Miracle Encounter!


Miracle Encounter is coming up VERY VERY SOON =)

When we had worship on Sunday morning, I was praying for the Miracle Encounter, when the Holy Spirit reminded me that, God is an infinite God , who plans way before we did.

Before NLCC had the idea of Miracle Encounter, it was already in the mind of God. The miracles that will happen, have already been ordained. Therefore, we can just CLAIM it by FAITH. Because faith is believing and expecting the things not yet seen! (The bus is coming ^_^)

Also, Holy Spirit reminded me that what we expect will be exceeded, and that God has much bigger and larger plans for NLCC, and that miracles have ALREADY been happening.

Who would've thought that when we first heard about Miracle Encounter, that WE would be going to the streets and talking to STRANGERS and just following on the promptings of the Holy Spirit, walking into opportunities, speaking to people's hearts, telling them the GOOD NEWS, telling them of HOPE..
-->giving the sick- the disabled- the faithless- people who've never heard about JESUS-->
a CHANCE to come to know of the love that God has for them.

We, who are the church, going to the streets! I believe that is a miracle already =D I've never spoken to strangers about Jesus before..but the more we do of God's work, the joy that comes from doing it is...a joy that i've certainly never felt before!

When the sick person in a wheelchair says "Oh thank you, I'd love to come! How do I get there?"
You feel such a joy that is only explained because you know that that person will get to see and experience and come into contact with the LOVE OF GOD.

The miracles started way before this coming Thursday, and will CONTINUE until Jesus comes again, because JESUS is the same yesterday, today and FOREVER!

Therefore keep declaring that MIRACLE ENCOUNTER will just be the BEGINNING of something GREAT, something MIGHTY, something GLORIOUS, that is coming...the REVIVAL!
So when the Miracle Encounter is over, we as NLCC, must pray for the seeds, nurture the seeds, and WORK to bring in the harvest! Because it will just be the beginning of the revival!!!

We cannot rest because we'll have plenty of time to rest when we are with God ^_^

As for now, get assignments done quickly with the Holy Spirit....who will guide you through and provide strength wisdom and understanding.
I've done 1,200 already! woo hoo ^_^ need to make lots of time for the Miracle Encounter- praying hard working hard and enjoying hard =D hehehe!!!

KEEP INVITING PEOPLE- everyDAY ...at least ONE ahhaha! or 5 or 10 ...one missed opportunity and the person that you DIDN'T talk to, didn't get to hear about JESUS ...so use all opportunities the Holy Spirit brings you xD

With the girls today...we bumped into a group of young people. One guy who just asked us random questions about the people across the road dressing up in japanese anime styles...and we ended up asking him to come to miracle encounter- and found out his sister was disabled!

So opportunities come from ANYWHERE so have your HEARTS full of compassion and open, eyes opened and ears listening, and be IN TUNED to the Holy Spirit!!!

Then get ready for some fun ..it really is fun ...there are so many stories...just ask around and you'll hear many fantastic stories from the prayer walks and flyer distributions! =D

love of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee

back to my essay XD



    Amen, Janey! The miracles HAVE already started :


    Praise God - i nearly cried when I read your post.


    Work hard & fast - the King is returning!



    Salute to you Warrior Jannnee ~

    Amen that miracles and breakthroughs are happening on daily basis as we seek God His kingdom & righteousness, serving God in brand new ways that are out of our normal routines~

    So thankful that God has planned and given us such great opporunity to know His power & love in a deeper level through actively going out to be the love letters of Christ to the world~

    I would hopefully soon spend some time on writing some of the amazing divine opportunities and the wonderful partnership with the Holy Spirit during these few weeks! God is great and one thing He reminded me recently is that He is a GOD THAT DIRECTS THE WAY- THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE~

    May we continue to stand firm in faith and in obedience, and surely He will direct us to the promises and harvests that He has destined for us! Let's claim them all together =)

    All the best with your assignment!

    Princess Christy