Heelllooo.....to all my beautiful sisters,

Yeah~ I have conquered my BIOCHEM exam with a testimony to share with you!

Well this morning I got up, feeling excited for this brand new day to glorify God in my exam, knowing that God's promises want us to be always at the top, never at the bottom; always the head, and never the tail [deuteronomy 28:13]!
After breakfast however, I was suffering from constant stomach pain and then eventually diaherra as well. As a child of God, knowing that Jesus has already paid the price of sins & pain for us once and for all, I knew that those pains had no rights to reside in me. Thanks be to God, He has placed His healing hands on me. Later on, the symptoms came back again; and I was getting concerned because obviously i would not want to waste time in the exam to be in the toilet lol So I kept declaring to myself that 'By Jesus' stripes, I am already healed' [isaiah 53:5], as I believed that I knew that I would not need to go back to that bathroom again in pain! Before leaving the house for the exam, still having slight discomfort in stomach & anxiety about exam (did not manage to do any studies at all this morning, and 'felt' as if i have forgotten everything i learnt), my housemate laid hand and prayed for me.

And once again, I bring all glory & praises to God, because in the entire exam, NO PAIN, not even any sense of discomfort came upon me! It is just as the psalmist says 'when evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident.' [psalm 27:2-3]~ How wonderful that what princess fish mentioned in last night yaf about us being the STRONGEST PEOPLE ON EARTH BECAUSE WE ARE CHRISTIANS, have truly reminded me my true identity and true position in the world!

Other than that, some parts of the exam were challenging and covered things that I did not really spend much time on. I had a minute of doubt, but then I remembered from worship last night that God is my wisdom, my provider, my deliverer, my rock, my very-present help. So i began to give thanks to the Lord with the wisdom and knowledge that was already in me; and trusting that Jesus has overcome the world, there is nothing too hard for Him! I began to answer all the questions that I have previously left blank (about 6 questions out of 15 which worthed a lot of marks) I finished the entire paper, not leaving any blank at all~ God is faithful and as I trusted in Him with all my heart, He came to my rescue. How great is our God!!!!

So, this has been my day, and without God, I would be nothing. So give thanks to God that 'the one who is in us in greater than the one who is in the world.' [1john 4:4] ad that everyone born of God overcomes the world!
Just want to praise God once again that I have a bunch of loving sisters who prayed for me (especially with so many people laying hands on me =) ! This love & care is truly from the children of God, who walk in the light!
Cling tightly onto our Heavenly Father who is our light and our salvation! May you walk continually in His truth!

See you all tomorrow & God bless you all
Princess Christy


    What a powerful testimony, praise God!

    No evil can touch us as long as we do not surrender to the enemy's advances.

    You did well by keeping faith in God and He returned that faith.

    Keep pressing on!! :))