RUN with what has been given to you.

"the highest heavens BELONG to the Lord, but the earth He has GIVEN to MAN" ~ Psalm 115. 16
dear beautiful jelly princesses, is it not amazing that the Creator of all things, the Lord of lords and King of kings, the ONE we call abba has given us earth??
We His children, His PRINCESSES that He takes delight in has been chosen to ESTABLISH God's will on earth as it is in heaven. WE will do mighty in the lands he has already ordain for us to have victory in. As the scripture says that God WILL work in you and act according to HIS good purpose. Our God is GOOD, He is a GREAT God.
TRUST in the Lord, He is your help and shield.
Feel the urgency to LEAVE your comfort zone, GO to your families and friends, and SPEAK to new faces and tell of God's SALVATION He has instored for them.
and RUN with it, RUN with the ideas, RUN ahead of the enemy, RUN to save souls, RUN to restore the broken hearted, RUN to heal the sick, RUN like Jesus,
RUN the race of life - the life our Lord Jesus died for.
We are all from another place, the Kingdom we belong to is not found on earth or in this world.
"the world is a playground made and given to us" - quoting off Jelly mom.
NOTHING here on earth belongs to us, but belongs to our Father, the Creator.
Princesses of God you have nothing to lose and everything you do here will be counted and YOU will recieve your REWARD in Heaven. Therefore, WHATEVER you do, WORK at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
no matter the situation is good or bad, set your MINDS on the things above and not the earthly things, set your HEARTS on things above, where Christ Jesus - your saviour and the lover of your soul is seated, watching and awaiting for your mighty works to be a c c o m p l i s h e d.
i pray that our hearts will be soften and broken and filled with the Lord's compassion. I pray that He will use us mightly and He will give us BOLDNESS to speak salvation to the nations and you WILL bring nations to their kneels. I believe this is a year of change, a year that will set our generation apart from all other generations and WE together will MAKE h i s t o r y.
i am here for you and to help carry your burdens and i am with you all the way to fulfilling the law of Christ. With love always, your sister in Christ - jelly baby x x x


    salute jelly baby wongmaster!
    powerful blog! how awesome to see you blogging again! woo hoo!
    I am at work but using boss's laptop haha!

    amen to RUN LIKE JESUS!
    Have u been reading Driven by eternity? ;)



    far out, preacher girl... that was amazing! I fought back tears [I was reading in the office] and my spirit is so stirred by your words....

    Definitely anointed. Definitely God. Definitely destined for unlimited victories, exploits and amazing greatness.

    I'm so proud of you!
    Love you lots... let's RUN with what has been given to us!!!!!


    wow sarah! what a awesome post!!! =) will def RUN FAST in reaching out to my 3 and in all that I do for Christ!

    we CAN do it!! together let us RUNNNN with what has been given to us~~~

    love u lots!