DID YOU KNOW that during this time of food & festivities -In Afghanistan, children as young as 8 years old are being given away in marriage for the bride price to keep families from starving. According to Starvation.net, someone dies on our planet every other second to AIDs, starvation or waterborne diseases—eighty-five percent are children. 20% of children in Niger, Africa will die before they reach the age of five.

Let us think beyond to our brothers and sisters around the nations and remind ourselves of how shockingly blessed we indeed are!
While many complain about the heat wave that we currently face - think of the comfort we have knowing that at any time, we can buy a cold drink, have a cold shower, put the air-con on, etc. - Then let your imagination take you to the nations.

DID YOU KNOW 40,000 children die every day worldwide to starvation and pestilence. India and Africa combined are burdened with ninety percent of this sad figure. The rest are spread over Latin American countries. Fifteen
million children die every year worldwide.... did you know?

DID YOU KNOW the reason why we were so blessed to be born in our current circumstances is to bless all the families of the earth? [Gen.12:3]
"& inYOU all the families of the earth shall be blessed"

DID YOU KNOW giving to the poor, clothing the naked, giving water to children, loving the orphans are COMMANDS by the Lord Jesus Christ and not just optional extras when we feel extra generous? "...Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?" - Isa.58:7 [NIV] I finish my fast today at lunch time. When I break fast, I am guaranteed good food, refreshing drink and satisfaction. I am mindful that countless multitudes are stricken with involuntary fasting - when will they break their fast? When the world arises, starting with the Church of Christ - to be the blessing that we were so blessed to receive first. [Gen.12:3]

This photo by Kevin Carter won the “Pulitzer Prize” in 1994 and became a symbol of the Sudan famine at the time. The picture depicts stricken girl crawling towards an United Nations camp, located a kilometer away. The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat her. This picture shocked the whole world. No one -including the photographer- knows what happened to the child.

In this year of INCREASE -
be moved to meet the needs of those who LACK.

The next time you're hot & thirsty, remember these words:
"But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life"
- Jesus. [Jn.4:14]

Use that water within you to refresh a soul today.

FOOD for Lunar New Year@ NLCC

Hello to all my beloved jellysisters

Chinese New Year is coming up and that we, as sisters, in the family of NLCC can serve and take part in what's happening in the house of God! For most of the Chinese, New Year celebration is considered as one of the most important events of the year, in which families come together and share the love and joy together, and to hope for prosperity in all areas of life!

For us as children of God, we have the privilege to share our life in Jesus Christ, our beautiful saviour, and that our Heavenly Father, who is a faithful and promise-keeping God, has planned for us FAVOUR, INCREASE, BLESSINGS, SALVATION and many more!

Let us continue to offer our bodies to God, so that we can be used as vessels to be blessings to others. Use every opportunity to invite your family, your friends to come along; and also to continue to pray for increase in connections with people and increase in the depth of the relationships with our friends!

food arrangement for Lunar New Year Dinner

1. Josephine& Christy (& Ivy) --> spring rolls

2. agar agar (jelly)let me know if anyone wants to be in charge of this???

Suggestions for other dishes:

1. red bean cake in coconut milk (served cold; easy recipe)
[preparation time will be around 30mins, let me know if anyone is interested and i will pass on the recipe]

2. fruits - water melon balls (very easy but fun to scoop out the water melon and present it nicely~)[if anyone is intersted...i can lend you my 'water melon baller']

3. glutinous rice ball with mango (served cold; a bit challenging)[the stuffing inside doesn't have to be mango...but lol i am a mango fan~ anyway, i have made it recently and it seems to be quite nice, but preparation time may be quite long; if anyone is interested, do let me know, i have the recipe!]

4. mango pudding (served cold; very easy recipe)[learnt from my collague recently, an extremely easy recipe which took me 15mins of preparation , but very yummy! so email me or talk to me so that i will briefly explain to you what you need to do]

acutally, i would love to suggest white raddish cake too....one of my favourites back home...but it's a challenging recipe!

Anyway, speak to me, email me if you have any enquiries! Thank you girls~ and hope to hear from you all soon!

Keep in mind:

A generous man will prosper;
he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

My prayer for all the jsisters including myself :
May you all be strengthened as we continue to give as cheerful givers; as we refresh others with our love, our care, our support, our time; that we will not grow weary. Allow God to be your resting and dwelling place! Continue to believe in God and His words which say that 'streams of living water will flow from within him'. Amen!

P.S. God has been so wonderful to us, in saving us from darkness into light; transforming our lives, changing us from inside out. I just want to suggest that we can edify one another by sharing our testimonies, and one great way is to type up the testimony and place in on the nlcc website, so that, not only we can glorify God's name among those who are in nlcc, but also open to all who visit the nlcc website ^^

Love you all,
Princess Christy

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.




May all you beautiful girls see:
INCREASE in love and all the fruit of the Spirit [Gal.5:22,23]
INCREASE in opportunities to shine the Light of Christ! [Mt.5:16]
INCREASE in joy by enjoying your time spent with God [Ps.1611]
INCREASE in wisdom & understanding that helps you in all things [Pro.4:7]
INCREASE in prosperity & health - this is God's will for you! [3 Jn.2]

Set your goal that our groups will MULTIPLY because of all the new souls that we will win!

Lev.26:9 is our verse for 2009.
Pray over it and see how it can come to pass in your life:
For I will look on you favourably & make you fruitful,
multiply you and confirm My covenant with you

The favour of God is priceless. Seek it by seeking HIM. Change your daily habits, set out a good plan of action to reach your goals for 2009. Be practical, be spiritual!

Love to you all, sweeties!