


It was SO joyful to see you girls go through the waters of baptism, because now you are CLEANSED, and have publicly declared to the enemy that YOU ARE A DAUGHTER OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER ! YAY!

We are your sisters now, so whenever you need prayers, or to talk or have fun with- just CALL US ! =D or message or email or post here! heheh

We are ONE in Jesus so we will love you regardless of anything that happens!

That goes for ALL EVERYONE ! =D hehehe

Whatever happens in our daily lives, whether it be happy or sad, tiring or discouraging, frustrating or painful.....you can still rejoice because we have our names as a CHILD OF GOD!
Citizen of the exalted Kingdom of God!
and that is something that NO one can take away from you, as NOTHING can separate us from the love of God.
Woo hoo!

Let's continue to keep the Miracle Encounter in prayer, and pray for all those who will be coming- that their hearts will hunger to see signs wonders and miracles!

Jesus is the same YESTERDAY - yesterday as in the books of MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, JOHN- where he healed people by putting his hands on them, spitting on mud and healing a BLIND person....

TODAY...which is NOW. Jesus is your healer NOW. If you are sick, in pain or have heavy burdens, Jesus takes it away, because He already paid the price so you don't have to suffer. Just CLAIM IT =D

FOREVER- Jesus CONTINUOUSLY heals, not just yesterday and not just today, but at the MIRACLE ENCOUNTER AND AFTER TOO!

How wonderful! =D So if you see someone sick, they are in pain, and what you say will NOT make that pain go deeper, because the words you speak are through the Holy Spirit- and that only brings healing and GOOD- because it comes from God.
So it will not hurt them =D But by not saying anything, well that hurts God, because he doesn't want to see those people in pain- that's why he sent JESUS!

So let's represent JESUS to the world, to the hurting...have a heart of Compassion =D and be MOVED!

ok back to study now =D hehehe
love you all very much
God bless you all with love joy peace and wisdom for your studies or jobs!



    thanks princess janneee for sharing & yes indeed congratulation to our beautiful sisters fish & qi!

    Let's continue to be ambassadors of Christ --> walk like Jesus walks, see like Jesus see, speak like Jesus speak!

    *I will keep you all in my prayers that we will be filled with the heart of compassion and love, and the boldness to bring in the needy & hopeless into the kingdom of God!* May God's love lights up your heart that you will shine brightly for Jesus!*

    love you all & see you on friday

    princess christy