Events leading up to Christmas

Hi girls,

I'm blogging the important dates so there's no excuse for you girls not to attend (plus everyone is on hols except Maggie and Jonin)!! xD Remember spending time/effort for God is a way to be grateful to God for all the things He's blessed us with this year!!

Monday 1st Dec
Jojo leaving Adelaide~~~ Remember her in prayers!! xD We'll misssss you!!!!

Wednesday 3rd Dec
What: Revival prayer meeting!!!
When: 8pm
Where: @ church

Thursday 4th Dec
What: Prayer meeting to intercede for our friends whom we're inviting for the picnic
When: 10am
Where: @ church

Friday 5th Dec
What: Make garlic bread for picnic
When: 11am
Where: @ church
What to bring: Jellymom, do you want us to bring anything to make garlic bread??

Saturday 6th Dec
What: PICNIC!!!!!
When: 11am
Where: @ Penfold Park

Wednesday 10th Dec

What: Life grp strawberry picking
When: meet 11am?? (to be confirmed...)
Where: @ church then we'll drive church bus to Hahndorf

Saturday 13th Dec
What: Life group high tea
When: 2.30pm
Where: @ Jellymom's house
What to bring: Jelly mom, you want us to bring a dish each??

[Mandy will be on the plane going back home while you have the high tea! Feel free to eat my share haha!! =)]

Saturday-Sunday 20th-21st Dec
What: Pastor Jean Lim ministering

Tuesday 23rd Dec
Jonin leaving Adelaide~~~

Thats what I've got in my diary so far!~~

I got something else to share...

I mentioned at YAF that all my results were out and that I was happy with what I got. But before I got to that, I was kinda disappointed at one of my marks. I mentioned to church friends that I'll probably get a distinction for that subject, after someone was teasing me about getting the top marks. I mean, I still got a credit so it wasn't bad... But it just didn't meet my expectation. Nevertheless after I checked my results I thanked God for blessing me with at least all passes. I tried to figure out how I got my credit... I don't think I've ever studied as hard for an exam than I did for this particular paper. Suddenly I remembered... One day at uni when my friends and I were meeting up to study togeter, they were saying "I only want a pass" or "I'll be happy with a pass". I thought, yea I'll def pass because I have God on my side, I'll def get higher than a pass. So I said to them "I want a credit" seeing that their standards were so low. So yesterday I reflected on why my attitude when I was with my uni friends were so diff to with brother/sisters at church. I finally understood so I've decided to blog it to warn you guys too. A few verses came to mind (you see, its good to have learnt our memory verses!):

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21)

"Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." (James 3:10)

"Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 10:32)

"Also I say to you, whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God." (Luke 12:8)

"...for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." (Galatians 6:&b)

I realized that I kinda paved my own path to get to a lower result... I wasn't game enough to tell my uni friends that particular time that because of who I am in God's eyes and that His favour is on me that I'll excell in that subject. By my words I had sown something that was harmful into my own life. If I had thought of these verses prior to me being careless with my words, then this would not have happened. But God makes all things good!! "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28). He used this experience to teach me a lesson.
So afterwards, I repented and thanked the Holy Spirit for revealing this this lesson to me. Praise God there is no condemnation in God when you come back to Jesus!! "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1) So yea... this was my experience this week~ xD

I pray that you too would be careful with what you do in your everyday lives... Be watchful (as I said in the previous post) with the things you do and say so not to accidentally sow harmful things in your lives. The devil knows how to subtly pull us down... But we are OVERCOMERS in Christ!! And when we do fall, God will pick us up!!! He loves us no matter what!!! What great assurance!! =) Hehehe...

God bless you all~

Tuesday 25th ??

SO NLCC picnic on the 6th of DECEMBER..
we get to pray over it and pray for our friends to come and enjoy God's love and presence! about this coming tuesday, 25th?
cos mandy n i have been assigned to set up christmas whoever wants to, can stay and help after praying..and we can eat random stuff..? heheheh

let's hear some opinions!

Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block??

To be beautiful sisters,

Just want to say....

We'll miss you Princess Lee Ping and Princess Christy!!!!
Hope you have a great time overseas (back home) and don't forget to SHINE for Jesus wherever you go!! xD We'll probably put updates on the blog (since exams are ending soon, people would be free to blog, won't we?? Hehe..)!

Another thing I wanted to share was a vision that I received from God last week... I was praying for compassion for His people and the vision kinda looked like this (except it was my own hands that I was looking at) --->>>

They were 2 red bricks that I was holding, one on each hand. At first I didn't know what the significance of it was and even questioned whether it was from God, because earlier in the day I was talking to Janey about a house built with red bricks. As I asked God what He was trying to show me (if it was from Him), He said to me:

Are you a stepping stone or a stumbling block??

Then it got me thinking... I first took it literally: bricks can be used to build walls and houses but if it was in the wrong place, lying on the floor, someone may trip over it.

The 2 bricks were identical on the appearance. He reminded me that the things we say and the things we do, as children of God, could either build up/encourage someone or hinder someone. Suddenly I felt the importance of the way we live our lives. I was reminded that we have been told to "be doers of the word and not hearers only" (James 1:22).

God later led me to 1 John 2:9-11

9 He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now. 10 He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. 11 But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

The Scripture said that to be a stepping stone, you'll need to LOVE your brother/sister! If you're walking in the light, that is in line with who God wants you to be, you'll be a stepping stone.

Romans 14 :13

Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.

In the previous verses the Apostle Paul was talking about people in the church having disagreements in opinions... We must LOVE them and accept one another: Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. (Romans 14:1) Those who are weak in the faith include new Christians, Christians with the lack of spiritual food and those who know enough about God just to slip into the kingdom of God... Those who are weak in their faith are easy to fall/stumble so we should not be judgmental towards them, lest we make them fall. We are in no position to judge one other anyways. Only God has the right to judge us (Romans 14:4). Correction is different from judging though. If fellow brothers/sisters are in sin, correct them out of LOVE rather than being judgmental. When you do this, you lead them to repentance and also you build them up (being a stepping stone).

Soon after I had the vision, an example came to mind (not so much about judging others but by the things we say and do) - suppose there is a stronger Christian who normally encourages weaker brothers/sisters about putting God first during exam times. And when the stronger Christian has an exam him/herself, they are not seen at Church... What would the weaker Christian think if he was looking up to him/her? In this case, the stronger Christian would have become a stumbling block to the weaker one, although it may not be intentional.

I was challenged to be mindful of the little things that we say and do. I in turn ask you the question that God put forth to me... Let us all be stepping stones to each other by LOVING one another, being there for one another, being accountable, being encouraging, supportive, loving, friendly... and the list goes on... Children of God on the outside may look the same as anyone else (just like the 2 bricks) but it is their action that tells us who they really are!!

I believe that during exam period and as we approach Christmas time, we need to rise up to be the person God wants us to be and really to be stepping stones to one another! Harvest time is coming... The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few... Let us get to work girls!! Not just on Fridays and Sundays but everyday of our lives! Everyday is an opportunity to bring someone to Christ! Amen?? =)

God bless you all~~

xoxo all my beautiful sisters,

Yeah~ I have conquered my BIOCHEM exam with a testimony to share with you!

Well this morning I got up, feeling excited for this brand new day to glorify God in my exam, knowing that God's promises want us to be always at the top, never at the bottom; always the head, and never the tail [deuteronomy 28:13]!
After breakfast however, I was suffering from constant stomach pain and then eventually diaherra as well. As a child of God, knowing that Jesus has already paid the price of sins & pain for us once and for all, I knew that those pains had no rights to reside in me. Thanks be to God, He has placed His healing hands on me. Later on, the symptoms came back again; and I was getting concerned because obviously i would not want to waste time in the exam to be in the toilet lol So I kept declaring to myself that 'By Jesus' stripes, I am already healed' [isaiah 53:5], as I believed that I knew that I would not need to go back to that bathroom again in pain! Before leaving the house for the exam, still having slight discomfort in stomach & anxiety about exam (did not manage to do any studies at all this morning, and 'felt' as if i have forgotten everything i learnt), my housemate laid hand and prayed for me.

And once again, I bring all glory & praises to God, because in the entire exam, NO PAIN, not even any sense of discomfort came upon me! It is just as the psalmist says 'when evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident.' [psalm 27:2-3]~ How wonderful that what princess fish mentioned in last night yaf about us being the STRONGEST PEOPLE ON EARTH BECAUSE WE ARE CHRISTIANS, have truly reminded me my true identity and true position in the world!

Other than that, some parts of the exam were challenging and covered things that I did not really spend much time on. I had a minute of doubt, but then I remembered from worship last night that God is my wisdom, my provider, my deliverer, my rock, my very-present help. So i began to give thanks to the Lord with the wisdom and knowledge that was already in me; and trusting that Jesus has overcome the world, there is nothing too hard for Him! I began to answer all the questions that I have previously left blank (about 6 questions out of 15 which worthed a lot of marks) I finished the entire paper, not leaving any blank at all~ God is faithful and as I trusted in Him with all my heart, He came to my rescue. How great is our God!!!!

So, this has been my day, and without God, I would be nothing. So give thanks to God that 'the one who is in us in greater than the one who is in the world.' [1john 4:4] ad that everyone born of God overcomes the world!
Just want to praise God once again that I have a bunch of loving sisters who prayed for me (especially with so many people laying hands on me =) ! This love & care is truly from the children of God, who walk in the light!
Cling tightly onto our Heavenly Father who is our light and our salvation! May you walk continually in His truth!

See you all tomorrow & God bless you all
Princess Christy

Exam- Prayer Timetable

Let's take it back to the basics

SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL (c.1982; composer unknown)

Shepherd of my soul, I give You full control
Wherever You may lead I will follow
I have made the choice, to listen to Your voice
Wherever You may lead, I will go

Be it in a quiet pasture, or by a gentle stream
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side
Should I face a mighty mountain, or a valley dark and deep
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide

Shepherd of my soul, Oh You have made me whole
Where’er I hear You call how my tears flow
How I feel your love, how I want to serve
I gladly give my heart to You O Lord

Be it in the flowing river or in the quiet night
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side
Should I face the stormy weather or the dangers of this world
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide

Just to be with you, o Lord.

Encouragement during exams

Hi girls!!

AMEN (to Anne's post)! Despite exams being the women of God, we MUST rise up and KEEP reaching out! This is our purpose! We cannot stop doing what we've been called to do!
**Thanks again Anne for posting the exam timetable up so we can strengthen/encourage one another**

Worried about exams? Remember Matthew 6:33:
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

What Anne said at the beginning at YAF acted like a wake up call!! A father who loves his son would discipline him... So will our Father in Heaven and our spiritual mom too! (Proverbs 13:24) And also a wise child will accept his/her parents' discipline (Proverbs 13:1) and we are all wise, aren't we? =P So just want to say thanks Anne for the disciplining, we know you want the best for us and so we will present ourselves approved to God (2 Tim 2:15)!!

After the disciplining at YAF... I told God that I wanted a fresh start and that nothing was to stop me from reaching out/praying/communing with God. Since Friday night, devotions have been more focused and the day becomes a LOT better (efficient/fun/full of joy)!! On Sunday morning devotion was good... Worship time at church was so happy/joyful xD Dwelling in God's presence... My first time teaching Sunday School was good... Didn't mind serving food right after the lesson... =P Been busy running around but it was enjoyable. SOL 3 class was good, learnt how to do mini sermons~ And after a wonderful morning, God blessed me with divine ideas to write 2000 words for my assignment that is due this Friday! Despite spending the extra time with Him, it doesn't cost you in terms of your studies! So just want to encourage you all that Mat 6:33 DOES WORK! God's logic/way to do things is totally different from the way of the world! So don't get them mixed up during your busyness!!!

I typed up a few verses over the weekend that is encouraging over exam period. Its just some from the sweet Word of God... So feel free to add to the list! =P

2 Corinthians 2:14
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ….

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Matthew 19:26 With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Mark 10:27
With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all tings are possible.

Matthew 11:28-30
Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For MY yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Stressed? Don't be! As children of God, you don't have the right to be stressed!

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you.

Jeremiah 32:27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things...

Keep running the race FAST girls! We're in it TOGETHER! We learnt at YAF that 2 are better than 1 (Eccesiasties 4:9-12)!! And the devil shall have NO FOOTING over our lives, AMEN?

Love u all~~

P.S. Don't forget the "hwk task" for this week... =)

exam timetable


















Skills DEMO


Crime & Punishment…. &



Skills DEMO




Property Law









Applied Pharmaco-therapeutics


Business communications


Computer based Quantitative Methods



Chemistry Based Therapeutics






of Finance


Quantitative Methods

Lee Ping:


Accounting concepts & Methods









Lee Ping:

OSCES 17 Script concordance

Lee Ping:


exam time = encouragement time

Students need the most encouragement during exam times and so we, CHRISTIANS must advance the Kingdom by utilising this perfect opportunity when others (OTHERS... not OURSELVES)
are stressed, frustrated, anxious, self-centred.

Let us not become self-centred nor assignment-driven
Let us be Christ-centred & purpose-driven.

GO, GO, GO! Reach out, mature, rise up. It's time to grow. Life is made of learning opportunities. In studies we learn, but it is in LIFE that we LEARN the lessons needed to thrive and fly through the finish line of life - the final exam.