ready for REVIVAL???

"If you are content to live without revival, you will."

Do we want revival more than we want to breathe? Do we have the radical and holy desire to see God break out? Do we find that the purpose statement for our lives is to have the weight of His glory follow us?

The Scripture speaks about the presence of God. Beginning in Genesis 1:2 with the Spirit of God hovering over the face of the waters and ending in Revelation 22:20 with our Lord's promise, "I am coming soon," Scripture is clear about God's desire for us to dwell in His presence. The patriarchs, the prophets, the disciples, the apostles, and the early church fathers were always seeking a greater measure of the "coming of God." They realized that without God's manifest presence, little of eternal significance would take place.
Knowing how desperately they needed God, they were set on seeking Him.
Likewise, may we be in pursuit to have the REVIVER of REVIVALS in our lives! May we not be content to be in His presence only when we go NLCC. May we not be content just to hear about Him or read about Him. May we not be content until He takes His rightful place!

Is there any evidence of God moving in our nation like He did in previous centuries in other countries? What about our church? Are we seeing signs of true revival? Are marriages being restored? Is there weeping for lost souls? Are people being unexplainably drawn to Christ? Are the prayer meetings filled to overflowing? Are people hungry for the Word of God? Are people changing from old habits and ways? Are we establishing Kingdom of God wherever we go?

A few weeks ago, God gave me a vision during women's net. It was of our church (that is, us) contained within a box. As we prayed, the glory of God filled it to the brim until the 4 walls exploded because it could no longer contain the weight of His presence. I believe that as we repent, turn from our wicked ways and seek the Lord's face, indeed, He will turn towards us, open the flood gates of heaven and fill our house till its overflowing.
God spoke clearly to me that night that He cannot be limited or contained because He is infinite and longs to go far beyond the 4 walls of our church and all that we have ever expected.

Yet again, on Saturday during worshipnet, God gave me a word based from Isaiah 40:
"Prepare the way of the LORD;
Make straight in the desert
A highway for our God.
Every valley shall be exalted
And every mountain and hill brought low;
The crooked places shall be made straight
And the rough places smooth;
The glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
And all flesh shall see it together;
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”

As we prepare the way of the Lord by our lives, His glory
WILL come and all flesh from the NORTH, SOUTH,
EAST and WEST shall be witnesses.

Miracle Encounter!


Miracle Encounter is coming up VERY VERY SOON =)

When we had worship on Sunday morning, I was praying for the Miracle Encounter, when the Holy Spirit reminded me that, God is an infinite God , who plans way before we did.

Before NLCC had the idea of Miracle Encounter, it was already in the mind of God. The miracles that will happen, have already been ordained. Therefore, we can just CLAIM it by FAITH. Because faith is believing and expecting the things not yet seen! (The bus is coming ^_^)

Also, Holy Spirit reminded me that what we expect will be exceeded, and that God has much bigger and larger plans for NLCC, and that miracles have ALREADY been happening.

Who would've thought that when we first heard about Miracle Encounter, that WE would be going to the streets and talking to STRANGERS and just following on the promptings of the Holy Spirit, walking into opportunities, speaking to people's hearts, telling them the GOOD NEWS, telling them of HOPE..
-->giving the sick- the disabled- the faithless- people who've never heard about JESUS-->
a CHANCE to come to know of the love that God has for them.

We, who are the church, going to the streets! I believe that is a miracle already =D I've never spoken to strangers about Jesus before..but the more we do of God's work, the joy that comes from doing it is...a joy that i've certainly never felt before!

When the sick person in a wheelchair says "Oh thank you, I'd love to come! How do I get there?"
You feel such a joy that is only explained because you know that that person will get to see and experience and come into contact with the LOVE OF GOD.

The miracles started way before this coming Thursday, and will CONTINUE until Jesus comes again, because JESUS is the same yesterday, today and FOREVER!

Therefore keep declaring that MIRACLE ENCOUNTER will just be the BEGINNING of something GREAT, something MIGHTY, something GLORIOUS, that is coming...the REVIVAL!
So when the Miracle Encounter is over, we as NLCC, must pray for the seeds, nurture the seeds, and WORK to bring in the harvest! Because it will just be the beginning of the revival!!!

We cannot rest because we'll have plenty of time to rest when we are with God ^_^

As for now, get assignments done quickly with the Holy Spirit....who will guide you through and provide strength wisdom and understanding.
I've done 1,200 already! woo hoo ^_^ need to make lots of time for the Miracle Encounter- praying hard working hard and enjoying hard =D hehehe!!!

KEEP INVITING PEOPLE- everyDAY least ONE ahhaha! or 5 or 10 missed opportunity and the person that you DIDN'T talk to, didn't get to hear about JESUS use all opportunities the Holy Spirit brings you xD

With the girls today...we bumped into a group of young people. One guy who just asked us random questions about the people across the road dressing up in japanese anime styles...and we ended up asking him to come to miracle encounter- and found out his sister was disabled!

So opportunities come from ANYWHERE so have your HEARTS full of compassion and open, eyes opened and ears listening, and be IN TUNED to the Holy Spirit!!!

Then get ready for some fun really is fun ...there are so many stories...just ask around and you'll hear many fantastic stories from the prayer walks and flyer distributions! =D

love of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee

back to my essay XD







It was SO joyful to see you girls go through the waters of baptism, because now you are CLEANSED, and have publicly declared to the enemy that YOU ARE A DAUGHTER OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER ! YAY!

We are your sisters now, so whenever you need prayers, or to talk or have fun with- just CALL US ! =D or message or email or post here! heheh

We are ONE in Jesus so we will love you regardless of anything that happens!

That goes for ALL EVERYONE ! =D hehehe

Whatever happens in our daily lives, whether it be happy or sad, tiring or discouraging, frustrating or can still rejoice because we have our names as a CHILD OF GOD!
Citizen of the exalted Kingdom of God!
and that is something that NO one can take away from you, as NOTHING can separate us from the love of God.
Woo hoo!

Let's continue to keep the Miracle Encounter in prayer, and pray for all those who will be coming- that their hearts will hunger to see signs wonders and miracles!

Jesus is the same YESTERDAY - yesterday as in the books of MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, JOHN- where he healed people by putting his hands on them, spitting on mud and healing a BLIND person....

TODAY...which is NOW. Jesus is your healer NOW. If you are sick, in pain or have heavy burdens, Jesus takes it away, because He already paid the price so you don't have to suffer. Just CLAIM IT =D

FOREVER- Jesus CONTINUOUSLY heals, not just yesterday and not just today, but at the MIRACLE ENCOUNTER AND AFTER TOO!

How wonderful! =D So if you see someone sick, they are in pain, and what you say will NOT make that pain go deeper, because the words you speak are through the Holy Spirit- and that only brings healing and GOOD- because it comes from God.
So it will not hurt them =D But by not saying anything, well that hurts God, because he doesn't want to see those people in pain- that's why he sent JESUS!

So let's represent JESUS to the world, to the hurting...have a heart of Compassion =D and be MOVED!

ok back to study now =D hehehe
love you all very much
God bless you all with love joy peace and wisdom for your studies or jobs!

Do you feel the urgency??

Hey girls~

It was refreshing to read Janey's post! It really reminded me that NOW is the time to bring in the lost!!

Do you believe that the Miracle Encounter will kick start revival in Adelaide?? I do!!!! Let us prepare our hearts as we approach October. As revival is getting closer and closer my the minute, we need to be ACTIVE as the devil is not going to sit back and let us have revival. The devil is on the look out to pull us down - with discouragement, temptations, lies...
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 - TNIV)

Be good stewards of Christ, encourage one another and build one another up! Evangelizing is GOOD but let us not forget those who are slipping into the hands of the devil. Let us be diligent and intercede for them DAILY! Each soul is precious to Jesus!

I was praying one day this week that God show me how to reach out to the unsaved and to bring back those who are losing faith. I also asked God to show me what happens if we don't bring them back, where do they go if they're not walking in the narrow path and keeps going astray... The Holy Spirit directed me to James 5:17-20:

17 Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. 18 Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

This verse spoke to me... to pray until something happens (PUSH)! Persevere and don't give up!! There is no one who is too far that God cannot reach!!! Keep praying/interceding and you WILL see the harvest!! Let us follow the example of Elijah, he too was human... Let us keep praying until God opens the floodgates of heaven!!!

19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring them back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the way of error will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

These two verses were on the line of what I was asking God for... People around us are DYING! How can we be selfish (like Jane mentioned) and not something about it?? To lead someone (back) to Christ is giving them LIFE! Knowing that when you go out to bring them back is giving them life and to bring about the forgiveness of sins, should COMPEL you to reach out! Who would watch their brothers/sisters walk towards death and not stop them?

In the same day, the Holy Spirit drew my attention to Leviticus 26:14-42 that really gave me revelation to what happens when people do not obey God's command...

But if
you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands, and if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant, then I will do this to you... Bring sudden terror, disease, you'll sow your seed in vain, defeated by your enemies, those who hate you will reign over you

The listing of punishes pauses for a moment. With the words 'if after all this' it sounds like God is giving us a chance to come back to Him. God steps back sometimes so you realize that you ought not to be in control of your life. And in recognizing that you turn back to Him...

And after all this,
if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins...
, if you walk contrary to Me, and are not willing to obey Me...
And if
by these things you are not reformed by Me, but walk contrary to Me...
And after all this,
if you do not obey Me, but walk contrary to Me...

Time and time again God says if after all this you still choose to disobey, this is what will happen... The list of punishes keeps going... All the verbs used when talking about the punishes were 'shall' and 'will' which means there is NO escape. It's not "maybe God will punish disobedience"... But He WILL!!


I found a turning point as I approached the end of the chapter...

But IF
they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers... if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, and they accept their guilt, THEN I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham I will remember; I will remember the land.
The turning point is confession/repentance!! God is calling YOU TODAY to go and lead the lost back home!! I got convicted to stop giving excuses and just to go out and do what God has called us to!! Let this urgency be in our hearts... Let us see the world through Jesus' eyes... There is nothing better than doing what Jesus has commanded us to! And seeing His precious people coming home into His warm embrace!

Sorry for the long post, but I hope you also SENSE THE URGENCY to reach out!!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest. " (Matthew 11:28 NIV)
It's that time of the semester where things are due, tests are coming up, things piling up and everything seems so busy busy busy.

I know I've been feeling that, have you??

Well, after days of just drainage...I took some time and just went to Jesus.
Especially on wednesday morning, I missed out on devotion because I slept through alarms...and only just made it to uni on time >.<>

But the word that I got was God saying, I've been there for you last year, and the many years before, for assignments, for tests...yet STILL, you try to control your time yourself and disobey- not putting God first.

I have a billion of excuses to why I haven't been advancing the Kingdom of God, but if I were to stand before God and say them, I know that God will just turn his face away, because I just buried what God had given me, and not shared it or multiplied it.

That night at PRAYER MEETING...Holy Spirit reminded me that repentance and a renewal of the heart is what is needed.
When zeal and passion and fire for God is covered by the worries and anxieties of the World, then we have lost our first love for JESUS. So girls, DAILY, ignite that FIRE, so that our hearts may be compassionate, passionate, zealous...

*Turn your eyes on JESUS, NOT the problems, NOT the assignment. *

>> Turn your eyes upon Jesus....and the things of this world will go strangely dim.....<<

As his love strengthens you, you'll find that doing your assignment will become JOYFUL, instead of strenous and tiring....and your TESTS become an opportunity for SUCCESS AND GLORY TO GOD..instead of headaches =)

yes?? It is a narrow road...and turning your eyes upon Jesus whilst ur 2500 word essay is STARING at hard i know ^^ or your pile of reading is taller than your that your bible is hidden away >.<.....then [a practical tip] just PUT your bible on TOP of that reading! hehe like this: with the light shining on it standing up wards, OR you could do this:
lie it flat so it won't fall over...ahhaha ^^
So whenever you want to put your head on the table, you'll see the word of God on TOP of everything! WOO HOO..power of the WORD brings LIFE. Hence, i am quite energetic now ..ahhaa.. (also writing blogs are really good way to let your thoughts out, so if you feel like taking a rest, just type a blog because i feel like i'm talking to all of you right now! xD)

Well girls, remember to keep growing your relationship with the Holy Spirit because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our counsellor =) the Holy Spirit is the one that you can talk to about ANNNNNNNYTHING...and! Not only listens, or talks to you, BUT will take YOUR prayers into the spiritual realm to INTERCEDE for OTHERRRRRRRS!!!
How awesome is the Holy Spirit?? just too awesome for our understanding to understand hehe !
Praise God for his love, and teaching us how to love ^^

MIRACLE ENCOUNTER- let's get the sick in, because even though you may feel embarrassed to give them a flyer, THEIR pain is MUCHHHHHHHHHHHH more.
And Holy Spirit told me that I'm selfish, because I KNOW that Jesus Heals, I know the power of the authority of Heaven, yet, I was too embarrassed to step out of my comfort zone to talk to someone that needs healing.

What can we lose? face?? The most they can do is go, eh...ok...look away.. "let's get out of here" to their friend.

Well, you may feel like giving up, or feel like you looked silly- but know that if you keep persisting, God will smile upon you and say, well done good and faithful servant.

because WHAT if the person you DIDN'T speak to, would actually want to come?? and really desperately wants be to free of the pain they are in.
One soul makes the angels in heaven REJOICE!

And the fact that YOUR name is in the book of life, means that your joy cannot be shaken, for whatever you do here for the glory of God will be known to God.

so let's share the love that we have!

hahah i've said a lot of things ...some might not make sense, so please please correct me if i've said it wrong!

