beginning of breakthrough

Dear beautiful sisters,

What a beautiful sunday we had, coming together to worship our Heavenly Father, who has great plans for our future, and training us to be Masters of breakthrough in all circumstances of our lives, so that we can rise up to our destiny and who God wants us to be!

Praise God for His words through the sermon that our dear jellymom has given to our church this morning, in which with the accompanying of the Holy Spirit! Hearts have been softened, spirits have been stirred, attitudes have been changed, circumstances have been turned upside down, and stronghold have been broken! Hallelujah!

Just want to share a little testimony of how God has already begun to change my heart, my attitude; and i believe that He will continue to teach me the way i should go.

There is a friend who has backslided for over 5 years. Even though she claims she knows the existence of God, she stopped going to church. Without having a relationship with God, her life has been in darkness: her way of seeing life, the way she lives life is simply worldly. There have been times where her actions and words which caused resentment, irritation, frustration... in my heart. There have been times when i just turned blind eyes, thinking that i would just wait and see, while keeping her in prayers every now and then. There, i felt to realise my incomplete faith, because faith without action is dead; and more importantly, i failed to love my neighbours as i love myself.

However, praise God that He has continued to teach me through YAF about faith, and this building up of faith through hearing and learning; led me to pray to God more specificly about this problem, and to ask for instructions on what actions i should take.

One important point that God spoke into my heart was that, if I, as a child of God, who is able to bring the presence of God, shining the light into her life; how can the people in the world, who are currently influencing her life, can ever bring her close to Him again. Then, the sense of urgency arose in my heart. Despite of the past hurts or resentment that i had, i repented, and i asked God to take away all that was in me, to replace His goodness and His love in me.

My first step to it was to invite her for dinner. It was a big step for me because I had constant fear that she might reject me, or i didn't know how i could do it. But by God's strength, I did and i felt this peace was in my heart that i haven't experienced before when i am around this friend of mine. After that, i was given more courage, more love to show my concern and care for her. Even though it was just a little thankyou that she said, but i know that something within our friendship has already changed!

Then today in the morning service, especially the time when we were called to come up to the front, i knew in my heart that God wanted to change my attitudes, instead of thinking badly of others, and sometimes complain~ rise up as masters of faith! Then to my amazement, pastor anne said the word 'attitude'. at the moment onwards, i know that God is in control of this situation, so i just gave thanks to God for listening to the concerns of my heart, for knowing what i need to be changed, for really instructing me, and teaching me the way i should go; for really counselling me and watching over me. He is amazing, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever! Hallelujah!

So, the outcome is this: i had dinner with this friend tonight (God has the best timing =) ), i prepared the meal with great joy, peace in my heart. At dinner, she asked me say grace, and so i did and i also prayed for her exam tomorrow. Even though we didn't have time for a deep, long talk, but i know that God is guiding me through this, and the Holy Spirit is softening both of our hearts, that i may be used by Him to continue to shine light into her life, bringing her back to the arms of our Heavenly Father~

Thanks for reading my long post~ but i just want to acknowledge what God has done for me. Through this testimony, i want to give Him all glory, all praises, all honour; for without Him, i am nothing. It is by His grace, i am who i am!

God bless you all with studies and everything else in life~ Pray that we will all rise up as Masters of Breakthrough, that we can run fast, and move forward in our walk with our Lord!




    Whoa great testimony Princess Christy! Thanks for sharing~ It's so amazing to see how God touches each of our lives in different ways! Its so good to be assured that its God who provides us with the strength, wisdom and whatever we need to accomplish the mission that He has entrusted us with~ Hehe... Love xoxo


    Praise God for His faithfulness!

    Expect more breakthroughs & changes, girls - God is with us & working in us to produce greatness & a life pleasing to our Father.

    Stay in peace & love by guarding our hearts & renewing our minds.

    Love jMOM