in preparation for spiritual encounter


It sure has been a long time since i last wrote to you.... but after last night at women's net, i felt such an urgency to encourage each one of you to prepare your hearts for the upcoming spiritual encounter in July.

Last night, during women's net, there was such a weight of God's presence that came upon us during worship. As we were praying and singing to the Lord our own song, I suddenly felt like I was on fire and I was dripping wet, not from sweat but from the anointing of God. It just kept pouring and pouring and pouring... The more the Holy Spirit filled me, the more I yearned.. until I couldn't contain it but I started to weep. I don't know how long that was but the next time I opened my eyes, all the women around me were on their knees, worshipping, weeping and being refreshed in His presence... It was so beautiful and I never wanted it to end.

I am sure all the women have their own testimonies but I am just sharing mine because God gave me a foresight into what He is going to do at spiritual encounter. He is going to release new wine in our midst and He is going to pour His glory afresh.. He is going to go beyond what we can even imagine! However, not all will receive His anointing. Only those who have prepared their hearts as a broken and empty vessel can be filled. You have to make sure that there is room for God in your heart; and no, not just left over space but complete surrender and utter consumption. Unless your temple/your vessel is fit for God, He cannot make His throne there.

Prepare yourself for newness of life. Get rid of the old expectations, old limits, old wineskin. Declare and agree that you never want to be the same again. Discipline your flesh and purify your hearts by fasting. Then when it is time (which doesn't necessarily have to be at the encounter), allow the ANOINTING and POWER of GOD to replenish, reconstruct and renew you.

Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord.
Till He comes and rains righteousness on you and fills the whole earth with His glory.


    Thank you so much for sharing your experience sister =) and it definitely has motivated me further to prepare my heart at all times for God to mould it and refine it!
    I will uphold you and all the girls in your group as well that we will all be transformed by God in all dimensions, to be filled with new fire, new wine, fresh anointings that we will break free from the past and the old, and to move forward in the fullness of life that He has planned for us!
    Love you sis!
    Agape xoxo