Reaching out our hands to the nations

Hello to all my beautiful sisters,

what a wonderful night of worship and prayer we had at our April prayer meeting!!! The name of our Lord is highly exalted, lifted up in worship and praise, because He is indeed worthy!!! For all the sisters who couldn't be with us, we missed you and we had you girls in our hearts and in our prayers! We pray that we will grow in love and unity, and that each one of us will draw closer to God and to one another! Pray that the fresh revelations of the words of God will revive your hearts, stir up your spirit, that this Easter you will be transformed and experience the harvest of increase! Amen!

I just want to share with you something that i received tonight. As we were singing in worship, I ask the Lord to open up my eyes, eyes that see what God sees. Immediately, a picture of His people suffering in pain, in poverty, in all sorts of suffering crying out in desperation. The Lord reminded me that He is the God of ALL! He made these people in His image, these people are HIS CREATIONS WHOM HE LOVES! Even though they may be people from different nations, different cultures who may seem to be strangers to us, but they can be OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS as we continue to bring these souls into the kingdom of God.

The next thing that came into my mind is: how can i reach out to these people who are so far away, or are strangers whom we do not know. The Lord reminded me the verse from<> 'Indeed, the LORD's hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear.' His hands and arms are definitely not too short to save; even though we may have physical limitations to what we do (e.g. we may not be able to simply go in person to all these nations), but in the spiritual realm, THERE IS NO LIMIT! The Lord is indeed mighty to save, and we just need to REACH OUT OUR HANDS TO THE NATIONS, through our prayers and fast, as well as our HELPING HANDS! After that, i also had the question in my hand, how much impact can we bring? Then God told me that it is beyond our understanding how BIG the difference we can make by saving one soul, let alone the whole nation! It may be the person that you bring salvation to, he/she will be brining the Gospel to multitudes! God has divine connections linked up for us here on Earth and in heaven, that we, as people of God, can MAKE A DIFFERENCE and ADVANCE THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
So I pray that may we all be guided by the Holy Spirit in journey of life, that we will rise up as mighty armies of God, forcely advancing; being the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, that all shall be saved! May God make us usable for His plans, that we can be the channel of blessings, ministers of God who will bring the Gospel to all men!
Love you all & keep inviting your friends to come to EASTER PRESENTATION! Dont miss the chance!
princess christy