good morning sweet daughters of God. last night my heart was stirred by the Holy Spirit to GO DEEP, real deep into Jeremiah 1:9
Then the Lord reached out His hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "I have put My words in your mouth".
it is so wonderful our Jesus, our Lord, your Savior is the same today, yesterday & FOREVER. if He can encourage jeremiah to step out of his comfort zone and anoint him with BOLDNESS, COMPASSION & WORDS of WISDOM & STRENGTH to go to nations & kingdoms;
the SAME Lord can do it for you.

going through the entire chapter, you will see the reasons

the Almighty One, our Lord & our Savior declares in -
verse 8: ... for I am with YOU & will rescue YOU
verse 9: ... put His words in YOUR mouth
verse 10: ... today He appoints YOU over nations & kingdoms to uproot and tear down... to build and to plant
verse 12: ... for He is watching
verse 18: ... He has made YOU a fortified city... to stand against the whole land

GO OUT THERE, make the effort, make the most of EVERY opportunity, live by faith for you and i are the chosen generation to make a difference.

Whatever you do, work at it with ALL your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, SINCE you know that you will RECEIVE an inheritance FROM the Lord as a reward. Colossians 3:23-24
Jesus has equiped you. He came to give you life and He bought all your shame & pain upon that cross, taking it all from you. He is the light that has overcome all darkness, He has and will enable you to have victory in all things. Keep the Word of God hidden to your heart, load up your spirit weapons daily, stand firm & don't be shaken.

"... God our Savior,
who wants all people to be saved
and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
1 timothy 2:3-4

i pray that you girls will advance God's work with sincere faith, love from a pure heart. Live for eternity & run for Jesus. the heavenly Father is with you and will rescue you. Love each & every one of you girls.

Agape, jelly baby xo


    amen Wongmaster!!!
    Simply being stirred by the Holy Spirit is an awesomeeee thing!
    That means you are in tune :O
    I wanna be too! hehehe so I shall go into the word before sleep too ^___^

    Thanks for the post and amen to working at it with ALL OUR HEART!!!

    Hellooo to all u other girls that read this. Let us work hard together for the advancement of God's kingdom, as indeed, YOU have been chosen. wooo hooo..

    i read somewhere the other day..and it made me realise, that the FACT that we are ALL living at the same TIME and SPACE and COUNTRY and CITY... in the midst of the thousands of years of earth,
    it is amazing. I get to live with YOU ALLLLLL =D
    We have all been chosen to live together and WORK together and to show JESUS to the world NOW.

    I love you all heaps and may you all have a blessed happy week~!



    hi jellybaby *just got home from g12 hehe* thanks for your blog!! it was good~~ amen! i will go out BOLDLY and SPEAK not being afraid because i know its God who speaks through me and gives me words to say!! xD praying for your presentation (for wisdom, concentration, ideas, boldness etc)~~ that He'll give you words to say too to give you a good mark to give Him the glory!!~ love mandy xoxo


    P.S. wah janey you posted your reply as i was typing mine >___<" u too fast at typing!!!! =P


    Amen jellybaby and thank you so much for sharing, for you have built me up with more of the words of God in my life! It is indeed encouraging that you are having a close relationship with the Holy Spirit~ so wonderful =)

    I am definitely IN, in working together to advance the kingdom of God here on earth!

    God's precious promises in His words are for us! So we can take them freely and freely give to others ^^

    I pray that may all the jellysisters 'Be strong and courageous...THe Lord himself goes before us and will be with us; he will never leave us nor forsake us. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.' [Deut 31:6;8]

    Have a beautiful and blessed day at uni tmr! See you at YAF~
