*Pink Party Pictures*

heheh Thanks jmom for opening up ur house for us ^.^

here some random pictures of all you girls =D

GIRLS..stand STRONG!!! The race is only beginning.... don't give up! If you are tired and weary...Jesus IS our strength, so you CAN be strong. I write longer post another time when my internet is faster...it takes a very very long time to load this page hehehe

My morning person goal is still coming along..ahhaha...so i better sleep now!

Love you all heaps,
jane xox

Thanks for everyone who came and made it such a fun time and a great success!
The food was delicious ... and very PINK!
Hope you all had a great time and thanks again for coming!

Thanks especially for Su who helped with the activities &
Mel who's HOT PINK plates & accessories won the day!

Sorry I don't have everyone in this photo [which is care of Jelly Baby]
So please upload your photos to share!

get into PRAYER

The disciples in the Bible knew the necessity and worth of prayer to their ministry and life. Even though they knew their high commission from God, they did not feel a relief from the necessity of prayer; instead, they committed them to it by a more urgent need. Unhindered, they "give themselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word." Prayer is put first, and their relation to prayer is put most strongly -- "give themselves to it," making a business of it, surrendering themselves to praying, putting fervor, urgency, perseverance, and time in it.

They devoted themselves to the divine work of prayer! "Night and day, praying exceedingly," says Paul. "We will give ourselves continually to prayer" is the consensus of true development of a disciple! They laid themselves out in prayer for God's people! They put God in full force into their Churches by their praying! They did not vainly fancy that they had met their high and solemn duties by delivering faithfully God's word, but their ministry was made to stick and tell by the ardor and insistence of their praying. They sought God mightily day and night to bring their people to the highest regions of faith and holiness. They prayed mightier still to hold them to this high spiritual altitude.

be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

stay in constant communion with God

power of FAITH

Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.
Hebrews 11:1

Think about this for a moment: "To believe in the things that you can see and touch is no belief at all, but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing."(-Abraham Lincoln).

In a life that faith ABOUNDS, doubt is never present. We are in partnership with God; the potential is UNLIMITED. What is true of the great achievers in our history is true for us. Have faith that you too have infinite possibilities to create extraordinary things and change the world.

Whatsoever we CONCEIVE and BELIEVE according to God's word, we can ACHIEVE


Ask yourself: is there anything too hard for the LORD?

Act knowing it is IMPOSSIBLE to fail with God
It shall be done according to YOUR faith