hi girls.

As mid-year exams are approaching and stack of assignments are rolling in. Lets not forget to spend time with Jesus. He is the EVERLASTING source of strength, peace & wisdom.

Keep each of the uni girlies in your prayers. Lets lift each one of them up and commit their studies to God. Declares God's divine strength, divine peace & supernatural wisdom to overflow in all their lives.

To all the hard studying girls, don't let the devils sneak in on you during this assignment & exam period, BUT remember to KEEP YOUR LORD JESUS CENTRE OF YOUR FOCUS. Make good use of your study time & make time for Jesus, remember to give your spirit a rest too.

Declare the promises of God upon your life. Isaiah 58:6-11

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them (the spirit of the antichrist) ,
because the One who is in YOU is greater than the one who is in the world.
1John 4:4
keep warm & well. May the abundants of God's blessings overflow in your life, that this assignment & exam period be a time for you to shine to all your peers. God is with you & so are my prayers.
with love, jbaby xo


    AMEN Jellybaby! Thanks for the encouraging blog... It is indeed getting busy for us uni students but its as bright as the noonday!! This is our opportunity to SHINE for Jesus by showing that we're not bogged down with studies, not being stressed and being ABOVE our circumstances! Let us continue to encourage one another and be accountable~ xoxo


    hey jellybaby, thanks for sharing ^^ may your week has been great so far despite of the two tests that you have! In Christ, we are indeed more than overcomers!! May you continue to breakout and breakthrough in different areas of your life~

    luv ya