get into PRAYER

The disciples in the Bible knew the necessity and worth of prayer to their ministry and life. Even though they knew their high commission from God, they did not feel a relief from the necessity of prayer; instead, they committed them to it by a more urgent need. Unhindered, they "give themselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word." Prayer is put first, and their relation to prayer is put most strongly -- "give themselves to it," making a business of it, surrendering themselves to praying, putting fervor, urgency, perseverance, and time in it.

They devoted themselves to the divine work of prayer! "Night and day, praying exceedingly," says Paul. "We will give ourselves continually to prayer" is the consensus of true development of a disciple! They laid themselves out in prayer for God's people! They put God in full force into their Churches by their praying! They did not vainly fancy that they had met their high and solemn duties by delivering faithfully God's word, but their ministry was made to stick and tell by the ardor and insistence of their praying. They sought God mightily day and night to bring their people to the highest regions of faith and holiness. They prayed mightier still to hold them to this high spiritual altitude.

be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

stay in constant communion with God