Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block??

To be beautiful sisters,

Just want to say....

We'll miss you Princess Lee Ping and Princess Christy!!!!
Hope you have a great time overseas (back home) and don't forget to SHINE for Jesus wherever you go!! xD We'll probably put updates on the blog (since exams are ending soon, people would be free to blog, won't we?? Hehe..)!

Another thing I wanted to share was a vision that I received from God last week... I was praying for compassion for His people and the vision kinda looked like this (except it was my own hands that I was looking at) --->>>

They were 2 red bricks that I was holding, one on each hand. At first I didn't know what the significance of it was and even questioned whether it was from God, because earlier in the day I was talking to Janey about a house built with red bricks. As I asked God what He was trying to show me (if it was from Him), He said to me:

Are you a stepping stone or a stumbling block??

Then it got me thinking... I first took it literally: bricks can be used to build walls and houses but if it was in the wrong place, lying on the floor, someone may trip over it.

The 2 bricks were identical on the appearance. He reminded me that the things we say and the things we do, as children of God, could either build up/encourage someone or hinder someone. Suddenly I felt the importance of the way we live our lives. I was reminded that we have been told to "be doers of the word and not hearers only" (James 1:22).

God later led me to 1 John 2:9-11

9 He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now. 10 He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. 11 But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

The Scripture said that to be a stepping stone, you'll need to LOVE your brother/sister! If you're walking in the light, that is in line with who God wants you to be, you'll be a stepping stone.

Romans 14 :13

Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.

In the previous verses the Apostle Paul was talking about people in the church having disagreements in opinions... We must LOVE them and accept one another: Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. (Romans 14:1) Those who are weak in the faith include new Christians, Christians with the lack of spiritual food and those who know enough about God just to slip into the kingdom of God... Those who are weak in their faith are easy to fall/stumble so we should not be judgmental towards them, lest we make them fall. We are in no position to judge one other anyways. Only God has the right to judge us (Romans 14:4). Correction is different from judging though. If fellow brothers/sisters are in sin, correct them out of LOVE rather than being judgmental. When you do this, you lead them to repentance and also you build them up (being a stepping stone).

Soon after I had the vision, an example came to mind (not so much about judging others but by the things we say and do) - suppose there is a stronger Christian who normally encourages weaker brothers/sisters about putting God first during exam times. And when the stronger Christian has an exam him/herself, they are not seen at Church... What would the weaker Christian think if he was looking up to him/her? In this case, the stronger Christian would have become a stumbling block to the weaker one, although it may not be intentional.

I was challenged to be mindful of the little things that we say and do. I in turn ask you the question that God put forth to me... Let us all be stepping stones to each other by LOVING one another, being there for one another, being accountable, being encouraging, supportive, loving, friendly... and the list goes on... Children of God on the outside may look the same as anyone else (just like the 2 bricks) but it is their action that tells us who they really are!!

I believe that during exam period and as we approach Christmas time, we need to rise up to be the person God wants us to be and really to be stepping stones to one another! Harvest time is coming... The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few... Let us get to work girls!! Not just on Fridays and Sundays but everyday of our lives! Everyday is an opportunity to bring someone to Christ! Amen?? =)

God bless you all~~



    Once again Mandy, that's a very powerful sharing. It has confirmed a vision God showed me this morning in prayer for you .. which I'll share to you on Wednesday ;)

    Keep seeking the Lord, for there is great wisdom and treasure in Him and the JOY of FELLOWSHIP with Jesus is incomparable.

    Love you ... and YES! Let us be mindful in the details of our lives to be stepping stones and NOT stumbling blocks... amen girls?!

    xxx jMOM xxx


    AMEN indeed~!!!
    wooh i just read ur blog properly :D
    very important distinction..
    two bricks looking the same ..can even act the same..yet its effect so different.

    Praise God for speaking through you to us all!!! work soon, so shall see ya soon ^.^

    love heaps!xox