We sponsor him through COMPASSION, a Christian organisation that is Christ-centred, child-focused and church-based. We were sent a info pack & I've included some info below:

Birthday: 2 February 2003
Country: Kenya
Project: Ewaso Ngiro Community Christian Church Child Development Centre
Child No: KE-824-0118

"Samuel lives with this father and his mother. His duties at home include caring for animals. There are 4 children in the family. His father is not employed and his mother occasionally works as a trader in the local market. Due to low income his family struggles to survive.

Samuel is not presently attending school. Soccer is his favourite activity. He also attends church activities regularly.

Because of your sponsorship, Samuel has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally & spiritually. Thank you for your concern and prayers."

I thought it would be easier to for those girls who want to sponsor Samuel as a group to please 'ADD COMMENT' on this blog so that there's a formal list that will make up the group sponsoring him. What a cutie! The cost is $44/month (I'll double check that amount) & we will share that amount between the number of girls who want to sponsor him. So if you've given me your name yet or not, please add your comment to include yourself as a "sponsor mom"! Together, we will release Samuel from poverty in Jesus' name.

Once the group of sponsors is set, we'll take a photo, write him a letter and send it to him via Compassion, who's motto is: RELEASING CHILDREN FROM POVERTY IN JESUS' NAME.
AMEN~ remember girls, Jesus said,
"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for Me". Mt.25:40.


    Sponsor mom jane :D hehehe

    yay ^^

    May he grow into a man of GOD!


    Sponsor mom christy

    =) blessed to use what we have freely received from God to give to those who are in need

    and totally agree with sponsor mom jane that Samuel will grow into a man of GOD!


    Sponsor mom mandy~

    Jesus said:
    “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

    Let us all contribute to make a difference in little Samuel's life! =)mdslr


    sponsor mom Ali ^^

    May he be a mighty warrior of God


    sponsor mom JBong =D

    He'll surely feel the love of God...Thanks Jelly mom for organising this! We shall walk the talk! =P


    Sponsor mon Grace

    We please God by our generosity.