october birthdays

happy birthday
to our
beloved birthday girls,

yantao & janey

[aka bubbles & warrior jane]

You are both so precious to us &
our lives would not be the same without you. You bring to our Church something so special & uplifting that we thank God upon every remembrance of you!

You are like precious gems set in the crown of the King of Majesty,
sparkling for the universe to behold.

May you both be filled with joy unspeakable, full of glory.
For not only are you the apple of the Father's eye -
but you are our sisters, our friends,
our fellow workers in the eternal Kingdom.
Praise God for you!


welcome MIRANDA

yesterday, an exciting event took place!!!
MIRANDA accepted JESUS into her life!!!
*woot woot* *woot woot*
time to celebrate with the angels in heaven over this one precious life!!!!

miranda, welcome to God Himself and also to family of God. now, even though your family is all the way in china, you have stacks of brothers and sisters who love you! know that God has great things installed for you. your life is never going to be the same again.

this is just the beginning girls! many more will come our way! let us avail ourselves that God may use us to be a blessing to all those around us.

why helloooo dear Princesses!

*Wishing a Happy Birthday to our Jelly mom!*

wowies..haven't blogged since BEFORE miracle encounter!!!
=D..its the time of the year where exams, assignments pile up up and away! hehehe..but its also a test of our faith =D we must not let those piles of work block our sight of our Heavenly Father! He is the one who gave us JESUS and is our provider-of strength, wisdom and divine favour to successfully be more than conquerors!!

These assignments, tests are just more opportunities for us to take to GLORIFY GOD!!!

Just like the Miracle Encounter was to bring glory to GOD...and even as all the hype is fading away, God will never fade, and neither is his power of LOVE. it is to stay- whether we feel it or not, whether we use it or not, whether we give it to others or not, God will always give to you.

woo ^^

Here's a quick summary of what we learned in life group today for those who weren't there!

Memory Verse: 1 Peter 4:10
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

we learnt about LOVE! 1 John 4:7-21
What is LOVE?
GOD is love --every action he does stems from Love.
Love is a gift, so it is to be given and received! v 19-- we love because God first loved us ^.^
Love takes initiative.

What is YOUR definition of love?
Well your definition of love is reflected through your expectations.

Special presents, diamonds, money, romance will NOT hold together a relationship (with partners, families, friends etc)

What will hold a relationship together is love that is unconditional.

"Agape"-- is a Christian love, which is unconditional.
There are NO conditions to why we should love. We love because we have GOD, who is love.
And we are able to love supernaturally, that goes against all human nature.

EG: loving your enemies! that is hard to do, but we know we are empowered to do it because God gave us the command, and He wouldn't give us commands without giving us the ability to do it =D

Love is an action word - it is sacrificial- COSTS us our pride, time, efforts, patience...

Love is fearless- we have confidence in the security of the God's love.

Love does not expect anything in return.
Jesus Christ saved us NOT because of anything that we could do FOR him....but purely because God SO loved us.

Matthew 5:43-48 LOVE your enemies ^__^

In summary- get to know God- and you'll get to know true love, which will then flow through you as love should, and you can then love others in the same way that Jesus loved the people =)

I will sign off now...GOODNIGHT Princesses =)

Love from warrior JANNNNEEEE