Coming home- ahh!!

Do you remember the times when you returned home to your loved ones waiting at the glass doors in the airport? Today’s worship felt exactly like that. The whole night was a beautifully sweet and tender experience. In fact it was like stepping into God’s arms and being in a godly embrace all night long.

The highlight of the night for me was when we sang “Let it rain” after kneeling. Nothing compares to being filled with the peace of the Holy Spirit. Stretching out my arms, I just felt this incredible sense of release. I felt free! Cleansed and renewed at the same time- it was wonderful.

I had a recurring vision of a baby being suspended above flames. Yet the baby was smiling despite its precarious situation. It was almost like it was unaware of the danger and enjoying the warmth (though extreme!) of the fire.

*Pardon the digression.. but he's just too cute!!*

The verse Romans 12:12 then came to mind.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”.

I believe we are each experiencing trials in our daily lives, be they big or small. However we are called upon to persist despite our sufferings, to summon joy from every circumstance. This goes against human comprehension and it is not hard to wonder why. This is so: just like how the baby was miraculously suspended from the tongues of fire, we are buffered by God’s grace against affliction. Note that I say ‘buffered’ and not ‘insured’. The difference is crucial. Accepting Christ does not mean an easy life ahead of us. In fact it could mean the very opposite. However because we have God in us we have that -extra- bit to see us through every testing and trial. We no longer have to walk alone because He walks beside us. He brings victory over our circumstances because it is what He promises to those who are faithful.

God, our only constant- He sees us through.

Lord, I thank you that your favour rests upon us
In you we need not run on empty
And our hope for you is firm
Because we know that
Just as you share in our sufferings
So also you share in our comfort.

~2 Cor 1:7



    To re-state what you said so well -
    NOTHING COMPARES to the Peace that the Holy Spirit brings. It's so 'out of this world' - no pun intended ;)

    I'm SO glad that you had that experience. I know that as you seek & worship Him one on One, He will give you that same experience, just hunger for Him!

    Love you lots xxx


    Hey Leeping, AMEN! It was so encouraging to read your post! His presence is indeed sweet! God is always there with us! Keep seeking Him, and He will bring you to a whole new level with Him! It can be like that in your prayer closet!

    Love u!


    Wonderful wonderful post!!
    I am blessed by your sharing =D

    Holy Spirit is with you EVERYWHERE so that you will keep growing and FIGHTING ON WARRIOR!

    CUTE baby pic!! bwahah chubbiness ^^



    awesome post leeping! so encouraging and yup yup totally agree with you sister- that we are not alone ^^ we are above every circumstances cos Jesus lives in us =D !

    Keep it up


    thanks for ur encouragement gals!