change is here

dear precious children of God,

it is not long until Spiritual Encounter. as i've been praying and fasting for this event, i believe the Holy Spirit has stirred this particular verse in my heart.

"My sacrifies, O God, is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise."
Psalm 51:17 TNIV

to truely surrender everything to our Lord God Almighty, to come before Him as a broken spirit. to receive His strength is not only until you sense your weakness. to genuinely stand before the MAJESTY, the King of kings with a humble and repentant heart.

sisters i urge you to set aside time if you have not yet done so, to simply come before God with a heart of repentance. for if you cherished sin in your heart, the Lord will not listen to you.

this Spiritual Encounter is not to be taken lightly, God will sweep through ALL the hearts and bring forth GREAT TRANSFORMATION and you do not want to miss this move of God!

have a desire for change. hunger for the Word of God.

God can only intervene in the details of YOUR lives if you just give EVERY PART of your life to Him. do not hold back, but allow the spiritual being within you to rise up. there is a time for everything and a season for every activity. the time for a change in your life is here now.

it is not too late to prepare your heart. ASK and you will receive. INVITE the Holy Spirit to prepare your heart for a BREAKTROUGH this weekend, FAST & PRAY to truely subdue the flesh and be led by the Holy Spirit.

i believe this is the time for you to receive a divine touch from God, to establish a divine connection from a face to face encounter with THE LOVER OF YOUR SOUL, and to receive a divine direction from YOUR SAVIOUR.

turn to Him with all your heart, rend your heart before Him and return to the Lord your God. a simple prayer from the heart is a step closer to transformation:

O Lord i chose to surrender my all to You,

i release my studies, my relationship, my pains and hurts,

my everything to You, Lord.

Have Your way in my life.

Holy Spirit search my heart, only You know my heart best.

i chose to receive a transformation right now, O Lord i need a change in my life.

do not lose heart, keep Jesus centre of your focus. have a sincere faith & a pure heart. fast & pray, not feast & play. expect a change from God. He has no limits, so do not set Him any.

with love, jelly baby xo