"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest. " (Matthew 11:28 NIV)
It's that time of the semester where things are due, tests are coming up, things piling up and everything seems so busy busy busy.

I know I've been feeling that, have you??

Well, after days of just drainage...I took some time and just went to Jesus.
Especially on wednesday morning, I missed out on devotion because I slept through alarms...and only just made it to uni on time >.<>

But the word that I got was God saying, I've been there for you last year, and the many years before, for assignments, for tests...yet STILL, you try to control your time yourself and disobey- not putting God first.

I have a billion of excuses to why I haven't been advancing the Kingdom of God, but if I were to stand before God and say them, I know that God will just turn his face away, because I just buried what God had given me, and not shared it or multiplied it.

That night at PRAYER MEETING...Holy Spirit reminded me that repentance and a renewal of the heart is what is needed.
When zeal and passion and fire for God is covered by the worries and anxieties of the World, then we have lost our first love for JESUS. So girls, DAILY, ignite that FIRE, so that our hearts may be compassionate, passionate, zealous...

*Turn your eyes on JESUS, NOT the problems, NOT the assignment. *

>> Turn your eyes upon Jesus....and the things of this world will go strangely dim.....<<

As his love strengthens you, you'll find that doing your assignment will become JOYFUL, instead of strenous and tiring....and your TESTS become an opportunity for SUCCESS AND GLORY TO GOD..instead of headaches =)

yes?? It is a narrow road...and turning your eyes upon Jesus whilst ur 2500 word essay is STARING at you...is hard i know ^^ or your pile of reading is taller than your BIBLE..so that your bible is hidden away >.<.....then [a practical tip] just PUT your bible on TOP of that reading! hehe like this: with the light shining on it standing up wards, OR you could do this:
lie it flat so it won't fall over...ahhaha ^^
So whenever you want to put your head on the table, you'll see the word of God on TOP of everything! WOO HOO..power of the WORD brings LIFE. Hence, i am quite energetic now ..ahhaa.. (also writing blogs are really good way to let your thoughts out, so if you feel like taking a rest, just type a blog because i feel like i'm talking to all of you right now! xD)

Well girls, remember to keep growing your relationship with the Holy Spirit because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our counsellor =) the Holy Spirit is the one that you can talk to about ANNNNNNNYTHING...and! Not only listens, or talks to you, BUT will take YOUR prayers into the spiritual realm to INTERCEDE for OTHERRRRRRRS!!!
How awesome is the Holy Spirit?? just too awesome for our understanding to understand hehe !
Praise God for his love, and teaching us how to love ^^

MIRACLE ENCOUNTER- let's get the sick in, because even though you may feel embarrassed to give them a flyer, THEIR pain is MUCHHHHHHHHHHHH more.
And Holy Spirit told me that I'm selfish, because I KNOW that Jesus Heals, I know the power of the authority of Heaven, yet, I was too embarrassed to step out of my comfort zone to talk to someone that needs healing.

What can we lose? face?? The most they can do is go, eh...ok...look away.. "let's get out of here" to their friend.

Well, you may feel like giving up, or feel like you looked silly- but know that if you keep persisting, God will smile upon you and say, well done good and faithful servant.

because WHAT if the person you DIDN'T speak to, would actually want to come?? and really desperately wants be to free of the pain they are in.
One soul makes the angels in heaven REJOICE!

And the fact that YOUR name is in the book of life, means that your joy cannot be shaken, for whatever you do here for the glory of God will be known to God.

so let's share the love that we have!

hahah i've said a lot of things ...some might not make sense, so please please correct me if i've said it wrong!





    The greatest remedy for the weary soul is time with the Healer, Redeemer and Saviour.

    May we all cast our cares upon Him rather than breaking under the burgeoning load!

    Faster. Stronger. Higher.

    Give Him your best - we all want God's best for ourselves, yet often fail to realise that He wants OUR best.

    Love you all. Shine BRIGHT!


    amen amen amen!

    you know how many assignments i have this month but they're all lifted up to Jesus!! i dun rely on myself but on God~~ i like your photos btw xD totally demonstrates your point!

    i was pondering over that too recently... there is nothing that we'll lose when we invite the sick to come to the miracle encounter!!

    so sisters, let us ARISE TOGETHER and gather the sick/unsaved!!!



    janey love the pictures. hehe. keep posting you words of encouragement. lets start the trend again this year...increase in blogs xx