good courage (v.6)
only be strong and and very courageous
be strong and of good courage

There must be a reason why He had to say that 3 times! This shows the importance and need of us standing strong and being courageous! (Note: the 'only' in v.7 doesn't mean be strong/courageous and nothing else... the 'only' is for emphasis...) It's not only something that God told us is good to be but its a command! Essentially He asked in v.9,
have I not commanded you to be strong and of good courage? So we don't have an option! It's a MUST! Stemming from what we learnt on Friday, no matter what we face, because we have the HOPE of glory and God is with us ---> so we CAN be strong and courageous!

In this same passage, I have been reminded to KEEP FOCUS! Only be strong and courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law... do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. (v.7) Do not be distracted from being obedient to God and drawing close to Him! Janey sorta mentioned that in her recent post too. Studies, work, other commitments, material things etc should NOT cause us to remove our eyes from Jesus! If it does, you need to question your priorities and really come before God! Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the subtle things that the devil place in your life that might be hindering God working in your life! When you DO fix your eyes on Jesus and walk in His righteousness no matter where you go you'll prosper! You'll be successful in studies, in business, have good health, have good relationships! Everything falls into place when your relationship with God is right and intimate!! So in your business, KEEP GOD AS YOUR NUMBER ONE!!!! Kepe looking ahead to what God has promised you (for being obedient and being a daughter of God) and that shall be our motivation to keep focused and not be side tracked!

That's all from me now...
See you all at Christy's for fun games, good fellowship and delicious foooood (
Something that can never be missed when we have yaf grp events!)~~ Haha!


easter camp-harvest time!

before i leave to g12,  i just wanted to encourage all of you to register for this year's easter camp.

now i know some of you might have gone to many camps before and think that there is nothing for you to gain but i beg to differ. we serve a God that is fresh and new even every morning, let alone every year. He will not disappoint. to those who are thinking of going to their first camp yet you are abit hesitant because you dont know what to expect, take the leap of faith and come. something special has been ordained for you from our great God. 
i was praying for easter camp the other day and i got a vision from God. at the beginning, there were many many many farmers (male and female; young and old)who were busy preparing themselves to go out to their field; ie getting their basket ready, sharpening their scissors and blades in order to cut down the fruits and putting appropriate entire to head out. then suddenly, all the farmers started heading out in one accord singing joyfully with a bounce in their steps and what i saw next blew me away. there were masses and masses and masses of ripen fruits everywhere; of all sizes, shapes and colours. there was not a branch that was dead but all were alive with beautiful fruits ready to be harvested.
in the same way, i believe many fruits will come as a result of this easter camp... that this will be a time for multiplication and increase over us. God is saying that this is NLCC's time for harvest and fruitfulness. that all the things that we have been praying for will be coming to past. 

i dont know abt you but im so pumped. i dont want to even think abt missing out. let us prepare ourselves. register and encourage all those around you to do the same! keep each other accountable. we are each others' keeper!

anyways, we will be thinking of you guys when we are in singapore in the g12 conference.
take good care of one another, esp all the new babies of both anne's jellies and my popcorns. ^___^
seek to be a blessing!!!
My internet is back and fast! woo hoo ^_^

How is everyone?? First week of uni is over, and look what God gave us already- a public holiday for us to recharge!!!!!!!! YAY ^___^ God is so awesome!
AND just hearing all those miracles the Indonesia Mission Team have told us about, realllly starts off 2009 with a BANG!
And straight after, G12...the delegates that are going are gonna bring back some BURNING REVIVIAL FIRE!!! AMEN? =D YES!

because after that, will be an AWESOME EASTER PRESENTATION- followed by our AWESOME EASTER CAMP!!!!!

My oh my, this year is gonna be busy busy busy! =D BUSY about our FATHER'S BUSINESS!

Just wanna say thank you to all you girls for supporting us last night!!!

Your contribution is precious to us, because we learn from you girls and want to hear what your say !! so that we may all get to know each other more ^___^ It was a fun night! hehe!

Just wanna share what i heard from God a weeks ago, but i haven't blogged~!

It was when we were singing "You are in my all in all" at YAF ! The Holy Spirit was soooo strong then and really convicted me during one line, which was:

"Seeking you as a precious jewel,
Lord to give up, I'd be a fool"

Holy Spirit really showed me that the way to seek GOD, to seek JESUS, is to seek them with a heart of love- like how people love precious jewels because they are worth so much and it becomes the object of their desire!
I think Ps Anne has said this once before... but its to pursue and pursue ..because the end prize is something that is most definetly worth it- it is GOD. And that we should never ever give up..

because to give up, I'd be a fool.
I'd give up the HOPE that can lead me through all sorts of sufferings, and chances of growing. To give up, I'd let all my family n friends down...especially those that I haven't reached out to.

The urgency to reach out THIS YEAR is pulling at my heart, because if I let other things come before God, I'd be a fool...those things (ie studies..work..materialism) aren't gonna help me in eternity, because those things are all temperorary but the ONE who will last, is the one that we should seek!!

If we seek things that are temporary, the desire we have for them are temporary too, so when we get them, we desire them no longer.
But if we seek God, who is eternal, we will never lose that desire, and will constantly hunger for more of him even if we had a taste- we will want more!!

That's why I'm looking forward to seeking God on a new level in 2009! I want to learn more, hunger more, and know more of His word!!

How exciting that NLCC is really rising up and
our jelly princess life group is becoming really close =D But its not a type of closeness that when other people come in, they don't fit it. It's like a close-ness where we ALLLLL share the same love and DESIRE and VISION!!!

Like when new friends come in, we ALL want to show love to them and make them all feel welcome without being told XDDDD ! I love it!

I love how we have our destinies lined up together and that we get to GROW TOGETHER!!!!!!!

It's SOOO EXCITING that we are REALLY LIKE SISTERS~!!!! hehehe ^___^ im feeling JOYOUS atm!

THis morning i woke up really dizzy and feeling like i was going to be sick.. that i had to leave early with my sister from a drawing class >_< but ive rebuked it..and since JESUS is my healer- I feel 100% annnnd i got some time to BLOG~!!!

And I had forgotten how fun it is to blog! Because as we hare- Holy Spirit starts to take over and put words in you heart to write :)

I encourage you all to blog more (and i will myself too - so long as my internet is working fast enough to load this page ^_^). AND if you don't know what to blog, just blog about your day :P hehe! it's also a good way to know what each other has been up to, what you need prayers for, or what made you smile today ^__^

ok i have work now!! I love you all heaps and can't wait til steamboat!!!!!!!!!!!


Great MIRACLES begins to unfold in INDONESIA!

Hey beautiful sisters,

I just received a sms from Jmom at 12:48am (adelaide time) = 10:18pm (Indonesia Time). It is so exciting to hear the great news, and so i can't wait to share with you all, despite my last upload of post wasn't successful~ but i will not give up until this post can be shown to you all!

The message from Anne and team is as follow:

'great miracles from morning to night. Woman with TB healed! Man with blurred vision in right fwd instantly healed. word of knowledge hearing problem left ear instantly healed. Muslim man came from hospital ICU meant to go for operation completely healed, unable to move,now have no more pain. Man with stroke left eye bad vision, healed. So many other miracles! the team is having so much fun! 1 man cam from streets as he heard the preaching, came with pain in back, completely healed. God is great! please share report! much love, anne& team'

'Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.' Psalm 37:3

So praise the Lord for His faithfulness in answering our many prayers and has such wonderful plans for NLCC to go out to the nations, truly making disciples of all nations! For those of you who will be fasting& praying in the next few days~ Jellybaby has recommended me to read Psalm 58 on true fasting, which gave me new insights to see as God sees! So may you continue to uphold the team in your prayers so that we as One, a body of Christ will unite together to celebrate our victory in Christ Jesus!

Princess Christy