october birthdays

happy birthday
to our
beloved birthday girls,

yantao & janey

[aka bubbles & warrior jane]

You are both so precious to us &
our lives would not be the same without you. You bring to our Church something so special & uplifting that we thank God upon every remembrance of you!

You are like precious gems set in the crown of the King of Majesty,
sparkling for the universe to behold.

May you both be filled with joy unspeakable, full of glory.
For not only are you the apple of the Father's eye -
but you are our sisters, our friends,
our fellow workers in the eternal Kingdom.
Praise God for you!



    thanks sooo much for the love Princesses!! ^.^

    through thick and thin i will run with you all together towards establishing the Kingdom of God!

    He created each one of you on your birthday's -specially chosen to be born, and each one of you to be who YOU, and not someone else.

    I love the gift of life, because it gives us a chance to have the gift of love ^^

    I love it how God gives rain and sunshine to the sinners and the saints; He doesn't hold anything back, and whatever we do cannot change His love for us.

    So thank you again for being beautiful shiny sisters who show this same kind of love!!
    -in preparing all the delicious foods..esp sweet foods ^__^ the cakes and fondue <3 yum yum yum!thank you so much <3

    Makes my day knowing that God's love is seen through all of you :D

    love you all with agape love ..xox