Hi Girls! It's so great to read the recent posts and see how you are recognizing God's hand of deliverance upon your lives. Let us remember to be mindful of the REASON why God has put us here on this big round planet. Let us remember NOT to get bogged down with the details of life but cast our vision forwards to the eternal plans God has destined for us.

During the heavy study period, here's a few tips:
  1. Start the day thanking God that you are created in His image & have His mind over every matter
  2. Declare who God says you are out aloud until you feel faith rising within your spirit
  3. Put worship music on whenever possible & listen to good sermons while commuting
  4. NEVER STOP reaching out & looking for opportunities to help one another - in looking outwards, God will look upon you with favour & extend His grace [empowering presence]
  5. Remember time is a gift. Steward it wisely, don't waste time on facebook & sleep & eat to get energy - not to indulge in the flesh!
  6. Keep yourselves hydrated - physically & spiritually
Love you and am praying for you to be WITNESSES OF HIS MAJESTY wherever you go! The biggest and most impacting assessment of our lives is our daily routine before God.



Amen Jellybaby!!!
Just thinking of blogging and I got to see your blog too! xD

How's everyone going?? Mandy has a presentation in 20 minutes!
And Jellybaby has some tests as well right?and Christy has like 10 tasks/assignment things...who else? xD well!

We declare favour and wisdom for you all in the name of Jesus so you can bring glory to God!
May God's wisdom and strength, concentration and problem-solving skills be upon you, and we claim success and JOY in all things!

Anyhows, i just want to give praise to God for something that happened last week~!
(Everytime i use the word "realised" --> it is Holy Spirit teaching me things ^__^)

Throughout a law degree, there is this work experience thing called "clerkship" where we apply to law firms to get a position. It is quite competitive as each firm only offer 2-5 positions ~
As for us third year students, there is only two firms in adelaide that will take in us, as most firms only take in final/penultimate year students.

Yesss so I applied for one of them because I liked the sound of that firm.
Some time later, I received an email invitation to a "group assessment" interview.

I really have to praise God for making a way for me to get there on time xD. The interview was at 2.30, and I usually finish work at 1.30. This gave me an hour to get home change and get to the law firm @_@
But praise God, my boss for some reason let me off at 1ish haha xD yaayayayay So awesome.

God always makes a way =D

Then my dad was available at home to drive me there..and then we couldn't find the place...finally, i just got out and realised it was in a building =.= Thanks be to God that my dad dropped me off pretty much in front of it even though we didn't know. That is God's hand of guidance!
i was like a minute late...but the other 4 people were still in the waiting area..phew! The lady came in a minute later and asked us to go in.

It was quite a tough interview as I don't know much about business..We had to discuss a business scenario.. ^_^

But yeah, it was a very interesting experience, even though I didn't get into the stage two interview. We get this "rejection email" ahaha.

At first, I was heaps disappointed because I declared and believed that everything would go well with God's favour. So I didn't understand why I didn't get through.

After YAF on friday, we learnt that we couldn't just command God to do things. That really spoke to me! hehe..I truly realised that NOTHING is in our control- and EVERYTHING is in God's control.

We are merely instruments for God to use, and if this is how far God will me on this path, then I thank God for this experience. I got to learn that I may have to learn more about business things, have to learn to be more assertive when giving ideas, learn how to express ideas clearly and how to be comfortable working on a project with strangers! haha lots of things to learn!

I've never really felt disappointment in this sense as in disappointed in myself.. so this was a new thing that I had to get over and realise that so long as I do my best, God will have planned the rest.

ALSO, I have to tell myself off for being disappointed with myself haha..because I realised that GOD created each and EVERY single life.

Being disappointed in myself, would be like disappointed with God's creation? and that is not right!
So yes, I learnt a lot last week and would've shared at yaf, but too long so decided to blooooogggggg it!

ok. Gotta go study now as its 4pm ahhh!! hehehe
Persevere and have JOY in everything you do because every minute you are living and breathing is a present from God.

I thank God that we are put together on this planet, at this time year generation era country, and that we get to share life together in Christ. It's so amazing that out of so many years that life has been on the planet, that we are all living at the same time ...if that makes sense



hi girls.

As mid-year exams are approaching and stack of assignments are rolling in. Lets not forget to spend time with Jesus. He is the EVERLASTING source of strength, peace & wisdom.

Keep each of the uni girlies in your prayers. Lets lift each one of them up and commit their studies to God. Declares God's divine strength, divine peace & supernatural wisdom to overflow in all their lives.

To all the hard studying girls, don't let the devils sneak in on you during this assignment & exam period, BUT remember to KEEP YOUR LORD JESUS CENTRE OF YOUR FOCUS. Make good use of your study time & make time for Jesus, remember to give your spirit a rest too.

Declare the promises of God upon your life. Isaiah 58:6-11

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them (the spirit of the antichrist) ,
because the One who is in YOU is greater than the one who is in the world.
1John 4:4
keep warm & well. May the abundants of God's blessings overflow in your life, that this assignment & exam period be a time for you to shine to all your peers. God is with you & so are my prayers.
with love, jbaby xo

a time for PRAYER

hi girls. guess why this wednesday is special :)
YAY!! its PRAYER MEETING TIME. 6th MAY. 8pm. chapel. 17A Augusta Street, MAYLANDS.
prayer meetings are ALWAYS full of God's anointing and power. a GREAT time to come and rest in His presence with worship and prayer.
lets be GRATEFUL, use this great opportunity to give thanks to God for bring us all into FOUR great months of 2009 with favor & increase (especially thank God for the 15 brothers and sisters who have just gone through the baptism of water)
see you there.
God bless sweeties. love jelly baby xoxo