WOW! What an exciting prayer meeting we had last week!

I really believe that God is wanting
SOFT HEARTS and HUNGRY HEARTS for His presence.

Last Wednesday the presence of God came down into the Chapel
in such an intense way & I just want to encourage you girls to
keep pressing into His presence.

Did any of you girls feel the same last Wednesday night?
IF SO.. SHARE IT ON THIS BLOG & encourage one another!

While we were worshipping and seeking God I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to tell everyone to get on the knees if they were sincere about worshipping God with their WHOLE hearts & not just a % of effort ... as we did that, I felt there was an opening in the spiritual atmosphere - which ALWAYS happens when we ACTIVELY seek to humble ourselves before God (& a real practical way prescribed in the Bible is to kneel). We began to pray & had free worship & the atmosphere started to change. After the time of intercession over the prayer points that were on the screen, I felt an urgency to 'not miss out' on what God desired for NLCC that night & so I started to go through the songs I had chosen that night - that segment of songs was all about inviting the Holy Spirit ... with this urgency in my heart (because it was already 10 mins to 10pm at that stage!) - & then we got onto the song, "Let it Rain" ... as we kept singing the song, the presence of God started getting heavier and heavier in the room. I was prompted to tell everyone to link hands & continue singing & so everyone did. As we did, I suddenly saw a brilliant white light that was the hem of the Lord's garment above us near the ceiling of the Chapel - it was so intense & electric & a sudden fear of God gripped my heart. I started trembling & felt so overwhelmed by His intense presence. I stopped singing but everyone continued passionately & the more they sung the more the Lord descended .. closer and closer to us! It took my breath away & I was bowed over at His awesome presence. It was INCREDIBLE!

I share this to highlight the importance of prayer & worship and desperation for God. I was continually reminded of the woman who purposed in her heart.. "If I could just touch the hem of His garment I WILL BE MADE WHOLE" ... & as I saw the hem of His garment I was so aware that if the HEM of His garment exuded such awesome glory & power - how much more would we be transformed & electrified if we received His full EMBRACE!!!!!!!!!!

When was the last time you felt His manifest presence? All you need to have is a desperate & hungry heart - & you will attract the manifest presence of Creator God into your life. When this happens the bliss & ecstatic joy that follows causes EVERY sensation of this world to pale in significance. On the drive home from prayer meeting I burst out crying .. then again in the shower.. then again drying my hair... then again while walking upstairs ... why?! His presence was just overwhelming me. His presence is addictive! Such an experience brings an attraction to Him causes you to LONG for more.


How? W O R S H I P. That is how. Pure, holy & sincere worship. Enter in, girls. There's much in store for you behind the veil.

Have your own experience? Record it HERE!