Events leading up to Christmas

Hi girls,

I'm blogging the important dates so there's no excuse for you girls not to attend (plus everyone is on hols except Maggie and Jonin)!! xD Remember spending time/effort for God is a way to be grateful to God for all the things He's blessed us with this year!!

Monday 1st Dec
Jojo leaving Adelaide~~~ Remember her in prayers!! xD We'll misssss you!!!!

Wednesday 3rd Dec
What: Revival prayer meeting!!!
When: 8pm
Where: @ church

Thursday 4th Dec
What: Prayer meeting to intercede for our friends whom we're inviting for the picnic
When: 10am
Where: @ church

Friday 5th Dec
What: Make garlic bread for picnic
When: 11am
Where: @ church
What to bring: Jellymom, do you want us to bring anything to make garlic bread??

Saturday 6th Dec
What: PICNIC!!!!!
When: 11am
Where: @ Penfold Park

Wednesday 10th Dec

What: Life grp strawberry picking
When: meet 11am?? (to be confirmed...)
Where: @ church then we'll drive church bus to Hahndorf

Saturday 13th Dec
What: Life group high tea
When: 2.30pm
Where: @ Jellymom's house
What to bring: Jelly mom, you want us to bring a dish each??

[Mandy will be on the plane going back home while you have the high tea! Feel free to eat my share haha!! =)]

Saturday-Sunday 20th-21st Dec
What: Pastor Jean Lim ministering

Tuesday 23rd Dec
Jonin leaving Adelaide~~~

Thats what I've got in my diary so far!~~

I got something else to share...

I mentioned at YAF that all my results were out and that I was happy with what I got. But before I got to that, I was kinda disappointed at one of my marks. I mentioned to church friends that I'll probably get a distinction for that subject, after someone was teasing me about getting the top marks. I mean, I still got a credit so it wasn't bad... But it just didn't meet my expectation. Nevertheless after I checked my results I thanked God for blessing me with at least all passes. I tried to figure out how I got my credit... I don't think I've ever studied as hard for an exam than I did for this particular paper. Suddenly I remembered... One day at uni when my friends and I were meeting up to study togeter, they were saying "I only want a pass" or "I'll be happy with a pass". I thought, yea I'll def pass because I have God on my side, I'll def get higher than a pass. So I said to them "I want a credit" seeing that their standards were so low. So yesterday I reflected on why my attitude when I was with my uni friends were so diff to with brother/sisters at church. I finally understood so I've decided to blog it to warn you guys too. A few verses came to mind (you see, its good to have learnt our memory verses!):

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21)

"Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." (James 3:10)

"Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 10:32)

"Also I say to you, whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God." (Luke 12:8)

"...for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." (Galatians 6:&b)

I realized that I kinda paved my own path to get to a lower result... I wasn't game enough to tell my uni friends that particular time that because of who I am in God's eyes and that His favour is on me that I'll excell in that subject. By my words I had sown something that was harmful into my own life. If I had thought of these verses prior to me being careless with my words, then this would not have happened. But God makes all things good!! "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28). He used this experience to teach me a lesson.
So afterwards, I repented and thanked the Holy Spirit for revealing this this lesson to me. Praise God there is no condemnation in God when you come back to Jesus!! "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1) So yea... this was my experience this week~ xD

I pray that you too would be careful with what you do in your everyday lives... Be watchful (as I said in the previous post) with the things you do and say so not to accidentally sow harmful things in your lives. The devil knows how to subtly pull us down... But we are OVERCOMERS in Christ!! And when we do fall, God will pick us up!!! He loves us no matter what!!! What great assurance!! =) Hehehe...

God bless you all~


    woooh thanks mandy for putting up the dates xD i was gonna do it last night but my internet was going crazy on me ^^" hehe
    amen to ur post! we must guard our tongue~
    Praise God that you received words to share to us so that we may be strengthened <:o)

    woooh..see u all at church service!!


    Hi Girls!

    Jojo, you'd be reading this in Malaysia, wow! God bless you and keep you in the centre of His love.
    Keep your focus and invite the Holy Spirit in every aspect of your day - He's the best travel partner ... He knows all the best spots too!

    YES .. please bring a dish to share when you come to high tea! ... Tid bits are good for high tea.

    YES .. if someone can please bring a big tub of butter (or margarine) and a bag of garlic that would be great! I'll bring the parsley as I grow it at home & a garlic press to make the job easier. A.Sue has already reserved a whole lot of bread for us to use. Amen!

    See you Wednesday night!

    Love you all,
    jMOM xxx


    i have a pretty new tub (500g) of margarine at home... i can bring that but how much butter/margarine do we need? xox


    Hmm... that should be enough I think.. there's also a little bit of margarine in church, but its not full - but in total we should have enough ^___^

    I'm looking forward to the picnic big time! Praise God for NEW opportunities to REACH OUT & to use the LIFE that has been freely given to us ... to BLESS & SAVE OTHERS!

    Love you all and cya' tomorrow night!
