welcome MIRANDA

yesterday, an exciting event took place!!!
MIRANDA accepted JESUS into her life!!!
*woot woot* *woot woot*
time to celebrate with the angels in heaven over this one precious life!!!!

miranda, welcome to God Himself and also to family of God. now, even though your family is all the way in china, you have stacks of brothers and sisters who love you! know that God has great things installed for you. your life is never going to be the same again.

this is just the beginning girls! many more will come our way! let us avail ourselves that God may use us to be a blessing to all those around us.



    We love you Miranda and are thrilled that you should join our giant family!

    As your sisters in Christ, we look forward to growing in life together with you & giving you a helping hand any time you need!

    Girls, its a great reminder to keep REACHING OUT AND SAVING SOULS - this is our MOST IMPORTANT ASSIGNMENT & the deadline is far weightier than any uni can enforce!

    Love you all, see you on Friday to share life together in Christ.


    wooooo miranda!! so happy u've now entered into our family, with a new life filled with love, where you can experience God's love everyday and go from glory to glory!

    love u heaps!!



    Praise God! So glad that you've made the right choice! We're sisters now~~ Hehe... As you seek God, He will reveal more of Himself to you! Walk with His love and His joy overflowing in your life! xD


    Girls, how good is it to partner together...

    Like apostle Paul says:

    One plants, another waters, but God gives the increase.. now she who plants and she who waters are one, and each one will receiver HER OWN REWARD according to her own labour.


    Be strong... and work!
    For the Lord is with us.