give God no rest!

When asked why God has come to various communities around the world, bringing revival and transformation, the people can point to a single reason; because He was invited. If we desire God to come to our communities, and change them, then we must dedicate ourselves to call upon Him, and invite Him over and over again. This means giving ourselves no rest until He is delighted to come. This means not only asking, but also "offering" a spiritual climate that is welcoming to His presence.
There is no price too great to pay for His all consuming presence.

But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God
-Jonah 3:8-

What does it mean to seek God with all your heart? One thing it means is that you're going to pray as a marathoner and not a sprinter.


Keep praying. We need to be like Jacob. Remember? He saw an angel of the Lord at the brook Jabbok and he wrestled with him all night. And do you remember the angel in the morning said, "Let me go." And what did Jacob say in Genesis 32:26? "I will not let you go unless you bless me." Sisters, I challenge you to pray that way. I challenge you to pray for God to come powerfully to our church and to our city, to touch the lives of the people in our community through us and say, "God, I'm not going to give up until it is done."

bombard heaven until the answer comes


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    this is powerful. let's flood heaven with our hunger till it rains revival.


    Amen sister! Let us all run our revival race with perserverance, strength, patience, persistence, along with consistency! We will not give up until we see the power of God bombard us in nlcc, in mayland, in adelaide and in australia!